padOnly function

EdgeInsets padOnly({
  1. double l = 0,
  2. double r = 0,
  3. double t = 0,
  4. double b = 0,

Creates EdgeInsets with only the given values for left, right, top, and bottom offsets.


int leftValue = 2;
int rightValue = 4;
int topValue = 6;
int bottomValue = 8;
EdgeInsets customPadding = padOnly(l: leftValue, r: rightValue, t: topValue, b: bottomValue);

The padOnly method returns EdgeInsets with specified offsets based on the provided parameters. It is useful for creating custom padding with different values for each side.


EdgeInsets padOnly({
  double l = 0,
  double r = 0,
  double t = 0,
  double b = 0,
}) =>
    EdgeInsets.only(left: l, bottom: b, top: t, right: r);