highgui library


createTrackbar(String trackbarName, String winName, int maxval, {Dartcv_TrackbarCallbackFunction? onChange}) → void
currentUIFramework() String
destroyAllWindows() → void
destroy all windows.
destroyWindow(String winName) → void
getMouseWheelDelta(int flags) int
getTrackbarPos(String trackbarName, String winName) int
getWindowImageRect(String winName) Rect
getWindowProperty(String winName, WindowPropertyFlags flag) double
getWindowProperty returns properties of a window.
imshow(String winName, Mat img) → void
displays an image Mat in the specified window. This function should be followed by the WaitKey function which displays the image for specified milliseconds. Otherwise, it won't display the image.
isWindowOpen(String winName) bool
moveWindow(String winName, int x, int y) → void
MoveWindow moves window to the specified position.
namedWindow(String winName, [int flags = 0]) → void
creates a new named OpenCV window
pollKey() int
resizeWindow(String winName, int width, int height) → void
ResizeWindow resizes window to the specified size.
selectROI(String winName, Mat img, {bool showCrosshair = true, bool fromCenter = false, bool printNotice = true}) Rect
SelectROI selects a Region Of Interest (ROI) on the given image. It creates a window and allows user to select a ROI cvRunArena mouse.
selectROIs(String winName, Mat img, {bool showCrosshair = true, bool fromCenter = false, bool printNotice = true}) VecRect
SelectROIs selects multiple Regions Of Interest (ROI) on the given image. It creates a window and allows user to select ROIs cvRunArena mouse.
setTrackbarMax(String trackbarName, String winName, int maxval) → void
setTrackbarMin(String trackbarName, String winName, int minval) → void
setTrackbarPos(String trackbarName, String winName, int pos) → void
setWindowProperty(String winName, WindowPropertyFlags flag, double value) → void
setWindowProperty changes parameters of a window dynamically.
setWindowTitle(String winName, String title) → void
SetWindowTitle updates window title.
waitKey(int delay) int
waits for a pressed key. This function is the only method in OpenCV's HighGUI that can fetch and handle events, so it needs to be called periodically for normal event processing
waitKeyEx(int delay) int