WidgetExtensions extension

Extensions for accessing functionality of the Widget.



bottomAlign Widget
Aligns the Widget to BOTTOM
no setter
bottomLeftAlign Widget
Aligns the Widget to Bottom LEFT
no setter
bottomRightAlign Widget
Aligns the Widget to Bottom RIGHT
no setter
center Widget
Centers the Widget
no setter
flexible Widget
Wraps this widget with a Flexible widget
no setter
leftAlign Widget
Aligns the Widget to Center LEFT
no setter
rightAlign Widget
Aligns the Widget to Center RIGHT
no setter
topAlign Widget
Aligns the Widget to TOP Center
no setter
topLeftAlign Widget
Aligns the Widget to Top LEFT
no setter
topRightAlign Widget
Aligns the Widget to Top RIGHT
no setter


applyShimmer({bool enable = true, Color? baseColor, Color? highlightColor}) Widget
Wraps this widget with a Shimmer with customizable Base Color and HightLight Color
expanded({int flex = 1}) Expanded
Wraps this widget with an Expanded widget
heightBox(double height) Widget
Wraps this widget with a SizedBox with custom HEIGHT
onDoubleTap(dynamic function()) Widget
Wraps this widget with a GestureDetector widget and accepts a function
onLongPress(dynamic function()) Widget
Wraps this widget with a GestureDetector widget and accepts a function
onTap(dynamic function()) Widget
Wraps this widget with a GestureDetector widget and accepts a function
positionBottom({Key? key, required double bottom, double? width, double? height}) Positioned
Wraps this widget with a Positioned widget
positionLR({Key? key, required double left, required double right, double? width, double? height}) Positioned
Wraps this widget with a Positioned widget
positionLRTB({Key? key, required double top, required double bottom, required double left, required double right, double? width, double? height}) Positioned
Wraps this widget with a Positioned widget
positionTB({Key? key, required double top, required double bottom, double? width, double? height}) Positioned
Wraps this widget with a Positioned widget
positionTop({Key? key, required double top, double? width, double? height}) Positioned
Wraps this widget with a Positioned widget
sizedBox(double width, double height) Widget
Wraps this widget with a SizedBox with custom WIDTH and HEIGHT
tooltip(String message, {Decoration? decoration, double? height, bool? preferBelow, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, TextStyle? textStyle, Duration? waitDuration, Duration? showDuration, Duration? exitDuration, bool enableTapToDismiss = true, TooltipTriggerMode? triggerMode, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin}) Widget
Shows a basic Tooltip with a message
unFocus(BuildContext context) GestureDetector
Will Unfocus any focused textfield
widthBox(double width) Widget
Wraps this widget with a SizedBox with custom WIDTH
withOpacity({required double opacity}) Opacity
Wraps this widget with an Opacity widget