FHUScaffoldMessengerExtension extension



clearMaterialBanners → void
Removes all the MaterialBanners currently in queue by clearing the queue and running normal exit animation on the current MaterialBanner.
no setter
clearSnackBars → void
Removes all the snackBars currently in queue by clearing the queue and running normal exit animation on the current snackBar.
no setter
hideCurrentMaterialBanner → void
Removes the current MaterialBanner by running its normal exit animation.
no setter
hideCurrentSnackBar → void
Removes the current SnackBar by running its normal exit animation.
no setter
removeCurrentMaterialBanner → void
Removes the current MaterialBanner (if any) immediately from registered Scaffolds.
no setter
removeCurrentSnackBar → void
Removes the current SnackBar (if any) immediately from registered Scaffolds.
no setter
scaffoldMessenger ScaffoldMessengerState
The state from the closest instance of this class that encloses the given context.
no setter


showMaterialBanner(MaterialBanner materialBanner) ScaffoldFeatureController<MaterialBanner, MaterialBannerClosedReason>
Shows a MaterialBanner across all registered Scaffolds. Scaffolds register to receive material banners from their closest ScaffoldMessenger ancestor. If there are several registered scaffolds the material banner is shown simultaneously on all of them.
showSnackBar(SnackBar snackBar) ScaffoldFeatureController<SnackBar, SnackBarClosedReason>
Shows a SnackBar across all registered Scaffolds. Scaffolds register to receive snack bars from their closest ScaffoldMessenger ancestor. If there are several registered scaffolds the snack bar is shown simultaneously on all of them.