DHUNullSafeStringExtensions extension



asBool bool
Converts the string into a boolean. Returns true if the string is any of these values: "true", "yes", "1", or if the string is a number and greater than 0, false if less than 1. This is also case insensitive.
no setter
clean String?
Removes all whitespace characters and collapses the string into a single line.
no setter
containsDigits bool
Checks if the string contains any digits. Example: "f1rstDate" => true, "firstDate" => false
no setter
hasCapitalLetter bool
Checks if the string contains at least one capital letter.
no setter
hasNoSpecialChars bool
Checks if the string does NOT contain any characters that are not letters, numbers, or spaces (i.e., special characters).
no setter
hasSpecialChars bool
Checks if the string contains any characters that are not letters, numbers, or spaces (i.e., special characters).
no setter
isAlphabet bool
Checks if the string consists only of letters (no whitespace).
no setter
isAlphanumeric bool
Checks if the string contains only letters and numbers.
no setter
isBlank bool
Returns true if the string is null, empty, or solely made of whitespace characters. Alias for isEmptyOrNull.
no setter
isBool bool
Checks if the string represents a boolean value.
no setter
isEmptyOrNull bool
Returns true if the string is null, empty, or, after cleaning (collapsing into a single line, removing all whitespaces), is empty.
no setter
isNotBlank bool
Returns true if the string is neither null, empty, nor solely made of whitespace characters. Alias for isNotEmptyOrNull.
no setter
isNotEmptyOrNull bool
Returns true if the string is not null, not empty, and, after cleaning (removing all whitespaces and collapsing into a single line), is not empty.
no setter
isNullOrWhiteSpace bool
Indicates whether the string is null, empty, or consists only of whitespace characters.
no setter
isNumeric bool
Checks if the string consists only of numbers (no whitespace).
no setter
isPalindrome bool
Checks if the string is a palindrome.
no setter
isValidCurrency bool
Checks if the string is a valid currency format.
no setter
isValidEmail bool
Checks if the string is a valid email address.
no setter
isValidHTML bool
Checks if the string is an HTML file or URL.
no setter
isValidIp4 bool
Checks if the string is a valid IPv4 address.
no setter
isValidIp6 bool
Checks if the string is a valid IPv6 address.
no setter
isValidPhoneNumber bool
Checks if the string is a valid phone number.
no setter
isValidUrl bool
Checks if the string is a valid URL.
no setter
isValidUsername bool
Checks if the string is a valid username.
no setter
lastIndex String
Returns the last character of the string.
no setter
orEmpty String
Returns the string if it is not null, or the empty string otherwise.
no setter
removeWhiteSpaces String?
Removes all whitespace characters (spaces) from the string.
no setter
startsWithNumber bool
Checks if the string starts with a number (digit).
no setter
toDouble double
Parses the string as a double or returns null if it is not a number.
no setter
toInt int
Parses the string as an int or returns null if it is not a number.
no setter
toNum num
Parses the string as a num or returns null if it is not a number.
no setter
toOneLine String?
Converts the string into a single line by replacing newline characters.
no setter
tryToDouble double?
Parses the string as a double or returns null if it is not a number.
no setter
tryToInt int?
Parses the string as an int or returns null if it is not a number.
no setter
tryToNum num?
Parses the string as a num or returns null if it is not a number.
no setter


anyChar(bool predicate(String element)) bool
Returns true if at least one character matches the given predicate. The predicate should have only one character.
decode({Object? reviver(Object? key, Object? value)?}) → dynamic
Decodes the JSON string into a dynamic data structure. Returns the decoded dynamic data structure if the string is non-empty and valid JSON. Returns null if the string is null or empty, or if the string is not a valid JSON format.
equalsIgnoreCase(String? other) bool
Compares the current string with another string for equality, ignoring case differences.
hasMatch(String pattern, {bool caseSensitive = true}) bool
ifEmpty<T>(Future<T> action()) Future<T>?
If the string is empty, performs an action.
insert(int index, String str) String
Returns a new string in which a specified string is inserted at a specified index position in this instance.
limitFromEnd(int maxSize) String?
Shrinks the string to be no more than maxSize in length, extending from the end. Example: In a string with 10 characters, a maxSize of 3 would return the last 3 characters.
limitFromStart(int maxSize) String?
Shrinks the string to be no more than maxSize in length, extending from the start. Example: In a string with 10 characters, a maxSize of 3 would return the first 3 characters.
removeSurrounding(String delimiter) String?
Returns the string only if the delimiter exists at both ends, otherwise returns the current string.
replaceAfter(String delimiter, String replacement, [String? defaultValue]) String?
Replaces part of the string after the first occurrence of the given delimiter with the replacement string. If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns defaultValue which defaults to the original string.
replaceBefore(String delimiter, String replacement, [String? defaultValue]) String?
Replaces part of the string before the first occurrence of the given delimiter with the replacement string. If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns defaultValue which defaults to the original string.
toCharArray() List<String>
Returns a list of characters from the string.
wrapString({int wordCount = 1, bool wrapEach = false, String delimiter = '\n'}) String
Wraps the string based on the specified word count, wrap behavior, and delimiter. Example: "This is a test".wrapString(wrapCount: 2, wrapEach: false) => "This is\na test"