extensions_kit library


Create Avatar of all types i,e, square, circle, standard with different sizes.
A widget that takes a fixed amount of space in the direction of its parent.
ImageSize is used to change the size of the widget.
A widget that takes, at most, an amount of space in a Row, Column, or Flex widget.
A widget which is not in the layout and does nothing. It is useful when you have to return a widget and can't return null.


AvatarImageShape is used to shape the AvatarImage widget.


A mixin with additional functionality.


ContainerExtensions on Container
Extensions to access and apply Container properties.
ContextExtensions on BuildContext
Extensions for adding additional functionality to the BuildContext.
DateExtension on DateTime
Extensions for adding additional functionality to the DateTime.
DevTools on Object
DevTools extensions
DurationExt on num
Provides conversions from num to Duration
FontColor on TextStyle
Adds a Color to the textStyle.
FontSizes on TextStyle
Converts a textStyle to the desired font size Example usage: context.textStyles.bodyLarge.size10
FontStyles on TextStyle
Converts a textStyle to the desired font style.
FontWeights on TextStyle
Converts a textStyle to the desired font weight.
FutureDuration on Duration
Convert a Duration into a Future.
Extensions for navigation on the BuildContext.
NumberExtensions on num
Extensions for adding additional functionality to the num.
PaddingExtension on Widget
Extension for adding Padding to a Widget.
SeparatedIterable on Iterable<Widget>
Allows to insert a separator between the items of the iterable.
StringExtension on String
Extensions for adding additional functionality to the String.
StyledText on T
Extensions for accessing functionality of the Text widget.
TextStyles on BuildContext
Helper extension that allows to use a text style like: context.textStyles.bodyLarge
WidgetExtensions on Widget
Extensions for accessing functionality of the Widget.


nil → const Nil
A Nil instance, you can use in your layouts.


padOnly({double l = 0, double r = 0, double t = 0, double b = 0}) EdgeInsets
Creates EdgeInsets with only the given values for left, right, top, and bottom offsets.
setHashUrlStrategy() → void
Sets the URL strategy of your web app to using a leading has (#) instead of paths.
setPathUrlStrategy() → void
Sets the URL strategy of your web app to using paths instead of a leading hash (#).