NumberExtensions extension

Extensions for adding additional functionality to the num.



abbreviated String
Returns a string representation of the number abbreviated to a compact form.
no setter
heightBox SizedBox
Returns an empty space with a specified height.
no setter
ordinal String
Converts an int into its English ordinal representation.
no setter
widthBox SizedBox
Returns an empty space with a specified width.
no setter


between(num min, num max) bool
Returns true if the current value is between the given min (inclusive) and max (exclusive).
circular() BorderRadiusGeometry
Creates BorderRadiusGeometry with a circular radius set to the current integer value.
loremIpsum() String
Generates Lorem Ipsum text with the specified number of words.
outside(num min, num max) bool
Returns true if the current value is outside the given range of min (exclusive) and max (exclusive).
padAll() EdgeInsets
Creates EdgeInsets where all the offsets are set to the current integer value.
padBottom() EdgeInsets
Creates EdgeInsets with only the bottom value.
padHrz() EdgeInsets
Creates EdgeInsets with symmetric horizontal offsets.
padLeft() EdgeInsets
Creates EdgeInsets with only the left value.
padRight() EdgeInsets
Creates EdgeInsets with only the right value.
padTop() EdgeInsets
Creates EdgeInsets with only the top value.
padVert() EdgeInsets
Creates EdgeInsets with symmetric vertical offsets.