FHUNumExtensions extension



asDays Duration
no setter
asHours Duration
no setter
asMilliseconds Duration
Easy way to make Durations from numbers.
no setter
asMinutes Duration
no setter
asSeconds Duration
no setter
daysDelay Future<void>
no setter
fourth double
Returns fourth of the number
no setter
getRandom int
no setter
half double
Returns half of the number
no setter
hoursDelay Future<void>
no setter
isNegative bool
Returns if the number is negative
no setter
isPositive bool
Returns if the number is positive
no setter
isValidPhoneNumber bool
no setter
isZero bool
Returns if the number is zer0
no setter
millisecondsDelay Future<void>
no setter
minDelay Future<void>
no setter
numberOfDigits int
Returns number of digits in this number
no setter
removeTrailingZero String
no setter
roundToFiftyOrHundred double
no setter
roundToTenth double
no setter
secDelay Future<void>
no setter
tenth double
Returns tenth of the number
no setter
third double
Returns third of the number
no setter


asGreeks([int zerosFractionDigits = 0, int fractionDigits = 1]) String
Converts a number to a format that includes Greek symbols for thousands, millions, and beyond.
delay([FutureOr callback()?]) Future<void>
Utility to delay some callback (or code execution).
until(int end, {int step = 1}) Iterable<num>
Returns a sequence of integer, starting from this, increments by step and ends at end