DHUNullableListExtensions<E> extension



indexOfOrNull(E? element) int?
same behavior as indexOf but it is null safe which means it do nothing when List return isEmptyOrNull to true.
indexWhereOrNull(Predicate<E> test, [int start = 0]) int?
same behavior as indexWhere but it is null safe which means it do nothing when List return isEmptyOrNull to true.
of(int index) → E?
similar to listindex but it is null safe.
tryRemoveAt(int index) → void
same behavior as removeAt but it is null safe which means it do nothing when List return isEmptyOrNull to true.
tryRemoveWhere(int element) → void
same behavior as removeWhere but it is null safe which means it do nothing when List return isEmptyOrNull to true.