dialects/matrixpilot library


Set the vehicle attitude and body angular rates.
The raw values of the actuator outputs (e.g. on Pixhawk, from MAIN, AUX ports). This message supersedes SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW.
The location and information of an ADSB vehicle
The airspeed measured by sensors and IMU
The location and information of an AIS vessel
The current system altitude.
The altitude measured by sensors and IMU
The attitude in the aeronautical frame (right-handed, Z-down, Y-right, X-front, ZYX, intrinsic).
The attitude in the aeronautical frame (right-handed, Z-down, X-front, Y-right), expressed as quaternion. Quaternion order is w, x, y, z and a zero rotation would be expressed as (1 0 0 0).
The attitude in the aeronautical frame (right-handed, Z-down, X-front, Y-right), expressed as quaternion. Quaternion order is w, x, y, z and a zero rotation would be expressed as (1 0 0 0).
Reports the current commanded attitude of the vehicle as specified by the autopilot. This should match the commands sent in a SET_ATTITUDE_TARGET message if the vehicle is being controlled this way.
Motion capture attitude and position
Emit an encrypted signature / key identifying this system. PLEASE NOTE: This protocol has been kept simple, so transmitting the key requires an encrypted channel for true safety.
Low level message containing autopilot state relevant for a gimbal device. This message is to be sent from the autopilot to the gimbal device component. The data of this message are for the gimbal device's estimator corrections, in particular horizon compensation, as well as indicates autopilot control intentions, e.g. feed forward angular control in the z-axis.
Version and capability of autopilot software. This should be emitted in response to a request with MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE.
Battery information that is static, or requires infrequent update. This message should requested using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE and/or streamed at very low rate. BATTERY_STATUS_V2 is used for higher-rate battery status information.
Battery information. Updates GCS with flight controller battery status. Smart batteries also use this message, but may additionally send BATTERY_INFO.
Report button state change.
Information about the status of a capture. Can be requested with a MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE command.
Information about the field of view of a camera. Can be requested with a MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE command.
Information about a captured image. This is emitted every time a message is captured. MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE can be used to (re)request this message for a specific sequence number or range of sequence numbers: MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE.param2 indicates the sequence number the first image to send, or set to -1 to send the message for all sequence numbers. MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE.param3 is used to specify a range of messages to send: set to 0 (default) to send just the the message for the sequence number in param 2, set to -1 to send the message for the sequence number in param 2 and all the following sequence numbers, set to the sequence number of the final message in the range.
Information about a camera. Can be requested with a MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE command.
Settings of a camera. Can be requested with a MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE command.
Camera tracking status, sent while in active tracking. Use MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL to define message interval.
Camera tracking status, sent while in active tracking. Use MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL to define message interval.
Camera-IMU triggering and synchronisation message.
A forwarded CANFD frame as requested by MAV_CMD_CAN_FORWARD. These are separated from CAN_FRAME as they need different handling (eg. TAO handling)
Modify the filter of what CAN messages to forward over the mavlink. This can be used to make CAN forwarding work well on low bandwidth links. The filtering is applied on bits 8 to 24 of the CAN id (2nd and 3rd bytes) which corresponds to the DroneCAN message ID for DroneCAN. Filters with more than 16 IDs can be constructed by sending multiple CAN_FILTER_MODIFY messages.
A forwarded CAN frame as requested by MAV_CMD_CAN_FORWARD.
Configure cellular modems. This message is re-emitted as an acknowledgement by the modem. The message may also be explicitly requested using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE.
Report current used cellular network status
Request to control this MAV
Accept / deny control of this MAV
Information about a potential collision
Report status of a command. Includes feedback whether the command was executed. The command microservice is documented at https://mavlink.io/en/services/command.html
Cancel a long running command. The target system should respond with a COMMAND_ACK to the original command with result=MAV_RESULT_CANCELLED if the long running process was cancelled. If it has already completed, the cancel action can be ignored. The cancel action can be retried until some sort of acknowledgement to the original command has been received. The command microservice is documented at https://mavlink.io/en/services/command.html
Send a command with up to seven parameters to the MAV, where params 5 and 6 are integers and the other values are floats. This is preferred over COMMAND_LONG as it allows the MAV_FRAME to be specified for interpreting positional information, such as altitude. COMMAND_INT is also preferred when sending latitude and longitude data in params 5 and 6, as it allows for greater precision. Param 5 and 6 encode positional data as scaled integers, where the scaling depends on the actual command value. NaN or INT32_MAX may be used in float/integer params (respectively) to indicate optional/default values (e.g. to use the component's current latitude, yaw rather than a specific value). The command microservice is documented at https://mavlink.io/en/services/command.html
Send a command with up to seven parameters to the MAV. COMMAND_INT is generally preferred when sending MAV_CMD commands that include positional information; it offers higher precision and allows the MAV_FRAME to be specified (which may otherwise be ambiguous, particularly for altitude). The command microservice is documented at https://mavlink.io/en/services/command.html
Component information message, which may be requested using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE.
Component metadata message, which may be requested using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE.
The smoothed, monotonic system state used to feed the control loops of the system.
Regular broadcast for the current latest event sequence number for a component. This is used to check for dropped events.
Data stream status information.
Handshake message to initiate, control and stop image streaming when using the Image Transmission Protocol: https://mavlink.io/en/services/image_transmission.html.
Send a debug value. The index is used to discriminate between values. These values show up in the plot of QGroundControl as DEBUG N.
Large debug/prototyping array. The message uses the maximum available payload for data. The array_id and name fields are used to discriminate between messages in code and in user interfaces (respectively). Do not use in production code.
To debug something using a named 3D vector.
Distance sensor information for an onboard rangefinder.
EFI status output
Data packet for images sent using the Image Transmission Protocol: https://mavlink.io/en/services/image_transmission.html.
ESC information for lower rate streaming. Recommended streaming rate 1Hz. See ESC_STATUS for higher-rate ESC data.
ESC information for higher rate streaming. Recommended streaming rate is ~10 Hz. Information that changes more slowly is sent in ESC_INFO. It should typically only be streamed on high-bandwidth links (i.e. to a companion computer).
Estimator status message including flags, innovation test ratios and estimated accuracies. The flags message is an integer bitmask containing information on which EKF outputs are valid. See the ESTIMATOR_STATUS_FLAGS enum definition for further information. The innovation test ratios show the magnitude of the sensor innovation divided by the innovation check threshold. Under normal operation the innovation test ratios should be below 0.5 with occasional values up to 1.0. Values greater than 1.0 should be rare under normal operation and indicate that a measurement has been rejected by the filter. The user should be notified if an innovation test ratio greater than 1.0 is recorded. Notifications for values in the range between 0.5 and 1.0 should be optional and controllable by the user.
Event message. Each new event from a particular component gets a new sequence number. The same message might be sent multiple times if (re-)requested. Most events are broadcast, some can be specific to a target component (as receivers keep track of the sequence for missed events, all events need to be broadcast. Thus we use destination_component instead of target_component).
Provides state for additional features
Status of geo-fencing. Sent in extended status stream when fencing enabled.
File transfer protocol message: https://mavlink.io/en/services/ftp.html.
Flexifunction type and parameters for component at function index from buffer
Flexifunction type and parameters for component at function index from buffer
Acknowldge success or failure of a flexifunction command
Acknowldge success or failure of a flexifunction command
Acknowldge success or failure of a flexifunction command
Acknowldge success or failure of a flexifunction command
Request reading of flexifunction data
Depreciated but used as a compiler flag. Do not remove
Flight information. This includes time since boot for arm, takeoff, and land, and a flight number. Takeoff and landing values reset to zero on arm. This can be requested using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE. Note, some fields are misnamed - timestamps are from boot (not UTC) and the flight_uuid is a sequence number.
Current motion information from a designated system
Telemetry of power generation system. Alternator or mechanical generator.
Message reporting the status of a gimbal device. This message should be broadcast by a gimbal device component at a low regular rate (e.g. 5 Hz). For the angles encoded in the quaternion and the angular velocities holds: If the flag GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS_YAW_IN_VEHICLE_FRAME is set, then they are relative to the vehicle heading (vehicle frame). If the flag GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS_YAW_IN_EARTH_FRAME is set, then they are relative to absolute North (earth frame). If neither of these flags are set, then (for backwards compatibility) it holds: If the flag GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS_YAW_LOCK is set, then they are relative to absolute North (earth frame), else they are relative to the vehicle heading (vehicle frame). Other conditions of the flags are not allowed. The quaternion and angular velocities in the other frame can be calculated from delta_yaw and delta_yaw_velocity as q_earth = q_delta_yaw * q_vehicle and w_earth = w_delta_yaw_velocity + w_vehicle (if not NaN). If neither the GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS_YAW_IN_VEHICLE_FRAME nor the GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS_YAW_IN_EARTH_FRAME flag is set, then (for backwards compatibility) the data in the delta_yaw and delta_yaw_velocity fields are to be ignored. New implementations should always set either GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS_YAW_IN_VEHICLE_FRAME or GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS_YAW_IN_EARTH_FRAME, and always should set delta_yaw and delta_yaw_velocity either to the proper value or NaN.
Information about a low level gimbal. This message should be requested by the gimbal manager or a ground station using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE. The maximum angles and rates are the limits by hardware. However, the limits by software used are likely different/smaller and dependent on mode/settings/etc..
Low level message to control a gimbal device's attitude. This message is to be sent from the gimbal manager to the gimbal device component. The quaternion and angular velocities can be set to NaN according to use case. For the angles encoded in the quaternion and the angular velocities holds: If the flag GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS_YAW_IN_VEHICLE_FRAME is set, then they are relative to the vehicle heading (vehicle frame). If the flag GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS_YAW_IN_EARTH_FRAME is set, then they are relative to absolute North (earth frame). If neither of these flags are set, then (for backwards compatibility) it holds: If the flag GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS_YAW_LOCK is set, then they are relative to absolute North (earth frame), else they are relative to the vehicle heading (vehicle frame). Setting both GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS_YAW_IN_VEHICLE_FRAME and GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS_YAW_IN_EARTH_FRAME is not allowed. These rules are to ensure backwards compatibility. New implementations should always set either GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS_YAW_IN_VEHICLE_FRAME or GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS_YAW_IN_EARTH_FRAME.
Information about a high level gimbal manager. This message should be requested by a ground station using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE.
High level message to control a gimbal's attitude. This message is to be sent to the gimbal manager (e.g. from a ground station). Angles and rates can be set to NaN according to use case.
High level message to control a gimbal manually. The angles or angular rates are unitless; the actual rates will depend on internal gimbal manager settings/configuration (e.g. set by parameters). This message is to be sent to the gimbal manager (e.g. from a ground station). Angles and rates can be set to NaN according to use case.
Set gimbal manager pitch and yaw angles (high rate message). This message is to be sent to the gimbal manager (e.g. from a ground station) and will be ignored by gimbal devices. Angles and rates can be set to NaN according to use case. Use MAV_CMD_DO_GIMBAL_MANAGER_PITCHYAW for low-rate adjustments that require confirmation.
Current status about a high level gimbal manager. This message should be broadcast at a low regular rate (e.g. 5Hz).
The filtered global position (e.g. fused GPS and accelerometers). The position is in GPS-frame (right-handed, Z-up). It is designed as scaled integer message since the resolution of float is not sufficient.
The filtered global position (e.g. fused GPS and accelerometers). The position is in GPS-frame (right-handed, Z-up). It is designed as scaled integer message since the resolution of float is not sufficient. NOTE: This message is intended for onboard networks / companion computers and higher-bandwidth links and optimized for accuracy and completeness. Please use the GLOBAL_POSITION_INT message for a minimal subset.
Global position/attitude estimate from a vision source.
Second GPS data.
RTK GPS data. Gives information on the relative baseline calculation the GPS is reporting
Publishes the GPS coordinates of the vehicle local origin (0,0,0) position. Emitted whenever a new GPS-Local position mapping is requested or set - e.g. following SET_GPS_GLOBAL_ORIGIN message.
Data for injecting into the onboard GPS (used for DGPS)
GPS sensor input message. This is a raw sensor value sent by the GPS. This is NOT the global position estimate of the system.
The global position, as returned by the Global Positioning System (GPS). This is NOT the global position estimate of the system, but rather a RAW sensor value. See message GLOBAL_POSITION_INT for the global position estimate.
RTCM message for injecting into the onboard GPS (used for DGPS)
RTK GPS data. Gives information on the relative baseline calculation the GPS is reporting
The positioning status, as reported by GPS. This message is intended to display status information about each satellite visible to the receiver. See message GLOBAL_POSITION_INT for the global position estimate. This message can contain information for up to 20 satellites.
The heartbeat message shows that a system or component is present and responding. The type and autopilot fields (along with the message component id), allow the receiving system to treat further messages from this system appropriately (e.g. by laying out the user interface based on the autopilot). This microservice is documented at https://mavlink.io/en/services/heartbeat.html
Message appropriate for high latency connections like Iridium
Message appropriate for high latency connections like Iridium (version 2)
The IMU readings in SI units in NED body frame
Sent from autopilot to simulation. Hardware in the loop control outputs (replacement for HIL_CONTROLS)
Sent from autopilot to simulation. Hardware in the loop control outputs
The global position, as returned by the Global Positioning System (GPS). This is NOT the global position estimate of the system, but rather a RAW sensor value. See message GLOBAL_POSITION_INT for the global position estimate.
Simulated optical flow from a flow sensor (e.g. PX4FLOW or optical mouse sensor)
Sent from simulation to autopilot. The RAW values of the RC channels received. The standard PPM modulation is as follows: 1000 microseconds: 0%, 2000 microseconds: 100%. Individual receivers/transmitters might violate this specification.
The IMU readings in SI units in NED body frame
Sent from simulation to autopilot. This packet is useful for high throughput applications such as hardware in the loop simulations.
Sent from simulation to autopilot, avoids in contrast to HIL_STATE singularities. This packet is useful for high throughput applications such as hardware in the loop simulations.
Contains the home position. The home position is the default position that the system will return to and land on. The position must be set automatically by the system during the takeoff, and may also be explicitly set using MAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME. The global and local positions encode the position in the respective coordinate frames, while the q parameter encodes the orientation of the surface. Under normal conditions it describes the heading and terrain slope, which can be used by the aircraft to adjust the approach. The approach 3D vector describes the point to which the system should fly in normal flight mode and then perform a landing sequence along the vector. Note: this message can be requested by sending the MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE with param1=242 (or the deprecated MAV_CMD_GET_HOME_POSITION command).
Temperature and humidity from hygrometer.
Status of the Iridium SBD link.
The location of a landing target. See: https://mavlink.io/en/services/landing_target.html
Status generated in each node in the communication chain and injected into MAVLink stream.
The filtered local position (e.g. fused computer vision and accelerometers). Coordinate frame is right-handed, Z-axis down (aeronautical frame, NED / north-east-down convention)
The filtered local position (e.g. fused computer vision and accelerometers). Coordinate frame is right-handed, Z-axis down (aeronautical frame, NED / north-east-down convention)
The offset in X, Y, Z and yaw between the LOCAL_POSITION_NED messages of MAV X and the global coordinate frame in NED coordinates. Coordinate frame is right-handed, Z-axis down (aeronautical frame, NED / north-east-down convention)
Erase all logs
An ack for a LOGGING_DATA_ACKED message
A message containing logged data (see also MAV_CMD_LOGGING_START)
A message containing logged data which requires a LOGGING_ACK to be sent back
Request a chunk of a log
Stop log transfer and resume normal logging
Request a list of available logs. On some systems calling this may stop on-board logging until LOG_REQUEST_END is called. If there are no log files available this request shall be answered with one LOG_ENTRY message with id = 0 and num_logs = 0.
Reports results of completed compass calibration. Sent until MAG_CAL_ACK received.
This message provides an API for manually controlling the vehicle using standard joystick axes nomenclature, along with a joystick-like input device. Unused axes can be disabled and buttons states are transmitted as individual on/off bits of a bitmask
Setpoint in roll, pitch, yaw and thrust from the operator
Send raw controller memory. The use of this message is discouraged for normal packets, but a quite efficient way for testing new messages and getting experimental debug output.
The interval between messages for a particular MAVLink message ID. This message is sent in response to the MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE command with param1=244 (this message) and param2=message_id (the id of the message for which the interval is required). It may also be sent in response to MAV_CMD_GET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL. This interface replaces DATA_STREAM.
Acknowledgment message during waypoint handling. The type field states if this message is a positive ack (type=0) or if an error happened (type=non-zero).
Delete all mission items at once.
This message is emitted as response to MISSION_REQUEST_LIST by the MAV and to initiate a write transaction. The GCS can then request the individual mission item based on the knowledge of the total number of waypoints.
Message that announces the sequence number of the current target mission item (that the system will fly towards/execute when the mission is running). This message should be streamed all the time (nominally at 1Hz). This message should be emitted following a call to MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MISSION_CURRENT or SET_MISSION_CURRENT.
Message encoding a mission item. This message is emitted to announce the presence of a mission item and to set a mission item on the system. The mission item can be either in x, y, z meters (type: LOCAL) or x:lat, y:lon, z:altitude. Local frame is Z-down, right handed (NED), global frame is Z-up, right handed (ENU). NaN may be used to indicate an optional/default value (e.g. to use the system's current latitude or yaw rather than a specific value). See also https://mavlink.io/en/services/mission.html.
Message encoding a mission item. This message is emitted to announce the presence of a mission item and to set a mission item on the system. The mission item can be either in x, y, z meters (type: LOCAL) or x:lat, y:lon, z:altitude. Local frame is Z-down, right handed (NED), global frame is Z-up, right handed (ENU). NaN or INT32_MAX may be used in float/integer params (respectively) to indicate optional/default values (e.g. to use the component's current latitude, yaw rather than a specific value). See also https://mavlink.io/en/services/mission.html.
A certain mission item has been reached. The system will either hold this position (or circle on the orbit) or (if the autocontinue on the WP was set) continue to the next waypoint.
Request the information of the mission item with the sequence number seq. The response of the system to this message should be a MISSION_ITEM message. https://mavlink.io/en/services/mission.html
Request the information of the mission item with the sequence number seq. The response of the system to this message should be a MISSION_ITEM_INT message. https://mavlink.io/en/services/mission.html
Request the overall list of mission items from the system/component.
Request a partial list of mission items from the system/component. https://mavlink.io/en/services/mission.html. If start and end index are the same, just send one waypoint.
Set the mission item with sequence number seq as the current item and emit MISSION_CURRENT (whether or not the mission number changed). If a mission is currently being executed, the system will continue to this new mission item on the shortest path, skipping any intermediate mission items. Note that mission jump repeat counters are not reset (see MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP param2).
This message is sent to the MAV to write a partial list. If start index == end index, only one item will be transmitted / updated. If the start index is NOT 0 and above the current list size, this request should be REJECTED!
Orientation of a mount
Send a key-value pair as float. The use of this message is discouraged for normal packets, but a quite efficient way for testing new messages and getting experimental debug output.
Send a key-value pair as integer. The use of this message is discouraged for normal packets, but a quite efficient way for testing new messages and getting experimental debug output.
The state of the navigation and position controller.
Obstacle distances in front of the sensor, starting from the left in increment degrees to the right
Odometry message to communicate odometry information with an external interface. Fits ROS REP 147 standard for aerial vehicles (http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0147.html).
Hardware status sent by an onboard computer.
Transmitter (remote ID system) is enabled and ready to start sending location and other required information. This is streamed by transmitter. A flight controller uses it as a condition to arm.
Data for filling the OpenDroneID Authentication message. The Authentication Message defines a field that can provide a means of authenticity for the identity of the UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System). The Authentication message can have two different formats. For data page 0, the fields PageCount, Length and TimeStamp are present and AuthData is only 17 bytes. For data page 1 through 15, PageCount, Length and TimeStamp are not present and the size of AuthData is 23 bytes.
Data for filling the OpenDroneID Basic ID message. This and the below messages are primarily meant for feeding data to/from an OpenDroneID implementation. E.g. https://github.com/opendroneid/opendroneid-core-c. These messages are compatible with the ASTM F3411 Remote ID standard and the ASD-STAN prEN 4709-002 Direct Remote ID standard. Additional information and usage of these messages is documented at https://mavlink.io/en/services/opendroneid.html.
Data for filling the OpenDroneID Location message. The float data types are 32-bit IEEE 754. The Location message provides the location, altitude, direction and speed of the aircraft.
An OpenDroneID message pack is a container for multiple encoded OpenDroneID messages (i.e. not in the format given for the above message descriptions but after encoding into the compressed OpenDroneID byte format). Used e.g. when transmitting on Bluetooth 5.0 Long Range/Extended Advertising or on WiFi Neighbor Aware Networking or on WiFi Beacon.
Data for filling the OpenDroneID Operator ID message, which contains the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) issued operator ID.
Data for filling the OpenDroneID Self ID message. The Self ID Message is an opportunity for the operator to (optionally) declare their identity and purpose of the flight. This message can provide additional information that could reduce the threat profile of a UA (Unmanned Aircraft) flying in a particular area or manner. This message can also be used to provide optional additional clarification in an emergency/remote ID system failure situation.
Data for filling the OpenDroneID System message. The System Message contains general system information including the operator location/altitude and possible aircraft group and/or category/class information.
Update the data in the OPEN_DRONE_ID_SYSTEM message with new location information. This can be sent to update the location information for the operator when no other information in the SYSTEM message has changed. This message allows for efficient operation on radio links which have limited uplink bandwidth while meeting requirements for update frequency of the operator location.
Optical flow from a flow sensor (e.g. optical mouse sensor)
Optical flow from an angular rate flow sensor (e.g. PX4FLOW or mouse sensor)
Vehicle status report that is sent out while orbit execution is in progress (see MAV_CMD_DO_ORBIT).
Response from a PARAM_EXT_SET message.
Request all parameters of this component. All parameters should be emitted in response as PARAM_EXT_VALUE.
Request to read the value of a parameter with either the param_id string id or param_index. PARAM_EXT_VALUE should be emitted in response.
Set a parameter value. In order to deal with message loss (and retransmission of PARAM_EXT_SET), when setting a parameter value and the new value is the same as the current value, you will immediately get a PARAM_ACK_ACCEPTED response. If the current state is PARAM_ACK_IN_PROGRESS, you will accordingly receive a PARAM_ACK_IN_PROGRESS in response.
Emit the value of a parameter. The inclusion of param_count and param_index in the message allows the recipient to keep track of received parameters and allows them to re-request missing parameters after a loss or timeout.
Bind a RC channel to a parameter. The parameter should change according to the RC channel value.
Request all parameters of this component. After this request, all parameters are emitted. The parameter microservice is documented at https://mavlink.io/en/services/parameter.html
Request to read the onboard parameter with the param_id string id. Onboard parameters are stored as keyconst char* -> valuefloat. This allows to send a parameter to any other component (such as the GCS) without the need of previous knowledge of possible parameter names. Thus the same GCS can store different parameters for different autopilots. See also https://mavlink.io/en/services/parameter.html for a full documentation of QGroundControl and IMU code.
Set a parameter value (write new value to permanent storage). The receiving component should acknowledge the new parameter value by broadcasting a PARAM_VALUE message (broadcasting ensures that multiple GCS all have an up-to-date list of all parameters). If the sending GCS did not receive a PARAM_VALUE within its timeout time, it should re-send the PARAM_SET message. The parameter microservice is documented at https://mavlink.io/en/services/parameter.html. PARAM_SET may also be called within the context of a transaction (started with MAV_CMD_PARAM_TRANSACTION). Within a transaction the receiving component should respond with PARAM_ACK_TRANSACTION to the setter component (instead of broadcasting PARAM_VALUE), and PARAM_SET should be re-sent if this is ACK not received.
Emit the value of a onboard parameter. The inclusion of param_count and param_index in the message allows the recipient to keep track of received parameters and allows him to re-request missing parameters after a loss or timeout. The parameter microservice is documented at https://mavlink.io/en/services/parameter.html
A ping message either requesting or responding to a ping. This allows to measure the system latencies, including serial port, radio modem and UDP connections. The ping microservice is documented at https://mavlink.io/en/services/ping.html
Control vehicle tone generation (buzzer).
Play vehicle tone/tune (buzzer). Supersedes message PLAY_TUNE.
Reports the current commanded vehicle position, velocity, and acceleration as specified by the autopilot. This should match the commands sent in SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT if the vehicle is being controlled this way.
Reports the current commanded vehicle position, velocity, and acceleration as specified by the autopilot. This should match the commands sent in SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED if the vehicle is being controlled this way.
Power supply status
Version and capability of protocol version. This message can be requested with MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE and is used as part of the handshaking to establish which MAVLink version should be used on the network. Every node should respond to a request for PROTOCOL_VERSION to enable the handshaking. Library implementers should consider adding this into the default decoding state machine to allow the protocol core to respond directly.
Status generated by radio and injected into MAVLink stream.
The RAW IMU readings for a 9DOF sensor, which is identified by the id (default IMU1). This message should always contain the true raw values without any scaling to allow data capture and system debugging.
The RAW pressure readings for the typical setup of one absolute pressure and one differential pressure sensor. The sensor values should be the raw, UNSCALED ADC values.
RPM sensor data message.
The PPM values of the RC channels received. The standard PPM modulation is as follows: 1000 microseconds: 0%, 2000 microseconds: 100%. A value of UINT16_MAX implies the channel is unused. Individual receivers/transmitters might violate this specification.
The RAW values of the RC channels sent to the MAV to override info received from the RC radio. The standard PPM modulation is as follows: 1000 microseconds: 0%, 2000 microseconds: 100%. Individual receivers/transmitters might violate this specification. Note carefully the semantic differences between the first 8 channels and the subsequent channels
The RAW values of the RC channels received. The standard PPM modulation is as follows: 1000 microseconds: 0%, 2000 microseconds: 100%. A value of UINT16_MAX implies the channel is unused. Individual receivers/transmitters might violate this specification.
The scaled values of the RC channels received: (-100%) -10000, (0%) 0, (100%) 10000. Channels that are inactive should be set to INT16_MAX.
Request a data stream.
Request one or more events to be (re-)sent. If first_sequence==last_sequence, only a single event is requested. Note that first_sequence can be larger than last_sequence (because the sequence number can wrap). Each sequence will trigger an EVENT or EVENT_ERROR response.
The autopilot is requesting a resource (file, binary, other type of data)
Response to a REQUEST_EVENT in case of an error (e.g. the event is not available anymore).
Read out the safety zone the MAV currently assumes.
Set a safety zone (volume), which is defined by two corners of a cube. This message can be used to tell the MAV which setpoints/waypoints to accept and which to reject. Safety areas are often enforced by national or competition regulations.
The RAW IMU readings for the usual 9DOF sensor setup. This message should contain the scaled values to the described units
The RAW IMU readings for secondary 9DOF sensor setup. This message should contain the scaled values to the described units
The RAW IMU readings for 3rd 9DOF sensor setup. This message should contain the scaled values to the described units
The pressure readings for the typical setup of one absolute and differential pressure sensor. The units are as specified in each field.
Barometer readings for 2nd barometer
Barometer readings for 3rd barometer
Control a serial port. This can be used for raw access to an onboard serial peripheral such as a GPS or telemetry radio. It is designed to make it possible to update the devices firmware via MAVLink messages or change the devices settings. A message with zero bytes can be used to change just the baudrate.
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F13: format
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F14: format
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F15 format
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F16 format
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F17 format
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F18 format
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F19 format
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F20 format
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F21 format
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F22 format
Backwards compatible MAVLink version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA - F2: Format Part A
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA - F2: Part B
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F4: format
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F5: format
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F6: format
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F7: format
Backwards compatible version of SERIAL_UDB_EXTRA F8: format
Superseded by ACTUATOR_OUTPUT_STATUS. The RAW values of the servo outputs (for RC input from the remote, use the RC_CHANNELS messages). The standard PPM modulation is as follows: 1000 microseconds: 0%, 2000 microseconds: 100%.
Set the vehicle attitude and body angular rates.
Sets a desired vehicle attitude. Used by an external controller to command the vehicle (manual controller or other system).
Sets the GPS coordinates of the vehicle local origin (0,0,0) position. Vehicle should emit GPS_GLOBAL_ORIGIN irrespective of whether the origin is changed. This enables transform between the local coordinate frame and the global (GPS) coordinate frame, which may be necessary when (for example) indoor and outdoor settings are connected and the MAV should move from in- to outdoor.
Sets the home position. The home position is the default position that the system will return to and land on. The position is set automatically by the system during the takeoff (and may also be set using this message). The global and local positions encode the position in the respective coordinate frames, while the q parameter encodes the orientation of the surface. Under normal conditions it describes the heading and terrain slope, which can be used by the aircraft to adjust the approach. The approach 3D vector describes the point to which the system should fly in normal flight mode and then perform a landing sequence along the vector. Note: the current home position may be emitted in a HOME_POSITION message on request (using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE with param1=242).
Set the system mode, as defined by enum MAV_MODE. There is no target component id as the mode is by definition for the overall aircraft, not only for one component.
Sets a desired vehicle position, velocity, and/or acceleration in a global coordinate system (WGS84). Used by an external controller to command the vehicle (manual controller or other system).
Sets a desired vehicle position in a local north-east-down coordinate frame. Used by an external controller to command the vehicle (manual controller or other system).
Setup a MAVLink2 signing key. If called with secret_key of all zero and zero initial_timestamp will disable signing
Status of simulation environment, if used
Status text message. These messages are printed in yellow in the COMM console of QGroundControl. WARNING: They consume quite some bandwidth, so use only for important status and error messages. If implemented wisely, these messages are buffered on the MCU and sent only at a limited rate (e.g. 10 Hz).
Information about a storage medium. This message is sent in response to a request with MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE and whenever the status of the storage changes (STORAGE_STATUS). Use MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE.param2 to indicate the index/id of requested storage: 0 for all, 1 for first, 2 for second, etc.
Tune formats supported by vehicle. This should be emitted as response to MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE.
The general system state. If the system is following the MAVLink standard, the system state is mainly defined by three orthogonal states/modes: The system mode, which is either LOCKED (motors shut down and locked), MANUAL (system under RC control), GUIDED (system with autonomous position control, position setpoint controlled manually) or AUTO (system guided by path/waypoint planner). The NAV_MODE defined the current flight state: LIFTOFF (often an open-loop maneuver), LANDING, WAYPOINTS or VECTOR. This represents the internal navigation state machine. The system status shows whether the system is currently active or not and if an emergency occurred. During the CRITICAL and EMERGENCY states the MAV is still considered to be active, but should start emergency procedures autonomously. After a failure occurred it should first move from active to critical to allow manual intervention and then move to emergency after a certain timeout.
The system time is the time of the master clock, typically the computer clock of the main onboard computer.
Request that the vehicle report terrain height at the given location (expected response is a TERRAIN_REPORT). Used by GCS to check if vehicle has all terrain data needed for a mission.
Terrain data sent from GCS. The lat/lon and grid_spacing must be the same as a lat/lon from a TERRAIN_REQUEST. See terrain protocol docs: https://mavlink.io/en/services/terrain.html
Streamed from drone to report progress of terrain map download (initiated by TERRAIN_REQUEST), or sent as a response to a TERRAIN_CHECK request. See terrain protocol docs: https://mavlink.io/en/services/terrain.html
Request for terrain data and terrain status. See terrain protocol docs: https://mavlink.io/en/services/terrain.html
Time/duration estimates for various events and actions given the current vehicle state and position.
Time synchronization message. The message is used for both timesync requests and responses. The request is sent with ts1=syncing component timestamp and tc1=0, and may be broadcast or targeted to a specific system/component. The response is sent with ts1=syncing component timestamp (mirror back unchanged), and tc1=responding component timestamp, with the target_system and target_component set to ids of the original request. Systems can determine if they are receiving a request or response based on the value of tc. If the response has target_system==target_component==0 the remote system has not been updated to use the component IDs and cannot reliably timesync; the requestor may report an error. Timestamps are UNIX Epoch time or time since system boot in nanoseconds (the timestamp format can be inferred by checking for the magnitude of the number; generally it doesn't matter as only the offset is used). The message sequence is repeated numerous times with results being filtered/averaged to estimate the offset.
Describe a trajectory using an array of up-to 5 bezier control points in the local frame (MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED).
Describe a trajectory using an array of up-to 5 waypoints in the local frame (MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED).
Message for transporting "arbitrary" variable-length data from one component to another (broadcast is not forbidden, but discouraged). The encoding of the data is usually extension specific, i.e. determined by the source, and is usually not documented as part of the MAVLink specification.
General information describing a particular UAVCAN node. Please refer to the definition of the UAVCAN service "uavcan.protocol.GetNodeInfo" for the background information. This message should be emitted by the system whenever a new node appears online, or an existing node reboots. Additionally, it can be emitted upon request from the other end of the MAVLink channel (see MAV_CMD_UAVCAN_GET_NODE_INFO). It is also not prohibited to emit this message unconditionally at a low frequency. The UAVCAN specification is available at http://uavcan.org.
General status information of an UAVCAN node. Please refer to the definition of the UAVCAN message "uavcan.protocol.NodeStatus" for the background information. The UAVCAN specification is available at http://uavcan.org.
The global position resulting from GPS and sensor fusion.
Message implementing parts of the V2 payload specs in V1 frames for transitional support.
Metrics typically displayed on a HUD for fixed wing aircraft.
Vibration levels and accelerometer clipping
Global position estimate from a Vicon motion system source.
Information about video stream. It may be requested using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE, where param2 indicates the video stream id: 0 for all streams, 1 for first, 2 for second, etc.
Information about the status of a video stream. It may be requested using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE.
Local position/attitude estimate from a vision source.
Speed estimate from a vision source.
Cumulative distance traveled for each reported wheel.
Configure WiFi AP SSID, password, and mode. This message is re-emitted as an acknowledgement by the AP. The message may also be explicitly requested using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE
Winch status.
Wind estimate from vehicle. Note that despite the name, this message does not actually contain any covariances but instead variability and accuracy fields in terms of standard deviation (1-STD).


actuatorConfiguration3dModeOff → const ActuatorConfiguration
Permanently set the actuator (ESC) to non 3D mode (non-reversible thrust).
actuatorConfiguration3dModeOn → const ActuatorConfiguration
Permanently set the actuator (ESC) to 3D mode (reversible thrust).
actuatorConfigurationBeep → const ActuatorConfiguration
Command the actuator to beep now.
actuatorConfigurationNone → const ActuatorConfiguration
Do nothing.
actuatorConfigurationSpinDirection1 → const ActuatorConfiguration
Permanently set the actuator (ESC) to spin direction 1 (which can be clockwise or counter-clockwise).
actuatorConfigurationSpinDirection2 → const ActuatorConfiguration
Permanently set the actuator (ESC) to spin direction 2 (opposite of direction 1).
actuatorOutputFunctionMotor1 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Motor 1
actuatorOutputFunctionMotor10 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Motor 10
actuatorOutputFunctionMotor11 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Motor 11
actuatorOutputFunctionMotor12 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Motor 12
actuatorOutputFunctionMotor13 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Motor 13
actuatorOutputFunctionMotor14 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Motor 14
actuatorOutputFunctionMotor15 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Motor 15
actuatorOutputFunctionMotor16 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Motor 16
actuatorOutputFunctionMotor2 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Motor 2
actuatorOutputFunctionMotor3 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Motor 3
actuatorOutputFunctionMotor4 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Motor 4
actuatorOutputFunctionMotor5 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Motor 5
actuatorOutputFunctionMotor6 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Motor 6
actuatorOutputFunctionMotor7 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Motor 7
actuatorOutputFunctionMotor8 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Motor 8
actuatorOutputFunctionMotor9 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Motor 9
actuatorOutputFunctionNone → const ActuatorOutputFunction
No function (disabled).
actuatorOutputFunctionServo1 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Servo 1
actuatorOutputFunctionServo10 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Servo 10
actuatorOutputFunctionServo11 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Servo 11
actuatorOutputFunctionServo12 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Servo 12
actuatorOutputFunctionServo13 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Servo 13
actuatorOutputFunctionServo14 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Servo 14
actuatorOutputFunctionServo15 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Servo 15
actuatorOutputFunctionServo16 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Servo 16
actuatorOutputFunctionServo2 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Servo 2
actuatorOutputFunctionServo3 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Servo 3
actuatorOutputFunctionServo4 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Servo 4
actuatorOutputFunctionServo5 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Servo 5
actuatorOutputFunctionServo6 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Servo 6
actuatorOutputFunctionServo7 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Servo 7
actuatorOutputFunctionServo8 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Servo 8
actuatorOutputFunctionServo9 → const ActuatorOutputFunction
Servo 9
adsbAltitudeTypeGeometric → const AdsbAltitudeType
Altitude reported from a GNSS source
adsbAltitudeTypePressureQnh → const AdsbAltitudeType
Altitude reported from a Baro source using QNH reference
adsbEmitterTypeEmergencySurface → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeGlider → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeHeavy → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeHighlyManuv → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeHighVortexLarge → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeLarge → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeLight → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeLighterAir → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeNoInfo → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeParachute → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypePointObstacle → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeRotocraft → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeServiceSurface → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeSmall → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeSpace → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeUav → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeUltraLight → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeUnassgined3 → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeUnassigned → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbEmitterTypeUnassigned2 → const AdsbEmitterType
adsbFlagsBaroValid → const AdsbFlags
adsbFlagsSimulated → const AdsbFlags
adsbFlagsSourceUat → const AdsbFlags
adsbFlagsValidAltitude → const AdsbFlags
adsbFlagsValidCallsign → const AdsbFlags
adsbFlagsValidCoords → const AdsbFlags
adsbFlagsValidHeading → const AdsbFlags
adsbFlagsValidSquawk → const AdsbFlags
adsbFlagsValidVelocity → const AdsbFlags
adsbFlagsVerticalVelocityValid → const AdsbFlags
aisFlagsHighVelocity → const AisFlags
1 = Velocity over 52.5765m/s (102.2 knots)
aisFlagsLargeBowDimension → const AisFlags
Distance to bow is larger than 511m
aisFlagsLargePortDimension → const AisFlags
Distance to port side is larger than 63m
aisFlagsLargeStarboardDimension → const AisFlags
Distance to starboard side is larger than 63m
aisFlagsLargeSternDimension → const AisFlags
Distance to stern is larger than 511m
aisFlagsPositionAccuracy → const AisFlags
1 = Position accuracy less than 10m, 0 = position accuracy greater than 10m.
aisFlagsTurnRateSignOnly → const AisFlags
Only the sign of the returned turn rate value is valid, either greater than 5deg/30s or less than -5deg/30s
aisFlagsValidCallsign → const AisFlags
aisFlagsValidCog → const AisFlags
aisFlagsValidDimensions → const AisFlags
aisFlagsValidName → const AisFlags
aisFlagsValidTurnRate → const AisFlags
aisFlagsValidVelocity → const AisFlags
aisNavAground → const AisNavStatus
aisNavAisSart → const AisNavStatus
Search And Rescue Transponder.
aisNavAnchored → const AisNavStatus
aisNavDraughtConstrained → const AisNavStatus
aisNavFishing → const AisNavStatus
aisNavMoored → const AisNavStatus
aisNavReserved1 → const AisNavStatus
aisNavReserved2 → const AisNavStatus
aisNavReserved3 → const AisNavStatus
aisNavReservedHsc → const AisNavStatus
aisNavReservedWig → const AisNavStatus
aisNavRestrictedManoeuverability → const AisNavStatus
aisNavSailing → const AisNavStatus
aisNavUnCommanded → const AisNavStatus
aisNavUnknown → const AisNavStatus
Not available (default).
aisTypeAntiPollution → const AisType
Anti-pollution equipment.
aisTypeCargo → const AisType
aisTypeCargoHazardousA → const AisType
aisTypeCargoHazardousB → const AisType
aisTypeCargoHazardousC → const AisType
aisTypeCargoHazardousD → const AisType
aisTypeCargoReserved1 → const AisType
aisTypeCargoReserved2 → const AisType
aisTypeCargoReserved3 → const AisType
aisTypeCargoReserved4 → const AisType
aisTypeCargoUnknown → const AisType
aisTypeDiving → const AisType
aisTypeDredging → const AisType
Dredging or other underwater ops.
aisTypeFishing → const AisType
aisTypeHsc → const AisType
High Speed Craft.
aisTypeHscHazardousA → const AisType
aisTypeHscHazardousB → const AisType
aisTypeHscHazardousC → const AisType
aisTypeHscHazardousD → const AisType
aisTypeHscReserved1 → const AisType
aisTypeHscReserved2 → const AisType
aisTypeHscReserved3 → const AisType
aisTypeHscReserved4 → const AisType
aisTypeHscUnknown → const AisType
aisTypeLawEnforcement → const AisType
aisTypeMedicalTransport → const AisType
aisTypeMilitary → const AisType
aisTypeNonecombatant → const AisType
Noncombatant ship according to RR Resolution No. 18.
aisTypeOther → const AisType
aisTypeOtherHazardousA → const AisType
aisTypeOtherHazardousB → const AisType
aisTypeOtherHazardousC → const AisType
aisTypeOtherHazardousD → const AisType
aisTypeOtherReserved1 → const AisType
aisTypeOtherReserved2 → const AisType
aisTypeOtherReserved3 → const AisType
aisTypeOtherReserved4 → const AisType
aisTypeOtherUnknown → const AisType
aisTypePassenger → const AisType
aisTypePassengerHazardousA → const AisType
aisTypePassengerHazardousB → const AisType
aisTypePassengerHazardousC → const AisType
aisTypePassengerHazardousD → const AisType
aisTypePassengerReserved1 → const AisType
aisTypePassengerReserved2 → const AisType
aisTypePassengerReserved3 → const AisType
aisTypePassengerReserved4 → const AisType
aisTypePassengerUnknown → const AisType
aisTypePilot → const AisType
aisTypePleasure → const AisType
aisTypePortTender → const AisType
aisTypeReserved1 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved10 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved11 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved12 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved13 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved14 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved15 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved16 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved17 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved18 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved19 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved2 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved20 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved21 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved3 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved4 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved5 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved6 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved7 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved8 → const AisType
aisTypeReserved9 → const AisType
aisTypeSailing → const AisType
aisTypeSar → const AisType
Search And Rescue vessel.
aisTypeSpareLocal1 → const AisType
aisTypeSpareLocal2 → const AisType
aisTypeTanker → const AisType
aisTypeTankerHazardousA → const AisType
aisTypeTankerHazardousB → const AisType
aisTypeTankerHazardousC → const AisType
aisTypeTankerHazardousD → const AisType
aisTypeTankerReserved1 → const AisType
aisTypeTankerReserved2 → const AisType
aisTypeTankerReserved3 → const AisType
aisTypeTankerReserved4 → const AisType
aisTypeTankerUnknown → const AisType
aisTypeTowing → const AisType
aisTypeTowingLarge → const AisType
Towing: length exceeds 200m or breadth exceeds 25m.
aisTypeTug → const AisType
aisTypeUnknown → const AisType
Not available (default).
aisTypeWig → const AisType
Wing In Ground effect.
aisTypeWigHazardousA → const AisType
aisTypeWigHazardousB → const AisType
aisTypeWigHazardousC → const AisType
aisTypeWigHazardousD → const AisType
aisTypeWigReserved1 → const AisType
aisTypeWigReserved2 → const AisType
aisTypeWigReserved3 → const AisType
aisTypeWigReserved4 → const AisType
aisTypeWigReserved5 → const AisType
attitudeTargetTypemaskAttitudeIgnore → const AttitudeTargetTypemask
Ignore attitude
attitudeTargetTypemaskBodyPitchRateIgnore → const AttitudeTargetTypemask
Ignore body pitch rate
attitudeTargetTypemaskBodyRollRateIgnore → const AttitudeTargetTypemask
Ignore body roll rate
attitudeTargetTypemaskBodyYawRateIgnore → const AttitudeTargetTypemask
Ignore body yaw rate
attitudeTargetTypemaskThrottleIgnore → const AttitudeTargetTypemask
Ignore throttle
attitudeTargetTypemaskThrustBodySet → const AttitudeTargetTypemask
Use 3D body thrust setpoint instead of throttle
autotuneAxisDefault → const AutotuneAxis
Flight stack tunes axis according to its default settings.
autotuneAxisPitch → const AutotuneAxis
Autotune pitch axis.
autotuneAxisRoll → const AutotuneAxis
Autotune roll axis.
autotuneAxisYaw → const AutotuneAxis
Autotune yaw axis.
batteryFaultIncompatibleCellsConfiguration → const MavBatteryFault
Battery is not compatible due to cell configuration (e.g. 5s1p when vehicle requires 6s).
cameraCapFlagsCanCaptureImageInVideoMode → const CameraCapFlags
Camera can capture images while in video mode
cameraCapFlagsCanCaptureVideoInImageMode → const CameraCapFlags
Camera can capture videos while in Photo/Image mode
cameraCapFlagsCaptureImage → const CameraCapFlags
Camera is able to capture images
cameraCapFlagsCaptureVideo → const CameraCapFlags
Camera is able to record video
cameraCapFlagsHasBasicFocus → const CameraCapFlags
Camera has basic focus control (MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_FOCUS)
cameraCapFlagsHasBasicZoom → const CameraCapFlags
Camera has basic zoom control (MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_ZOOM)
cameraCapFlagsHasImageSurveyMode → const CameraCapFlags
Camera has image survey mode (MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_MODE)
cameraCapFlagsHasModes → const CameraCapFlags
Camera has separate Video and Image/Photo modes (MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_MODE)
cameraCapFlagsHasTrackingGeoStatus → const CameraCapFlags
Camera supports tracking geo status (CAMERA_TRACKING_GEO_STATUS).
cameraCapFlagsHasTrackingPoint → const CameraCapFlags
Camera supports tracking of a point on the camera view.
cameraCapFlagsHasTrackingRectangle → const CameraCapFlags
Camera supports tracking of a selection rectangle on the camera view.
cameraCapFlagsHasVideoStream → const CameraCapFlags
Camera has video streaming capabilities (request VIDEO_STREAM_INFORMATION with MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE for video streaming info)
cameraModeImage → const CameraMode
Camera is in image/photo capture mode.
cameraModeImageSurvey → const CameraMode
Camera is in image survey capture mode. It allows for camera controller to do specific settings for surveys.
cameraModeVideo → const CameraMode
Camera is in video capture mode.
cameraTrackingModeNone → const CameraTrackingMode
Not tracking
cameraTrackingModePoint → const CameraTrackingMode
Target is a point
cameraTrackingModeRectangle → const CameraTrackingMode
Target is a rectangle
cameraTrackingStatusFlagsActive → const CameraTrackingStatusFlags
Camera is tracking
cameraTrackingStatusFlagsError → const CameraTrackingStatusFlags
Camera tracking in error state
cameraTrackingStatusFlagsIdle → const CameraTrackingStatusFlags
Camera is not tracking
cameraTrackingTargetDataEmbedded → const CameraTrackingTargetData
Target data embedded in image data (proprietary)
cameraTrackingTargetDataInStatus → const CameraTrackingTargetData
Target data within status message (Point or Rectangle)
cameraTrackingTargetDataNone → const CameraTrackingTargetData
No target data
cameraTrackingTargetDataRendered → const CameraTrackingTargetData
Target data rendered in image
canFilterAdd → const CanFilterOp
canFilterRemove → const CanFilterOp
canFilterReplace → const CanFilterOp
cellularConfigBlockedPukRequired → const CellularConfigResponse
PUK is required to unblock SIM card.
cellularConfigResponseAccepted → const CellularConfigResponse
Changes accepted.
cellularConfigResponseApnError → const CellularConfigResponse
Invalid APN.
cellularConfigResponsePinError → const CellularConfigResponse
Invalid PIN.
cellularConfigResponseRejected → const CellularConfigResponse
Changes rejected.
cellularNetworkFailedReasonNone → const CellularNetworkFailedReason
No error
cellularNetworkFailedReasonSimError → const CellularNetworkFailedReason
SIM is available, but not usable for connection
cellularNetworkFailedReasonSimMissing → const CellularNetworkFailedReason
SIM is required for the modem but missing
cellularNetworkFailedReasonUnknown → const CellularNetworkFailedReason
Error state is unknown
cellularNetworkRadioTypeCdma → const CellularNetworkRadioType
cellularNetworkRadioTypeGsm → const CellularNetworkRadioType
cellularNetworkRadioTypeLte → const CellularNetworkRadioType
cellularNetworkRadioTypeNone → const CellularNetworkRadioType
cellularNetworkRadioTypeWcdma → const CellularNetworkRadioType
cellularStatusFlagConnected → const CellularStatusFlag
One or more packet data bearers is active and connected
cellularStatusFlagConnecting → const CellularStatusFlag
Modem is activating and connecting the first packet data bearer. Subsequent bearer activations when another bearer is already active do not cause this state to be entered
cellularStatusFlagDisabled → const CellularStatusFlag
Modem is not enabled and is powered down
cellularStatusFlagDisabling → const CellularStatusFlag
Modem is currently transitioning to the CELLULAR_STATUS_FLAG_DISABLED state
cellularStatusFlagDisconnecting → const CellularStatusFlag
Modem is disconnecting and deactivating the last active packet data bearer. This state will not be entered if more than one packet data bearer is active and one of the active bearers is deactivated
cellularStatusFlagEnabled → const CellularStatusFlag
Modem is enabled and powered on but not registered with a network provider and not available for data connections
cellularStatusFlagEnabling → const CellularStatusFlag
Modem is currently transitioning to the CELLULAR_STATUS_FLAG_ENABLED state
cellularStatusFlagFailed → const CellularStatusFlag
Modem is unusable
cellularStatusFlagInitializing → const CellularStatusFlag
Modem is being initialized
cellularStatusFlagLocked → const CellularStatusFlag
Modem is locked
cellularStatusFlagRegistered → const CellularStatusFlag
Modem is registered with a network provider, and data connections and messaging may be available for use
cellularStatusFlagSearching → const CellularStatusFlag
Modem is searching for a network provider to register
cellularStatusFlagUnknown → const CellularStatusFlag
State unknown or not reportable.
compMetadataTypeActuators → const CompMetadataType
Meta data for actuator configuration (motors, servos and vehicle geometry) and testing.
compMetadataTypeCommands → const CompMetadataType
Meta data that specifies which commands and command parameters the vehicle supports. (WIP)
compMetadataTypeEvents → const CompMetadataType
Meta data for the events interface.
compMetadataTypeGeneral → const CompMetadataType
General information about the component. General metadata includes information about other metadata types supported by the component. Files of this type must be supported, and must be downloadable from vehicle using a MAVLink FTP URI.
compMetadataTypeParameter → const CompMetadataType
Parameter meta data.
compMetadataTypePeripherals → const CompMetadataType
Meta data that specifies external non-MAVLink peripherals.
escConnectionTypeCan → const EscConnectionType
escConnectionTypeDshot → const EscConnectionType
DShot ESC.
escConnectionTypeI2c → const EscConnectionType
escConnectionTypeOneshot → const EscConnectionType
One Shot PPM ESC.
escConnectionTypePpm → const EscConnectionType
Traditional PPM ESC.
escConnectionTypeSerial → const EscConnectionType
Serial Bus connected ESC.
escFailureGeneric → const EscFailureFlags
Generic ESC failure.
escFailureInconsistentCmd → const EscFailureFlags
Inconsistent command failure i.e. out of bounds.
escFailureMotorStuck → const EscFailureFlags
Motor stuck failure.
escFailureNone → const EscFailureFlags
No ESC failure.
escFailureOverCurrent → const EscFailureFlags
Over current failure.
escFailureOverRpm → const EscFailureFlags
Over RPM failure.
escFailureOverTemperature → const EscFailureFlags
Over temperature failure.
escFailureOverVoltage → const EscFailureFlags
Over voltage failure.
estimatorAccelError → const EstimatorStatusFlags
True if the EKF has detected bad accelerometer data
estimatorAttitude → const EstimatorStatusFlags
True if the attitude estimate is good
estimatorConstPosMode → const EstimatorStatusFlags
True if the EKF is in a constant position mode and is not using external measurements (eg GPS or optical flow)
estimatorGpsGlitch → const EstimatorStatusFlags
True if the EKF has detected a GPS glitch
estimatorPosHorizAbs → const EstimatorStatusFlags
True if the horizontal position (absolute) estimate is good
estimatorPosHorizRel → const EstimatorStatusFlags
True if the horizontal position (relative) estimate is good
estimatorPosVertAbs → const EstimatorStatusFlags
True if the vertical position (absolute) estimate is good
estimatorPosVertAgl → const EstimatorStatusFlags
True if the vertical position (above ground) estimate is good
estimatorPredPosHorizAbs → const EstimatorStatusFlags
True if the EKF has sufficient data to enter a mode that will provide a (absolute) position estimate
estimatorPredPosHorizRel → const EstimatorStatusFlags
True if the EKF has sufficient data to enter a mode that will provide a (relative) position estimate
estimatorVelocityHoriz → const EstimatorStatusFlags
True if the horizontal velocity estimate is good
estimatorVelocityVert → const EstimatorStatusFlags
True if the vertical velocity estimate is good
failureTypeDelayed → const FailureType
Data of unit is delayed in time.
failureTypeGarbage → const FailureType
Unit is reporting complete garbage.
failureTypeIntermittent → const FailureType
Unit is sometimes working, sometimes not.
failureTypeOff → const FailureType
Sets unit off, so completely non-responsive.
failureTypeOk → const FailureType
No failure injected, used to reset a previous failure.
failureTypeSlow → const FailureType
Unit is slow, so e.g. reporting at slower than expected rate.
failureTypeStuck → const FailureType
Unit is stuck e.g. keeps reporting the same value.
failureTypeWrong → const FailureType
Unit is consistently wrong.
failureUnitSensorAccel → const FailureUnit
failureUnitSensorAirspeed → const FailureUnit
failureUnitSensorBaro → const FailureUnit
failureUnitSensorDistanceSensor → const FailureUnit
failureUnitSensorGps → const FailureUnit
failureUnitSensorGyro → const FailureUnit
failureUnitSensorMag → const FailureUnit
failureUnitSensorOpticalFlow → const FailureUnit
failureUnitSensorVio → const FailureUnit
failureUnitSystemAvoidance → const FailureUnit
failureUnitSystemBattery → const FailureUnit
failureUnitSystemMavlinkSignal → const FailureUnit
failureUnitSystemMotor → const FailureUnit
failureUnitSystemRcSignal → const FailureUnit
failureUnitSystemServo → const FailureUnit
fenceActionGuided → const FenceAction
Fly to geofence MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_RETURN_POINT in GUIDED mode. Note: This action is only supported by ArduPlane, and may not be supported in all versions.
fenceActionGuidedThrPass → const FenceAction
Fly to geofence MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_RETURN_POINT with manual throttle control in GUIDED mode. Note: This action is only supported by ArduPlane, and may not be supported in all versions.
fenceActionHold → const FenceAction
Hold at current location.
fenceActionLand → const FenceAction
Land at current location.
fenceActionNone → const FenceAction
Disable fenced mode. If used in a plan this would mean the next fence is disabled.
fenceActionReport → const FenceAction
Report fence breach, but don't take action
fenceActionRtl → const FenceAction
Return/RTL mode.
fenceActionTerminate → const FenceAction
Termination failsafe. Motors are shut down (some flight stacks may trigger other failsafe actions).
fenceBreachBoundary → const FenceBreach
Breached fence boundary
fenceBreachMaxalt → const FenceBreach
Breached maximum altitude
fenceBreachMinalt → const FenceBreach
Breached minimum altitude
fenceBreachNone → const FenceBreach
No last fence breach
fenceMitigateNone → const FenceMitigate
No actions being taken
fenceMitigateUnknown → const FenceMitigate
fenceMitigateVelLimit → const FenceMitigate
Velocity limiting active to prevent breach
firmwareVersionTypeAlpha → const FirmwareVersionType
alpha release
firmwareVersionTypeBeta → const FirmwareVersionType
beta release
firmwareVersionTypeDev → const FirmwareVersionType
development release
firmwareVersionTypeOfficial → const FirmwareVersionType
official stable release
firmwareVersionTypeRc → const FirmwareVersionType
release candidate
focusTypeAuto → const SetFocusType
Focus automatically.
focusTypeAutoContinuous → const SetFocusType
Continuous auto focus. Mainly used for dynamic scenes. Abbreviated as AF-C.
focusTypeAutoSingle → const SetFocusType
Single auto focus. Mainly used for still pictures. Usually abbreviated as AF-S.
focusTypeContinuous → const SetFocusType
Continuous focus up/down until stopped (-1 for focusing in, 1 for focusing out towards infinity, 0 to stop focusing)
focusTypeMeters → const SetFocusType
Focus value in metres. Note that there is no message to get the valid focus range of the camera, so this can type can only be used for cameras where the range is known (implying that this cannot reliably be used in a GCS for an arbitrary camera).
focusTypeRange → const SetFocusType
Focus value as proportion of full camera focus range (a value between 0.0 and 100.0)
focusTypeStep → const SetFocusType
Focus one step increment (-1 for focusing in, 1 for focusing out towards infinity).
gimbalDeviceCapFlagsHasNeutral → const GimbalDeviceCapFlags
Gimbal device supports a horizontal, forward looking position, stabilized.
gimbalDeviceCapFlagsHasPitchAxis → const GimbalDeviceCapFlags
Gimbal device supports rotating around pitch axis.
gimbalDeviceCapFlagsHasPitchFollow → const GimbalDeviceCapFlags
Gimbal device supports to follow a pitch angle relative to the vehicle.
gimbalDeviceCapFlagsHasPitchLock → const GimbalDeviceCapFlags
Gimbal device supports locking to a pitch angle (generally that's the default with pitch stabilized).
gimbalDeviceCapFlagsHasRcInputs → const GimbalDeviceCapFlags
Gimbal device supports radio control inputs as an alternative input for controlling the gimbal orientation.
gimbalDeviceCapFlagsHasRetract → const GimbalDeviceCapFlags
Gimbal device supports a retracted position.
gimbalDeviceCapFlagsHasRollAxis → const GimbalDeviceCapFlags
Gimbal device supports rotating around roll axis.
gimbalDeviceCapFlagsHasRollFollow → const GimbalDeviceCapFlags
Gimbal device supports to follow a roll angle relative to the vehicle.
gimbalDeviceCapFlagsHasRollLock → const GimbalDeviceCapFlags
Gimbal device supports locking to a roll angle (generally that's the default with roll stabilized).
gimbalDeviceCapFlagsHasYawAxis → const GimbalDeviceCapFlags
Gimbal device supports rotating around yaw axis.
gimbalDeviceCapFlagsHasYawFollow → const GimbalDeviceCapFlags
Gimbal device supports to follow a yaw angle relative to the vehicle (generally that's the default).
gimbalDeviceCapFlagsHasYawLock → const GimbalDeviceCapFlags
Gimbal device supports locking to an absolute heading, i.e., yaw angle relative to North (earth frame, often this is an option available).
gimbalDeviceCapFlagsSupportsInfiniteYaw → const GimbalDeviceCapFlags
Gimbal device supports yawing/panning infinitely (e.g. using slip disk).
gimbalDeviceCapFlagsSupportsYawInEarthFrame → const GimbalDeviceCapFlags
Gimbal device supports yaw angles and angular velocities relative to North (earth frame). This usually requires support by an autopilot via AUTOPILOT_STATE_FOR_GIMBAL_DEVICE. Support can go on and off during runtime, which is reported by the flag GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS_CAN_ACCEPT_YAW_IN_EARTH_FRAME.
gimbalDeviceErrorFlagsAtPitchLimit → const GimbalDeviceErrorFlags
Gimbal device is limited by hardware pitch limit.
gimbalDeviceErrorFlagsAtRollLimit → const GimbalDeviceErrorFlags
Gimbal device is limited by hardware roll limit.
gimbalDeviceErrorFlagsAtYawLimit → const GimbalDeviceErrorFlags
Gimbal device is limited by hardware yaw limit.
gimbalDeviceErrorFlagsCalibrationRunning → const GimbalDeviceErrorFlags
Gimbal device is currently calibrating.
gimbalDeviceErrorFlagsCommsError → const GimbalDeviceErrorFlags
There is an error with the gimbal's communication.
gimbalDeviceErrorFlagsEncoderError → const GimbalDeviceErrorFlags
There is an error with the gimbal encoders.
gimbalDeviceErrorFlagsMotorError → const GimbalDeviceErrorFlags
There is an error with the gimbal motors.
gimbalDeviceErrorFlagsNoManager → const GimbalDeviceErrorFlags
Gimbal device is not assigned to a gimbal manager.
gimbalDeviceErrorFlagsPowerError → const GimbalDeviceErrorFlags
There is an error with the gimbal power source.
gimbalDeviceErrorFlagsSoftwareError → const GimbalDeviceErrorFlags
There is an error with the gimbal's software.
gimbalDeviceFlagsAcceptsYawInEarthFrame → const GimbalDeviceFlags
Gimbal device can accept yaw angle inputs relative to North (earth frame). This flag is only for reporting (attempts to set this flag are ignored).
gimbalDeviceFlagsNeutral → const GimbalDeviceFlags
Set to neutral/default position, taking precedence over all other flags except RETRACT. Neutral is commonly forward-facing and horizontal (roll=pitch=yaw=0) but may be any orientation.
gimbalDeviceFlagsPitchLock → const GimbalDeviceFlags
Lock pitch angle to absolute angle relative to horizon (not relative to vehicle). This is generally the default with a stabilizing gimbal.
gimbalDeviceFlagsRcExclusive → const GimbalDeviceFlags
The gimbal orientation is set exclusively by the RC signals feed to the gimbal's radio control inputs. MAVLink messages for setting the gimbal orientation (GIMBAL_DEVICE_SET_ATTITUDE) are ignored.
gimbalDeviceFlagsRcMixed → const GimbalDeviceFlags
The gimbal orientation is determined by combining/mixing the RC signals feed to the gimbal's radio control inputs and the MAVLink messages for setting the gimbal orientation (GIMBAL_DEVICE_SET_ATTITUDE). How these two controls are combined or mixed is not defined by the protocol but is up to the implementation.
gimbalDeviceFlagsRetract → const GimbalDeviceFlags
Set to retracted safe position (no stabilization), takes precedence over all other flags.
gimbalDeviceFlagsRollLock → const GimbalDeviceFlags
Lock roll angle to absolute angle relative to horizon (not relative to vehicle). This is generally the default with a stabilizing gimbal.
gimbalDeviceFlagsYawInEarthFrame → const GimbalDeviceFlags
Yaw angle and z component of angular velocity are relative to North (earth frame, x-axis is pointing North).
gimbalDeviceFlagsYawInVehicleFrame → const GimbalDeviceFlags
Yaw angle and z component of angular velocity are relative to the vehicle heading (vehicle frame, earth frame rotated such that the x-axis is pointing forward).
gimbalDeviceFlagsYawLock → const GimbalDeviceFlags
Lock yaw angle to absolute angle relative to North (not relative to vehicle). If this flag is set, the yaw angle and z component of angular velocity are relative to North (earth frame, x-axis pointing North), else they are relative to the vehicle heading (vehicle frame, earth frame rotated so that the x-axis is pointing forward).
gimbalManagerCapFlagsCanPointLocationGlobal → const GimbalManagerCapFlags
Gimbal manager supports to point to a global latitude, longitude, altitude position.
gimbalManagerCapFlagsCanPointLocationLocal → const GimbalManagerCapFlags
Gimbal manager supports to point to a local position.
gimbalManagerCapFlagsHasNeutral → const GimbalManagerCapFlags
gimbalManagerCapFlagsHasPitchAxis → const GimbalManagerCapFlags
gimbalManagerCapFlagsHasPitchFollow → const GimbalManagerCapFlags
gimbalManagerCapFlagsHasPitchLock → const GimbalManagerCapFlags
gimbalManagerCapFlagsHasRcInputs → const GimbalManagerCapFlags
gimbalManagerCapFlagsHasRetract → const GimbalManagerCapFlags
gimbalManagerCapFlagsHasRollAxis → const GimbalManagerCapFlags
gimbalManagerCapFlagsHasRollFollow → const GimbalManagerCapFlags
gimbalManagerCapFlagsHasRollLock → const GimbalManagerCapFlags
gimbalManagerCapFlagsHasYawAxis → const GimbalManagerCapFlags
gimbalManagerCapFlagsHasYawFollow → const GimbalManagerCapFlags
gimbalManagerCapFlagsHasYawLock → const GimbalManagerCapFlags
gimbalManagerCapFlagsSupportsInfiniteYaw → const GimbalManagerCapFlags
gimbalManagerCapFlagsSupportsYawInEarthFrame → const GimbalManagerCapFlags
gimbalManagerFlagsAcceptsYawInEarthFrame → const GimbalManagerFlags
gimbalManagerFlagsNeutral → const GimbalManagerFlags
gimbalManagerFlagsPitchLock → const GimbalManagerFlags
gimbalManagerFlagsRcExclusive → const GimbalManagerFlags
gimbalManagerFlagsRcMixed → const GimbalManagerFlags
gimbalManagerFlagsRetract → const GimbalManagerFlags
gimbalManagerFlagsRollLock → const GimbalManagerFlags
gimbalManagerFlagsYawInEarthFrame → const GimbalManagerFlags
gimbalManagerFlagsYawInVehicleFrame → const GimbalManagerFlags
gimbalManagerFlagsYawLock → const GimbalManagerFlags
gpsFixType2dFix → const GpsFixType
2D position
gpsFixType3dFix → const GpsFixType
3D position
gpsFixTypeDgps → const GpsFixType
DGPS/SBAS aided 3D position
gpsFixTypeNoFix → const GpsFixType
No position information, GPS is connected
gpsFixTypeNoGps → const GpsFixType
No GPS connected
gpsFixTypePpp → const GpsFixType
PPP, 3D position.
gpsFixTypeRtkFixed → const GpsFixType
RTK Fixed, 3D position
gpsFixTypeRtkFloat → const GpsFixType
RTK float, 3D position
gpsFixTypeStatic → const GpsFixType
Static fixed, typically used for base stations
gpsInputIgnoreFlagAlt → const GpsInputIgnoreFlags
ignore altitude field
gpsInputIgnoreFlagHdop → const GpsInputIgnoreFlags
ignore hdop field
gpsInputIgnoreFlagHorizontalAccuracy → const GpsInputIgnoreFlags
ignore horizontal accuracy field
gpsInputIgnoreFlagSpeedAccuracy → const GpsInputIgnoreFlags
ignore speed accuracy field
gpsInputIgnoreFlagVdop → const GpsInputIgnoreFlags
ignore vdop field
gpsInputIgnoreFlagVelHoriz → const GpsInputIgnoreFlags
ignore horizontal velocity field (vn and ve)
gpsInputIgnoreFlagVelVert → const GpsInputIgnoreFlags
ignore vertical velocity field (vd)
gpsInputIgnoreFlagVerticalAccuracy → const GpsInputIgnoreFlags
ignore vertical accuracy field
gripperActionGrab → const GripperActions
Gripper grab onto cargo.
gripperActionRelease → const GripperActions
Gripper release cargo.
highresImuUpdatedAbsPressure → const HighresImuUpdatedFlags
The value in the abs_pressure field has been updated
highresImuUpdatedAll → const HighresImuUpdatedFlags
All fields in HIGHRES_IMU have been updated.
highresImuUpdatedDiffPressure → const HighresImuUpdatedFlags
The value in the diff_pressure field has been updated
highresImuUpdatedNone → const HighresImuUpdatedFlags
None of the fields in HIGHRES_IMU have been updated
highresImuUpdatedPressureAlt → const HighresImuUpdatedFlags
The value in the pressure_alt field has been updated
highresImuUpdatedTemperature → const HighresImuUpdatedFlags
The value in the temperature field has been updated
highresImuUpdatedXacc → const HighresImuUpdatedFlags
The value in the xacc field has been updated
highresImuUpdatedXgyro → const HighresImuUpdatedFlags
The value in the xgyro field has been updated
highresImuUpdatedXmag → const HighresImuUpdatedFlags
The value in the xmag field has been updated
highresImuUpdatedYacc → const HighresImuUpdatedFlags
The value in the yacc field has been updated
highresImuUpdatedYgyro → const HighresImuUpdatedFlags
The value in the ygyro field has been updated
highresImuUpdatedYmag → const HighresImuUpdatedFlags
The value in the ymag field has been updated
highresImuUpdatedZacc → const HighresImuUpdatedFlags
The value in the zacc field has been updated since
highresImuUpdatedZgyro → const HighresImuUpdatedFlags
The value in the zgyro field has been updated
highresImuUpdatedZmag → const HighresImuUpdatedFlags
The value in the zmag field has been updated
hilSensorUpdatedAbsPressure → const HilSensorUpdatedFlags
The value in the abs_pressure field has been updated
hilSensorUpdatedDiffPressure → const HilSensorUpdatedFlags
The value in the diff_pressure field has been updated
hilSensorUpdatedNone → const HilSensorUpdatedFlags
None of the fields in HIL_SENSOR have been updated
hilSensorUpdatedPressureAlt → const HilSensorUpdatedFlags
The value in the pressure_alt field has been updated
hilSensorUpdatedReset → const HilSensorUpdatedFlags
Full reset of attitude/position/velocities/etc was performed in sim (Bit 31).
hilSensorUpdatedTemperature → const HilSensorUpdatedFlags
The value in the temperature field has been updated
hilSensorUpdatedXacc → const HilSensorUpdatedFlags
The value in the xacc field has been updated
hilSensorUpdatedXgyro → const HilSensorUpdatedFlags
The value in the xgyro field has been updated
hilSensorUpdatedXmag → const HilSensorUpdatedFlags
The value in the xmag field has been updated
hilSensorUpdatedYacc → const HilSensorUpdatedFlags
The value in the yacc field has been updated
hilSensorUpdatedYgyro → const HilSensorUpdatedFlags
The value in the ygyro field has been updated
hilSensorUpdatedYmag → const HilSensorUpdatedFlags
The value in the ymag field has been updated
hilSensorUpdatedZacc → const HilSensorUpdatedFlags
The value in the zacc field has been updated
hilSensorUpdatedZgyro → const HilSensorUpdatedFlags
The value in the zgyro field has been updated
hilSensorUpdatedZmag → const HilSensorUpdatedFlags
The value in the zmag field has been updated
hlFailureFlag3dAccel → const HlFailureFlag
Accelerometer sensor failure.
hlFailureFlag3dGyro → const HlFailureFlag
Gyroscope sensor failure.
hlFailureFlag3dMag → const HlFailureFlag
Magnetometer sensor failure.
hlFailureFlagAbsolutePressure → const HlFailureFlag
Absolute pressure sensor failure.
hlFailureFlagBattery → const HlFailureFlag
Battery failure/critical low battery.
hlFailureFlagDifferentialPressure → const HlFailureFlag
Differential pressure sensor failure.
hlFailureFlagEngine → const HlFailureFlag
Engine failure.
hlFailureFlagEstimator → const HlFailureFlag
Estimator failure, for example measurement rejection or large variances.
hlFailureFlagGeofence → const HlFailureFlag
Geofence violation.
hlFailureFlagGps → const HlFailureFlag
GPS failure.
hlFailureFlagMission → const HlFailureFlag
Mission failure.
Offboard link failure.
hlFailureFlagRcReceiver → const HlFailureFlag
RC receiver failure/no RC connection.
hlFailureFlagTerrain → const HlFailureFlag
Terrain subsystem failure.
landingTargetTypeLightBeacon → const LandingTargetType
Landing target signaled by light beacon (ex: IR-LOCK)
landingTargetTypeRadioBeacon → const LandingTargetType
Landing target signaled by radio beacon (ex: ILS, NDB)
landingTargetTypeVisionFiducial → const LandingTargetType
Landing target represented by a fiducial marker (ex: ARTag)
landingTargetTypeVisionOther → const LandingTargetType
Landing target represented by a pre-defined visual shape/feature (ex: X-marker, H-marker, square)
magCalBadOrientation → const MagCalStatus
magCalBadRadius → const MagCalStatus
magCalFailed → const MagCalStatus
magCalNotStarted → const MagCalStatus
magCalRunningStepOne → const MagCalStatus
magCalRunningStepTwo → const MagCalStatus
magCalSuccess → const MagCalStatus
magCalWaitingToStart → const MagCalStatus
mavArmAuthDeniedReasonAirspaceInUse → const MavArmAuthDeniedReason
Airspace of the mission in use by another vehicle, second result parameter can have the waypoint id that caused it to be denied.
mavArmAuthDeniedReasonBadWeather → const MavArmAuthDeniedReason
Weather is not good to fly
mavArmAuthDeniedReasonGeneric → const MavArmAuthDeniedReason
Not a specific reason
mavArmAuthDeniedReasonInvalidWaypoint → const MavArmAuthDeniedReason
At least one waypoint have a invalid value
mavArmAuthDeniedReasonNone → const MavArmAuthDeniedReason
Authorizer will send the error as string to GCS
mavArmAuthDeniedReasonTimeout → const MavArmAuthDeniedReason
Timeout in the authorizer process(in case it depends on network)
mavAutopilotAerob → const MavAutopilot
Aerob -- http://aerob.ru
mavAutopilotAirrails → const MavAutopilot
AirRails - http://uaventure.com
mavAutopilotArdupilotmega → const MavAutopilot
ArduPilot - Plane/Copter/Rover/Sub/Tracker, https://ardupilot.org
mavAutopilotArmazila → const MavAutopilot
Armazila -- http://armazila.com
mavAutopilotAsluav → const MavAutopilot
ASLUAV autopilot -- http://www.asl.ethz.ch
mavAutopilotAutoquad → const MavAutopilot
AutoQuad -- http://autoquad.org
mavAutopilotFp → const MavAutopilot
mavAutopilotGeneric → const MavAutopilot
Generic autopilot, full support for everything
mavAutopilotGenericMissionFull → const MavAutopilot
Generic autopilot supporting the full mission command set
mavAutopilotGenericWaypointsAndSimpleNavigationOnly → const MavAutopilot
Generic autopilot supporting waypoints and other simple navigation commands
mavAutopilotGenericWaypointsOnly → const MavAutopilot
Generic autopilot only supporting simple waypoints
mavAutopilotInvalid → const MavAutopilot
No valid autopilot, e.g. a GCS or other MAVLink component
mavAutopilotOpenpilot → const MavAutopilot
OpenPilot, http://openpilot.org
mavAutopilotPpz → const MavAutopilot
PPZ UAV - http://nongnu.org/paparazzi
mavAutopilotPx4 → const MavAutopilot
PX4 Autopilot - http://px4.io/
mavAutopilotReflex → const MavAutopilot
Fusion Reflex - https://fusion.engineering
mavAutopilotReserved → const MavAutopilot
Reserved for future use.
mavAutopilotSlugs → const MavAutopilot
SLUGS autopilot, http://slugsuav.soe.ucsc.edu
mavAutopilotSmaccmpilot → const MavAutopilot
SMACCMPilot - http://smaccmpilot.org
mavAutopilotSmartap → const MavAutopilot
SmartAP Autopilot - http://sky-drones.com
mavAutopilotUdb → const MavAutopilot
UAV Dev Board
mavBatteryChargeStateCharging → const MavBatteryChargeState
Battery is charging.
mavBatteryChargeStateCritical → const MavBatteryChargeState
Battery state is critical, return or abort immediately.
mavBatteryChargeStateEmergency → const MavBatteryChargeState
Battery state is too low for ordinary abort sequence. Perform fastest possible emergency stop to prevent damage.
mavBatteryChargeStateFailed → const MavBatteryChargeState
Battery failed, damage unavoidable. Possible causes (faults) are listed in MAV_BATTERY_FAULT.
mavBatteryChargeStateLow → const MavBatteryChargeState
Battery state is low, warn and monitor close.
mavBatteryChargeStateOk → const MavBatteryChargeState
Battery is not in low state. Normal operation.
mavBatteryChargeStateUndefined → const MavBatteryChargeState
Low battery state is not provided
mavBatteryChargeStateUnhealthy → const MavBatteryChargeState
Battery is diagnosed to be defective or an error occurred, usage is discouraged / prohibited. Possible causes (faults) are listed in MAV_BATTERY_FAULT.
mavBatteryFaultCellFail → const MavBatteryFault
One or more cells have failed. Battery should also report MAV_BATTERY_CHARGE_STATE_FAILE (and should not be used).
mavBatteryFaultDeepDischarge → const MavBatteryFault
Battery has deep discharged.
mavBatteryFaultIncompatibleFirmware → const MavBatteryFault
Battery firmware is not compatible with current autopilot firmware.
mavBatteryFaultIncompatibleVoltage → const MavBatteryFault
Vehicle voltage is not compatible with this battery (batteries on same power rail should have similar voltage).
mavBatteryFaultOverCurrent → const MavBatteryFault
Over-current fault.
mavBatteryFaultOverTemperature → const MavBatteryFault
Over-temperature fault.
mavBatteryFaultSpikes → const MavBatteryFault
Voltage spikes.
mavBatteryFaultUnderTemperature → const MavBatteryFault
Under-temperature fault.
mavBatteryFunctionAll → const MavBatteryFunction
Battery supports all flight systems
mavBatteryFunctionAvionics → const MavBatteryFunction
Avionics battery
mavBatteryFunctionPayload → const MavBatteryFunction
Payload battery
mavBatteryFunctionPropulsion → const MavBatteryFunction
Battery for the propulsion system
mavBatteryFunctionUnknown → const MavBatteryFunction
Battery function is unknown
mavBatteryModeAutoDischarging → const MavBatteryMode
Battery is auto discharging (towards storage level).
mavBatteryModeHotSwap → const MavBatteryMode
Battery in hot-swap mode (current limited to prevent spikes that might damage sensitive electrical circuits).
mavBatteryModeUnknown → const MavBatteryMode
Battery mode not supported/unknown battery mode/normal operation.
mavBatteryTypeLife → const MavBatteryType
Lithium-iron-phosphate battery
mavBatteryTypeLion → const MavBatteryType
Lithium-ION battery
mavBatteryTypeLipo → const MavBatteryType
Lithium polymer battery
mavBatteryTypeNimh → const MavBatteryType
Nickel metal hydride battery
mavBatteryTypeUnknown → const MavBatteryType
Not specified.
mavCmdActuatorTest → const MavCmd
Actuator testing command. This is similar to MAV_CMD_DO_MOTOR_TEST but operates on the level of output functions, i.e. it is possible to test Motor1 independent from which output it is configured on. Autopilots typically refuse this command while armed.
mavCmdAirframeConfiguration → const MavCmd
mavCmdArmAuthorizationRequest → const MavCmd
Request authorization to arm the vehicle to a external entity, the arm authorizer is responsible to request all data that is needs from the vehicle before authorize or deny the request. If approved the COMMAND_ACK message progress field should be set with period of time that this authorization is valid in seconds. If the authorization is denied COMMAND_ACK.result_param2 should be set with one of the reasons in ARM_AUTH_DENIED_REASON.
mavCmdCameraStopTracking → const MavCmd
Stops ongoing tracking.
mavCmdCameraTrackPoint → const MavCmd
If the camera supports point visual tracking (CAMERA_CAP_FLAGS_HAS_TRACKING_POINT is set), this command allows to initiate the tracking.
mavCmdCameraTrackRectangle → const MavCmd
If the camera supports rectangle visual tracking (CAMERA_CAP_FLAGS_HAS_TRACKING_RECTANGLE is set), this command allows to initiate the tracking.
mavCmdCanForward → const MavCmd
Request forwarding of CAN packets from the given CAN bus to this component. CAN Frames are sent using CAN_FRAME and CANFD_FRAME messages
mavCmdComponentArmDisarm → const MavCmd
Arms / Disarms a component
mavCmdConditionChangeAlt → const MavCmd
Ascend/descend to target altitude at specified rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached.
mavCmdConditionDelay → const MavCmd
Delay mission state machine.
mavCmdConditionDistance → const MavCmd
Delay mission state machine until within desired distance of next NAV point.
mavCmdConditionGate → const MavCmd
WIP. Delay mission state machine until gate has been reached.
mavCmdConditionLast → const MavCmd
NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the CONDITION commands in the enumeration
mavCmdConditionYaw → const MavCmd
Reach a certain target angle.
mavCmdConfigureActuator → const MavCmd
Actuator configuration command.
mavCmdControlHighLatency → const MavCmd
Request to start/stop transmitting over the high latency telemetry
mavCmdDoAdsbOutIdent → const MavCmd
Trigger the start of an ADSB-out IDENT. This should only be used when requested to do so by an Air Traffic Controller in controlled airspace. This starts the IDENT which is then typically held for 18 seconds by the hardware per the Mode A, C, and S transponder spec.
mavCmdDoAutotuneEnable → const MavCmd
Enable/disable autotune.
mavCmdDoChangeAltitude → const MavCmd
Change altitude set point.
mavCmdDoChangeSpeed → const MavCmd
Change speed and/or throttle set points. The value persists until it is overridden or there is a mode change
mavCmdDoControlVideo → const MavCmd
Control onboard camera system.
mavCmdDoDigicamConfigure → const MavCmd
Configure digital camera. This is a fallback message for systems that have not yet implemented PARAM_EXT_XXX messages and camera definition files (see https://mavlink.io/en/services/camera_def.html ).
mavCmdDoDigicamControl → const MavCmd
Control digital camera. This is a fallback message for systems that have not yet implemented PARAM_EXT_XXX messages and camera definition files (see https://mavlink.io/en/services/camera_def.html ).
mavCmdDoEngineControl → const MavCmd
Control vehicle engine. This is interpreted by the vehicles engine controller to change the target engine state. It is intended for vehicles with internal combustion engines
mavCmdDoFenceEnable → const MavCmd
Mission command to enable the geofence
mavCmdDoFlighttermination → const MavCmd
Terminate flight immediately. Flight termination immediately and irreversibly terminates the current flight, returning the vehicle to ground. The vehicle will ignore RC or other input until it has been power-cycled. Termination may trigger safety measures, including: disabling motors and deployment of parachute on multicopters, and setting flight surfaces to initiate a landing pattern on fixed-wing). On multicopters without a parachute it may trigger a crash landing. Support for this command can be tested using the protocol bit: MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_FLIGHT_TERMINATION. Support for this command can also be tested by sending the command with param1=0 (< 0.5); the ACK should be either MAV_RESULT_FAILED or MAV_RESULT_UNSUPPORTED.
mavCmdDoFollow → const MavCmd
Begin following a target
mavCmdDoFollowReposition → const MavCmd
Reposition the MAV after a follow target command has been sent
mavCmdDoGimbalManagerConfigure → const MavCmd
Gimbal configuration to set which sysid/compid is in primary and secondary control.
mavCmdDoGimbalManagerPitchyaw → const MavCmd
Set gimbal manager pitch/yaw setpoints (low rate command). It is possible to set combinations of the values below. E.g. an angle as well as a desired angular rate can be used to get to this angle at a certain angular rate, or an angular rate only will result in continuous turning. NaN is to be used to signal unset. Note: only the gimbal manager will react to this command - it will be ignored by a gimbal device. Use GIMBAL_MANAGER_SET_PITCHYAW if you need to stream pitch/yaw setpoints at higher rate.
mavCmdDoGoAround → const MavCmd
Mission command to safely abort an autonomous landing.
mavCmdDoGripper → const MavCmd
Mission command to operate a gripper.
mavCmdDoGuidedLimits → const MavCmd
Set limits for external control
mavCmdDoGuidedMaster → const MavCmd
set id of master controller
mavCmdDoInvertedFlight → const MavCmd
Change to/from inverted flight.
mavCmdDoJump → const MavCmd
Jump to the desired command in the mission list. Repeat this action only the specified number of times
mavCmdDoJumpTag → const MavCmd
Jump to the matching tag in the mission list. Repeat this action for the specified number of times. A mission should contain a single matching tag for each jump. If this is not the case then a jump to a missing tag should complete the mission, and a jump where there are multiple matching tags should always select the one with the lowest mission sequence number.
mavCmdDoLandStart → const MavCmd
Mission command to perform a landing. This is used as a marker in a mission to tell the autopilot where a sequence of mission items that represents a landing starts. It may also be sent via a COMMAND_LONG to trigger a landing, in which case the nearest (geographically) landing sequence in the mission will be used. The Latitude/Longitude/Altitude is optional, and may be set to 0 if not needed. If specified then it will be used to help find the closest landing sequence.
mavCmdDoLast → const MavCmd
NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the DO commands in the enumeration
mavCmdDoMotorTest → const MavCmd
Command to perform motor test.
mavCmdDoMountConfigure → const MavCmd
Mission command to configure a camera or antenna mount
mavCmdDoMountControl → const MavCmd
Mission command to control a camera or antenna mount
mavCmdDoMountControlQuat → const MavCmd
Mission command to control a camera or antenna mount, using a quaternion as reference.
mavCmdDoOrbit → const MavCmd
WIP. Start orbiting on the circumference of a circle defined by the parameters. Setting values to NaN/INT32_MAX (as appropriate) results in using defaults.
mavCmdDoParachute → const MavCmd
Mission item/command to release a parachute or enable/disable auto release.
mavCmdDoPauseContinue → const MavCmd
If in a GPS controlled position mode, hold the current position or continue.
mavCmdDoRallyLand → const MavCmd
Mission command to perform a landing from a rally point.
mavCmdDoRepeatRelay → const MavCmd
Cycle a relay on and off for a desired number of cycles with a desired period.
mavCmdDoRepeatServo → const MavCmd
Cycle a between its nominal setting and a desired PWM for a desired number of cycles with a desired period.
mavCmdDoReposition → const MavCmd
Reposition the vehicle to a specific WGS84 global position. This command is intended for guided commands (for missions use MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT instead).
mavCmdDoSetActuator → const MavCmd
Sets actuators (e.g. servos) to a desired value. The actuator numbers are mapped to specific outputs (e.g. on any MAIN or AUX PWM or UAVCAN) using a flight-stack specific mechanism (i.e. a parameter).
mavCmdDoSetCamTriggDist → const MavCmd
Mission command to set camera trigger distance for this flight. The camera is triggered each time this distance is exceeded. This command can also be used to set the shutter integration time for the camera.
mavCmdDoSetCamTriggInterval → const MavCmd
Mission command to set camera trigger interval for this flight. If triggering is enabled, the camera is triggered each time this interval expires. This command can also be used to set the shutter integration time for the camera.
mavCmdDoSetHome → const MavCmd
Sets the home position to either to the current position or a specified position. The home position is the default position that the system will return to and land on. The position is set automatically by the system during the takeoff (and may also be set using this command). Note: the current home position may be emitted in a HOME_POSITION message on request (using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE with param1=242).
mavCmdDoSetMissionCurrent → const MavCmd
Set the mission item with sequence number seq as the current item and emit MISSION_CURRENT (whether or not the mission number changed). If a mission is currently being executed, the system will continue to this new mission item on the shortest path, skipping any intermediate mission items. Note that mission jump repeat counters are not reset unless param2 is set (see MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP param2).
mavCmdDoSetMode → const MavCmd
Set system mode.
mavCmdDoSetParameter → const MavCmd
Set a system parameter. Caution! Use of this command requires knowledge of the numeric enumeration value of the parameter.
mavCmdDoSetRelay → const MavCmd
Set a relay to a condition.
mavCmdDoSetReverse → const MavCmd
Set moving direction to forward or reverse.
mavCmdDoSetRoi → const MavCmd
Sets the region of interest (ROI) for a sensor set or the vehicle itself. This can then be used by the vehicle's control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras.
mavCmdDoSetRoiLocation → const MavCmd
Sets the region of interest (ROI) to a location. This can then be used by the vehicle's control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras. This command can be sent to a gimbal manager but not to a gimbal device. A gimbal is not to react to this message.
mavCmdDoSetRoiNone → const MavCmd
Cancels any previous ROI command returning the vehicle/sensors to default flight characteristics. This can then be used by the vehicle's control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras. This command can be sent to a gimbal manager but not to a gimbal device. A gimbal device is not to react to this message. After this command the gimbal manager should go back to manual input if available, and otherwise assume a neutral position.
mavCmdDoSetRoiSysid → const MavCmd
Mount tracks system with specified system ID. Determination of target vehicle position may be done with GLOBAL_POSITION_INT or any other means. This command can be sent to a gimbal manager but not to a gimbal device. A gimbal device is not to react to this message.
mavCmdDoSetRoiWpnextOffset → const MavCmd
Sets the region of interest (ROI) to be toward next waypoint, with optional pitch/roll/yaw offset. This can then be used by the vehicle's control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras. This command can be sent to a gimbal manager but not to a gimbal device. A gimbal device is not to react to this message.
mavCmdDoSetSafetySwitchState → const MavCmd
Change state of safety switch.
mavCmdDoSetServo → const MavCmd
Set a servo to a desired PWM value.
mavCmdDoTriggerControl → const MavCmd
Enable or disable on-board camera triggering system.
mavCmdDoVtolTransition → const MavCmd
Request VTOL transition
mavCmdDoWinch → const MavCmd
Command to operate winch.
mavCmdExternalPositionEstimate → const MavCmd
Provide an external position estimate for use when dead-reckoning. This is meant to be used for occasional position resets that may be provided by a external system such as a remote pilot using landmarks over a video link.
mavCmdFixedMagCalYaw → const MavCmd
Magnetometer calibration based on provided known yaw. This allows for fast calibration using WMM field tables in the vehicle, given only the known yaw of the vehicle. If Latitude and longitude are both zero then use the current vehicle location.
mavCmdGetHomePosition → const MavCmd
Request the home position from the vehicle. The vehicle will ACK the command and then emit the HOME_POSITION message.
mavCmdGetMessageInterval → const MavCmd
Request the interval between messages for a particular MAVLink message ID. The receiver should ACK the command and then emit its response in a MESSAGE_INTERVAL message.
mavCmdIlluminatorOnOff → const MavCmd
WIP. Turns illuminators ON/OFF. An illuminator is a light source that is used for lighting up dark areas external to the system: e.g. a torch or searchlight (as opposed to a light source for illuminating the system itself, e.g. an indicator light).
mavCmdImageStartCapture → const MavCmd
Start image capture sequence. CAMERA_IMAGE_CAPTURED must be emitted after each capture.
mavCmdImageStopCapture → const MavCmd
Stop image capture sequence.
mavCmdInjectFailure → const MavCmd
Inject artificial failure for testing purposes. Note that autopilots should implement an additional protection before accepting this command such as a specific param setting.
mavCmdJumpTag → const MavCmd
Tagged jump target. Can be jumped to with MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP_TAG.
mavCmdLoggingStart → const MavCmd
Request to start streaming logging data over MAVLink (see also LOGGING_DATA message)
mavCmdLoggingStop → const MavCmd
Request to stop streaming log data over MAVLink
mavCmdMissionStart → const MavCmd
start running a mission
mavCmdNavContinueAndChangeAlt → const MavCmd
Continue on the current course and climb/descend to specified altitude. When the altitude is reached continue to the next command (i.e., don't proceed to the next command until the desired altitude is reached.
mavCmdNavDelay → const MavCmd
Delay the next navigation command a number of seconds or until a specified time
mavCmdNavFenceCircleExclusion → const MavCmd
Circular fence area. The vehicle must stay outside this area.
mavCmdNavFenceCircleInclusion → const MavCmd
Circular fence area. The vehicle must stay inside this area.
mavCmdNavFencePolygonVertexExclusion → const MavCmd
Fence vertex for an exclusion polygon (the polygon must not be self-intersecting). The vehicle must stay outside this area. Minimum of 3 vertices required.
mavCmdNavFencePolygonVertexInclusion → const MavCmd
Fence vertex for an inclusion polygon (the polygon must not be self-intersecting). The vehicle must stay within this area. Minimum of 3 vertices required.
mavCmdNavFenceReturnPoint → const MavCmd
Fence return point (there can only be one such point in a geofence definition). If rally points are supported they should be used instead.
mavCmdNavFollow → const MavCmd
Vehicle following, i.e. this waypoint represents the position of a moving vehicle
mavCmdNavGuidedEnable → const MavCmd
hand control over to an external controller
mavCmdNavLand → const MavCmd
Land at location.
mavCmdNavLandLocal → const MavCmd
Land at local position (local frame only)
mavCmdNavLast → const MavCmd
NOP - This command is only used to mark the upper limit of the NAV/ACTION commands in the enumeration
mavCmdNavLoiterTime → const MavCmd
Loiter at the specified latitude, longitude and altitude for a certain amount of time. Multicopter vehicles stop at the point (within a vehicle-specific acceptance radius). Forward-only moving vehicles (e.g. fixed-wing) circle the point with the specified radius/direction. If the Heading Required parameter (2) is non-zero forward moving aircraft will only leave the loiter circle once heading towards the next waypoint.
mavCmdNavLoiterToAlt → const MavCmd
Begin loiter at the specified Latitude and Longitude. If Lat=Lon=0, then loiter at the current position. Don't consider the navigation command complete (don't leave loiter) until the altitude has been reached. Additionally, if the Heading Required parameter is non-zero the aircraft will not leave the loiter until heading toward the next waypoint.
mavCmdNavLoiterTurns → const MavCmd
Loiter around this waypoint for X turns
mavCmdNavLoiterUnlim → const MavCmd
Loiter around this waypoint an unlimited amount of time
mavCmdNavPathplanning → const MavCmd
Control autonomous path planning on the MAV.
mavCmdNavPayloadPlace → const MavCmd
Descend and place payload. Vehicle moves to specified location, descends until it detects a hanging payload has reached the ground, and then releases the payload. If ground is not detected before the reaching the maximum descent value (param1), the command will complete without releasing the payload.
mavCmdNavRallyPoint → const MavCmd
Rally point. You can have multiple rally points defined.
mavCmdNavReturnToLaunch → const MavCmd
Return to launch location
mavCmdNavRoi → const MavCmd
Sets the region of interest (ROI) for a sensor set or the vehicle itself. This can then be used by the vehicle's control system to control the vehicle attitude and the attitude of various sensors such as cameras.
mavCmdNavSetYawSpeed → const MavCmd
Sets a desired vehicle turn angle and speed change.
mavCmdNavSplineWaypoint → const MavCmd
Navigate to waypoint using a spline path.
mavCmdNavTakeoff → const MavCmd
Takeoff from ground / hand. Vehicles that support multiple takeoff modes (e.g. VTOL quadplane) should take off using the currently configured mode.
mavCmdNavTakeoffLocal → const MavCmd
Takeoff from local position (local frame only)
mavCmdNavVtolLand → const MavCmd
Land using VTOL mode
mavCmdNavVtolTakeoff → const MavCmd
Takeoff from ground using VTOL mode, and transition to forward flight with specified heading. The command should be ignored by vehicles that dont support both VTOL and fixed-wing flight (multicopters, boats,etc.).
mavCmdNavWaypoint → const MavCmd
Navigate to waypoint. This is intended for use in missions (for guided commands outside of missions use MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION).
mavCmdObliqueSurvey → const MavCmd
Mission command to set a Camera Auto Mount Pivoting Oblique Survey (Replaces CAM_TRIGG_DIST for this purpose). The camera is triggered each time this distance is exceeded, then the mount moves to the next position. Params 4~6 set-up the angle limits and number of positions for oblique survey, where mount-enabled vehicles automatically roll the camera between shots to emulate an oblique camera setup (providing an increased HFOV). This command can also be used to set the shutter integration time for the camera.
mavCmdOverrideGoto → const MavCmd
Override current mission with command to pause mission, pause mission and move to position, continue/resume mission. When param 1 indicates that the mission is paused (MAV_GOTO_DO_HOLD), param 2 defines whether it holds in place or moves to another position.
mavCmdPanoramaCreate → const MavCmd
Create a panorama at the current position
mavCmdPayloadControlDeploy → const MavCmd
Control the payload deployment.
mavCmdPayloadPrepareDeploy → const MavCmd
Deploy payload on a Lat / Lon / Alt position. This includes the navigation to reach the required release position and velocity.
mavCmdPreflightCalibration → const MavCmd
Trigger calibration. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode. Except for Temperature Calibration, only one sensor should be set in a single message and all others should be zero.
mavCmdPreflightRebootShutdown → const MavCmd
Request the reboot or shutdown of system components.
mavCmdPreflightSetSensorOffsets → const MavCmd
Set sensor offsets. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode.
mavCmdPreflightStorage → const MavCmd
Request storage of different parameter values and logs. This command will be only accepted if in pre-flight mode.
mavCmdPreflightUavcan → const MavCmd
Trigger UAVCAN configuration (actuator ID assignment and direction mapping). Note that this maps to the legacy UAVCAN v0 function UAVCAN_ENUMERATE, which is intended to be executed just once during initial vehicle configuration (it is not a normal pre-flight command and has been poorly named).
mavCmdRequestAutopilotCapabilities → const MavCmd
Request autopilot capabilities. The receiver should ACK the command and then emit its capabilities in an AUTOPILOT_VERSION message
mavCmdRequestCameraCaptureStatus → const MavCmd
Request camera capture status (CAMERA_CAPTURE_STATUS)
mavCmdRequestCameraImageCapture → const MavCmd
Re-request a CAMERA_IMAGE_CAPTURED message.
mavCmdRequestCameraInformation → const MavCmd
Request camera information (CAMERA_INFORMATION).
mavCmdRequestCameraSettings → const MavCmd
Request camera settings (CAMERA_SETTINGS).
mavCmdRequestFlightInformation → const MavCmd
Request flight information (FLIGHT_INFORMATION)
mavCmdRequestMessage → const MavCmd
Request the target system(s) emit a single instance of a specified message (i.e. a "one-shot" version of MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL).
mavCmdRequestProtocolVersion → const MavCmd
Request MAVLink protocol version compatibility. All receivers should ACK the command and then emit their capabilities in an PROTOCOL_VERSION message
mavCmdRequestStorageInformation → const MavCmd
Request storage information (STORAGE_INFORMATION). Use the command's target_component to target a specific component's storage.
mavCmdRequestVideoStreamInformation → const MavCmd
Request video stream information (VIDEO_STREAM_INFORMATION)
mavCmdRequestVideoStreamStatus → const MavCmd
Request video stream status (VIDEO_STREAM_STATUS)
mavCmdResetCameraSettings → const MavCmd
Reset all camera settings to Factory Default
mavCmdRunPrearmChecks → const MavCmd
Instructs a target system to run pre-arm checks. This allows preflight checks to be run on demand, which may be useful on systems that normally run them at low rate, or which do not trigger checks when the armable state might have changed. This command should return MAV_RESULT_ACCEPTED if it will run the checks. The results of the checks are usually then reported in SYS_STATUS messages (this is system-specific). The command should return MAV_RESULT_TEMPORARILY_REJECTED if the system is already armed.
mavCmdSetCameraFocus → const MavCmd
Set camera focus. Camera must respond with a CAMERA_SETTINGS message (on success).
mavCmdSetCameraMode → const MavCmd
Set camera running mode. Use NaN for reserved values. GCS will send a MAV_CMD_REQUEST_VIDEO_STREAM_STATUS command after a mode change if the camera supports video streaming.
mavCmdSetCameraZoom → const MavCmd
Set camera zoom. Camera must respond with a CAMERA_SETTINGS message (on success).
mavCmdSetGuidedSubmodeCircle → const MavCmd
This command sets submode circle when vehicle is in guided mode. Vehicle flies along a circle facing the center of the circle. The user can input the velocity along the circle and change the radius. If no input is given the vehicle will hold position.
mavCmdSetGuidedSubmodeStandard → const MavCmd
This command sets the submode to standard guided when vehicle is in guided mode. The vehicle holds position and altitude and the user can input the desired velocities along all three axes.
mavCmdSetMessageInterval → const MavCmd
Set the interval between messages for a particular MAVLink message ID. This interface replaces REQUEST_DATA_STREAM.
mavCmdSetStorageUsage → const MavCmd
Set that a particular storage is the preferred location for saving photos, videos, and/or other media (e.g. to set that an SD card is used for storing videos). There can only be one preferred save location for each particular media type: setting a media usage flag will clear/reset that same flag if set on any other storage. If no flag is set the system should use its default storage. A target system can choose to always use default storage, in which case it should ACK the command with MAV_RESULT_UNSUPPORTED. A target system can choose to not allow a particular storage to be set as preferred storage, in which case it should ACK the command with MAV_RESULT_DENIED.
mavCmdSpatialUser1 → const MavCmd
User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item.
mavCmdSpatialUser2 → const MavCmd
User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item.
mavCmdSpatialUser3 → const MavCmd
User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item.
mavCmdSpatialUser4 → const MavCmd
User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item.
mavCmdSpatialUser5 → const MavCmd
User defined spatial item. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: ROI item.
mavCmdStartRxPair → const MavCmd
Starts receiver pairing.
mavCmdStorageFormat → const MavCmd
Format a storage medium. Once format is complete, a STORAGE_INFORMATION message is sent. Use the command's target_component to target a specific component's storage.
mavCmdUavcanGetNodeInfo → const MavCmd
Commands the vehicle to respond with a sequence of messages UAVCAN_NODE_INFO, one message per every UAVCAN node that is online. Note that some of the response messages can be lost, which the receiver can detect easily by checking whether every received UAVCAN_NODE_STATUS has a matching message UAVCAN_NODE_INFO received earlier; if not, this command should be sent again in order to request re-transmission of the node information messages.
mavCmdUser1 → const MavCmd
User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item.
mavCmdUser2 → const MavCmd
User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item.
mavCmdUser3 → const MavCmd
User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item.
mavCmdUser4 → const MavCmd
User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item.
mavCmdUser5 → const MavCmd
User defined command. Ground Station will not show the Vehicle as flying through this item. Example: MAV_CMD_DO_SET_PARAMETER item.
mavCmdVideoStartCapture → const MavCmd
Starts video capture (recording).
mavCmdVideoStartStreaming → const MavCmd
Start video streaming
mavCmdVideoStopCapture → const MavCmd
Stop the current video capture (recording).
mavCmdVideoStopStreaming → const MavCmd
Stop the given video stream
mavCmdWaypointUser1 → const MavCmd
User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item.
mavCmdWaypointUser2 → const MavCmd
User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item.
mavCmdWaypointUser3 → const MavCmd
User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item.
mavCmdWaypointUser4 → const MavCmd
User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item.
mavCmdWaypointUser5 → const MavCmd
User defined waypoint item. Ground Station will show the Vehicle as flying through this item.
mavCollisionActionAscendOrDescend → const MavCollisionAction
Ascend or Descend to avoid threat
mavCollisionActionHover → const MavCollisionAction
Aircraft to stop in place
mavCollisionActionMoveHorizontally → const MavCollisionAction
Move horizontally to avoid threat
mavCollisionActionMovePerpendicular → const MavCollisionAction
Aircraft to move perpendicular to the collision's velocity vector
mavCollisionActionNone → const MavCollisionAction
Ignore any potential collisions
mavCollisionActionReport → const MavCollisionAction
Report potential collision
mavCollisionActionRtl → const MavCollisionAction
Aircraft to fly directly back to its launch point
mavCollisionSrcAdsb → const MavCollisionSrc
ID field references ADSB_VEHICLE packets
mavCollisionSrcMavlinkGpsGlobalInt → const MavCollisionSrc
ID field references MAVLink SRC ID
mavCollisionThreatLevelHigh → const MavCollisionThreatLevel
Craft is panicking, and may take actions to avoid threat
mavCollisionThreatLevelLow → const MavCollisionThreatLevel
Craft is mildly concerned about this threat
mavCollisionThreatLevelNone → const MavCollisionThreatLevel
Not a threat
mavCompIdAdsb → const MavComponent
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) component.
mavCompIdAll → const MavComponent
Target id (target_component) used to broadcast messages to all components of the receiving system. Components should attempt to process messages with this component ID and forward to components on any other interfaces. Note: This is not a valid source component id for a message.
mavCompIdAutopilot1 → const MavComponent
System flight controller component ("autopilot"). Only one autopilot is expected in a particular system.
mavCompIdBattery → const MavComponent
Battery #1.
mavCompIdBattery2 → const MavComponent
Battery #2.
mavCompIdCamera → const MavComponent
Camera #1.
mavCompIdCamera2 → const MavComponent
Camera #2.
mavCompIdCamera3 → const MavComponent
Camera #3.
mavCompIdCamera4 → const MavComponent
Camera #4.
mavCompIdCamera5 → const MavComponent
Camera #5.
mavCompIdCamera6 → const MavComponent
Camera #6.
mavCompIdFlarm → const MavComponent
FLARM collision alert component.
mavCompIdGimbal → const MavComponent
Gimbal #1.
mavCompIdGimbal2 → const MavComponent
Gimbal #2.
mavCompIdGimbal3 → const MavComponent
Gimbal #3.
mavCompIdGimbal4 → const MavComponent
Gimbal #4
mavCompIdGimbal5 → const MavComponent
Gimbal #5.
mavCompIdGimbal6 → const MavComponent
Gimbal #6.
mavCompIdGps → const MavComponent
GPS #1.
mavCompIdGps2 → const MavComponent
GPS #2.
mavCompIdImu → const MavComponent
Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) #1.
mavCompIdImu2 → const MavComponent
Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) #2.
mavCompIdImu3 → const MavComponent
Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) #3.
mavCompIdLog → const MavComponent
Logging component.
mavCompIdMavcan → const MavComponent
CAN over MAVLink client.
mavCompIdMissionplanner → const MavComponent
Component that can generate/supply a mission flight plan (e.g. GCS or developer API).
mavCompIdObstacleAvoidance → const MavComponent
Component that plans a collision free path between two points.
mavCompIdOdidTxrx1 → const MavComponent
Open Drone ID transmitter/receiver (Bluetooth/WiFi/Internet).
mavCompIdOdidTxrx2 → const MavComponent
Open Drone ID transmitter/receiver (Bluetooth/WiFi/Internet).
mavCompIdOdidTxrx3 → const MavComponent
Open Drone ID transmitter/receiver (Bluetooth/WiFi/Internet).
mavCompIdOnboardComputer → const MavComponent
Component that lives on the onboard computer (companion computer) and has some generic functionalities, such as settings system parameters and monitoring the status of some processes that don't directly speak mavlink and so on.
mavCompIdOnboardComputer2 → const MavComponent
Component that lives on the onboard computer (companion computer) and has some generic functionalities, such as settings system parameters and monitoring the status of some processes that don't directly speak mavlink and so on.
mavCompIdOnboardComputer3 → const MavComponent
Component that lives on the onboard computer (companion computer) and has some generic functionalities, such as settings system parameters and monitoring the status of some processes that don't directly speak mavlink and so on.
mavCompIdOnboardComputer4 → const MavComponent
Component that lives on the onboard computer (companion computer) and has some generic functionalities, such as settings system parameters and monitoring the status of some processes that don't directly speak mavlink and so on.
mavCompIdOsd → const MavComponent
On Screen Display (OSD) devices for video links.
mavCompIdPairingManager → const MavComponent
Component that manages pairing of vehicle and GCS.
mavCompIdParachute → const MavComponent
Parachute component.
mavCompIdPathplanner → const MavComponent
Component that finds an optimal path between points based on a certain constraint (e.g. minimum snap, shortest path, cost, etc.).
mavCompIdPeripheral → const MavComponent
Generic autopilot peripheral component ID. Meant for devices that do not implement the parameter microservice.
mavCompIdQx1Gimbal → const MavComponent
Gimbal ID for QX1.
mavCompIdServo1 → const MavComponent
Servo #1.
mavCompIdServo10 → const MavComponent
Servo #10.
mavCompIdServo11 → const MavComponent
Servo #11.
mavCompIdServo12 → const MavComponent
Servo #12.
mavCompIdServo13 → const MavComponent
Servo #13.
mavCompIdServo14 → const MavComponent
Servo #14.
mavCompIdServo2 → const MavComponent
Servo #2.
mavCompIdServo3 → const MavComponent
Servo #3.
mavCompIdServo4 → const MavComponent
Servo #4.
mavCompIdServo5 → const MavComponent
Servo #5.
mavCompIdServo6 → const MavComponent
Servo #6.
mavCompIdServo7 → const MavComponent
Servo #7.
mavCompIdServo8 → const MavComponent
Servo #8.
mavCompIdServo9 → const MavComponent
Servo #9.
mavCompIdSystemControl → const MavComponent
Deprecated, don't use. Component for handling system messages (e.g. to ARM, takeoff, etc.).
mavCompIdTelemetryRadio → const MavComponent
Telemetry radio (e.g. SiK radio, or other component that emits RADIO_STATUS messages).
mavCompIdTunnelNode → const MavComponent
Component handling TUNNEL messages (e.g. vendor specific GUI of a component).
mavCompIdUartBridge → const MavComponent
Component to bridge to UART (i.e. from UDP).
mavCompIdUdpBridge → const MavComponent
Component to bridge MAVLink to UDP (i.e. from a UART).
mavCompIdUser1 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser10 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser11 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser12 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser13 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser14 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser15 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser16 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser17 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser18 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser19 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser2 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser20 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser21 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser22 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser23 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser24 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser25 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser26 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser27 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser28 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser29 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser3 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser30 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser31 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser32 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser33 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser34 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser35 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser36 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser37 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser38 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser39 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser4 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser40 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser41 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser42 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser43 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser45 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser46 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser47 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser48 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser49 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser5 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser50 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser51 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser52 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser53 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser54 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser55 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser56 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser57 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser58 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser59 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser6 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser60 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser61 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser62 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser63 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser64 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser65 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser66 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser67 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser68 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser69 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser7 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser70 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser71 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser72 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser73 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser74 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser75 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser8 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdUser9 → const MavComponent
Id for a component on privately managed MAVLink network. Can be used for any purpose but may not be published by components outside of the private network.
mavCompIdVisualInertialOdometry → const MavComponent
Component that provides position estimates using VIO techniques.
mavCompIdWinch → const MavComponent
Winch component.
mavDataStreamAll → const MavDataStream
Enable all data streams
mavDataStreamExtendedStatus → const MavDataStream
mavDataStreamExtra1 → const MavDataStream
Dependent on the autopilot
mavDataStreamExtra2 → const MavDataStream
Dependent on the autopilot
mavDataStreamExtra3 → const MavDataStream
Dependent on the autopilot
mavDataStreamPosition → const MavDataStream
mavDataStreamRawController → const MavDataStream
mavDataStreamRawSensors → const MavDataStream
Enable IMU_RAW, GPS_RAW, GPS_STATUS packets.
mavDataStreamRcChannels → const MavDataStream
mavDistanceSensorInfrared → const MavDistanceSensor
Infrared rangefinder, e.g. Sharp units
mavDistanceSensorLaser → const MavDistanceSensor
Laser rangefinder, e.g. LightWare SF02/F or PulsedLight units
mavDistanceSensorRadar → const MavDistanceSensor
Radar type, e.g. uLanding units
mavDistanceSensorUltrasound → const MavDistanceSensor
Ultrasound rangefinder, e.g. MaxBotix units
mavDistanceSensorUnknown → const MavDistanceSensor
Broken or unknown type, e.g. analog units
mavDoRepositionFlagsChangeMode → const MavDoRepositionFlags
The aircraft should immediately transition into guided. This should not be set for follow me applications
mavEstimatorTypeAutopilot → const MavEstimatorType
Estimator on autopilot.
mavEstimatorTypeGps → const MavEstimatorType
Plain GPS estimate.
mavEstimatorTypeGpsIns → const MavEstimatorType
Estimator integrating GPS and inertial sensing.
mavEstimatorTypeLidar → const MavEstimatorType
Estimator based on lidar sensor input.
mavEstimatorTypeMocap → const MavEstimatorType
Estimate from external motion capturing system.
mavEstimatorTypeNaive → const MavEstimatorType
This is a naive estimator without any real covariance feedback.
mavEstimatorTypeUnknown → const MavEstimatorType
Unknown type of the estimator.
mavEstimatorTypeVio → const MavEstimatorType
Visual-inertial estimate.
mavEstimatorTypeVision → const MavEstimatorType
Computer vision based estimate. Might be up to scale.
mavEventCurrentSequenceFlagsReset → const MavEventCurrentSequenceFlags
A sequence reset has happened (e.g. vehicle reboot).
mavEventErrorReasonUnavailable → const MavEventErrorReason
The requested event is not available (anymore).
mavFrameBodyFrd → const MavFrame
FRD local frame aligned to the vehicle's attitude (x: Forward, y: Right, z: Down) with an origin that travels with vehicle.
mavFrameBodyNed → const MavFrame
Same as MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED when used to represent position values. Same as MAV_FRAME_BODY_FRD when used with velocity/acceleration values.
mavFrameBodyOffsetNed → const MavFrame
This is the same as MAV_FRAME_BODY_FRD.
mavFrameGlobal → const MavFrame
Global (WGS84) coordinate frame + MSL altitude. First value / x: latitude, second value / y: longitude, third value / z: positive altitude over mean sea level (MSL).
mavFrameGlobalInt → const MavFrame
Global (WGS84) coordinate frame (scaled) + MSL altitude. First value / x: latitude in degrees1E7, second value / y: longitude in degrees1E7, third value / z: positive altitude over mean sea level (MSL).
mavFrameGlobalRelativeAlt → const MavFrame
Global (WGS84) coordinate frame + altitude relative to the home position. First value / x: latitude, second value / y: longitude, third value / z: positive altitude with 0 being at the altitude of the home position.
mavFrameGlobalRelativeAltInt → const MavFrame
Global (WGS84) coordinate frame (scaled) + altitude relative to the home position. First value / x: latitude in degrees1E7, second value / y: longitude in degrees1E7, third value / z: positive altitude with 0 being at the altitude of the home position.
mavFrameGlobalTerrainAlt → const MavFrame
Global (WGS84) coordinate frame with AGL altitude (at the waypoint coordinate). First value / x: latitude in degrees, second value / y: longitude in degrees, third value / z: positive altitude in meters with 0 being at ground level in terrain model.
mavFrameGlobalTerrainAltInt → const MavFrame
Global (WGS84) coordinate frame (scaled) with AGL altitude (at the waypoint coordinate). First value / x: latitude in degrees1E7, second value / y: longitude in degrees1E7, third value / z: positive altitude in meters with 0 being at ground level in terrain model.
mavFrameLocalEnu → const MavFrame
ENU local tangent frame (x: East, y: North, z: Up) with origin fixed relative to earth.
mavFrameLocalFlu → const MavFrame
FLU local tangent frame (x: Forward, y: Left, z: Up) with origin fixed relative to earth. The forward axis is aligned to the front of the vehicle in the horizontal plane.
mavFrameLocalFrd → const MavFrame
FRD local tangent frame (x: Forward, y: Right, z: Down) with origin fixed relative to earth. The forward axis is aligned to the front of the vehicle in the horizontal plane.
mavFrameLocalNed → const MavFrame
NED local tangent frame (x: North, y: East, z: Down) with origin fixed relative to earth.
mavFrameLocalOffsetNed → const MavFrame
NED local tangent frame (x: North, y: East, z: Down) with origin that travels with the vehicle.
mavFrameMission → const MavFrame
NOT a coordinate frame, indicates a mission command.
mavFrameReserved13 → const MavFrame
MAV_FRAME_BODY_FLU - Body fixed frame of reference, Z-up (x: Forward, y: Left, z: Up).
mavFrameReserved14 → const MavFrame
MAV_FRAME_MOCAP_NED - Odometry local coordinate frame of data given by a motion capture system, Z-down (x: North, y: East, z: Down).
mavFrameReserved15 → const MavFrame
MAV_FRAME_MOCAP_ENU - Odometry local coordinate frame of data given by a motion capture system, Z-up (x: East, y: North, z: Up).
mavFrameReserved16 → const MavFrame
MAV_FRAME_VISION_NED - Odometry local coordinate frame of data given by a vision estimation system, Z-down (x: North, y: East, z: Down).
mavFrameReserved17 → const MavFrame
MAV_FRAME_VISION_ENU - Odometry local coordinate frame of data given by a vision estimation system, Z-up (x: East, y: North, z: Up).
mavFrameReserved18 → const MavFrame
MAV_FRAME_ESTIM_NED - Odometry local coordinate frame of data given by an estimator running onboard the vehicle, Z-down (x: North, y: East, z: Down).
mavFrameReserved19 → const MavFrame
MAV_FRAME_ESTIM_ENU - Odometry local coordinate frame of data given by an estimator running onboard the vehicle, Z-up (x: East, y: North, z: Up).
mavFtpErrEof → const MavFtpErr
EOF: Offset past end of file for ListDirectory and ReadFile commands
mavFtpErrFail → const MavFtpErr
Fail: Unknown failure
mavFtpErrFailerrno → const MavFtpErr
FailErrno: Command failed, Err number sent back in PayloadHeader.data1. This is a file-system error number understood by the server operating system.
mavFtpErrFileexists → const MavFtpErr
FileExists: File/directory already exists
mavFtpErrFilenotfound → const MavFtpErr
FileNotFound: File/directory not found
mavFtpErrFileprotected → const MavFtpErr
FileProtected: File/directory is write protected
mavFtpErrInvaliddatasize → const MavFtpErr
InvalidDataSize: Payload size is invalid
mavFtpErrInvalidsession → const MavFtpErr
InvalidSession: Session is not currently open
mavFtpErrNone → const MavFtpErr
None: No error
mavFtpErrNosessionsavailable → const MavFtpErr
NoSessionsAvailable: All available sessions are already in use
mavFtpErrUnknowncommand → const MavFtpErr
UnknownCommand: Unknown command / opcode
mavFtpOpcodeAck → const MavFtpOpcode
ACK: ACK response
mavFtpOpcodeBurstreadfile → const MavFtpOpcode
BurstReadFile: Burst download session file
mavFtpOpcodeCalcfilecrc → const MavFtpOpcode
CalcFileCRC32: Calculate CRC32 for file at path
mavFtpOpcodeCreatedirectory → const MavFtpOpcode
CreateDirectory: Creates directory at path
mavFtpOpcodeCreatefile → const MavFtpOpcode
CreateFile: Creates file at path for writing, returns session
mavFtpOpcodeListdirectory → const MavFtpOpcode
ListDirectory. List files and directories in path from offset
mavFtpOpcodeNak → const MavFtpOpcode
NAK: NAK response
mavFtpOpcodeNone → const MavFtpOpcode
None. Ignored, always ACKed
mavFtpOpcodeOpenfilero → const MavFtpOpcode
OpenFileRO: Opens file at path for reading, returns session
mavFtpOpcodeOpenfilewo → const MavFtpOpcode
OpenFileWO: Opens file at path for writing, returns session
mavFtpOpcodeReadfile → const MavFtpOpcode
ReadFile: Reads size bytes from offset in session
mavFtpOpcodeRemovedirectory → const MavFtpOpcode
RemoveDirectory: Removes directory at path. The directory must be empty.
mavFtpOpcodeRemovefile → const MavFtpOpcode
RemoveFile: Remove file at path
mavFtpOpcodeRename → const MavFtpOpcode
Rename: Rename path1 to path2
mavFtpOpcodeResetsession → const MavFtpOpcode
ResetSessions: Terminates all open read sessions
mavFtpOpcodeTerminatesession → const MavFtpOpcode
TerminateSession: Terminates open Read session
mavFtpOpcodeTruncatefile → const MavFtpOpcode
TruncateFile: Truncate file at path to offset length
mavFtpOpcodeWritefile → const MavFtpOpcode
WriteFile: Writes size bytes to offset in session
mavGeneratorStatusFlagBatteryOverchargeCurrentFault → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator controller detected a high current going into the batteries and shutdown to prevent battery damage.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagBatteryUndervoltFault → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Batteries are under voltage (generator will not start).
mavGeneratorStatusFlagCharging → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator is charging the batteries (generating enough power to charge and provide the load).
mavGeneratorStatusFlagCommunicationWarning → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator controller having communication problems.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagCoolingWarning → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Power electronic or generator cooling system error.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagElectronicsFault → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Power electronics experienced a fault and shutdown.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagElectronicsOvertempFault → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Power electronics hit the maximum operating temperature and shutdown.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagElectronicsOvertempWarning → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Power electronics are near the maximum operating temperature, cooling is insufficient.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagGenerating → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator is generating power.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagIdle → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator is idle.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagMaintenanceRequired → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator requires maintenance.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagMaxpower → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator is providing the maximum output.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagOff → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator is off.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagOvercurrentFault → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator controller exceeded the overcurrent threshold and shutdown to prevent damage.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagOvertempFault → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator hit the maximum operating temperature and shutdown.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagOvertempWarning → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator is near the maximum operating temperature, cooling is insufficient.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagOvervoltageFault → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator controller exceeded it's overvoltage threshold and shutdown to prevent it exceeding the voltage rating.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagPowerRailFault → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator controller power rail experienced a fault.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagPowersourceFault → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
The power source supplying the generator failed e.g. mechanical generator stopped, tether is no longer providing power, solar cell is in shade, hydrogen reaction no longer happening.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagReady → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator is ready to start generating power.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagReducedPower → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator is operating at a reduced maximum power.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagStartInhibited → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator start is inhibited by e.g. a safety switch.
mavGeneratorStatusFlagWarmingUp → const MavGeneratorStatusFlag
Generator is not ready to generate yet.
mavGotoDoContinue → const MavGoto
Continue with the next item in mission execution.
mavGotoDoHold → const MavGoto
Hold at the current position.
mavGotoHoldAtCurrentPosition → const MavGoto
Hold at the current position of the system
mavGotoHoldAtSpecifiedPosition → const MavGoto
Hold at the position specified in the parameters of the DO_HOLD action
mavLandedStateInAir → const MavLandedState
MAV is in air
mavLandedStateLanding → const MavLandedState
MAV currently landing
mavLandedStateOnGround → const MavLandedState
MAV is landed (on ground)
mavLandedStateTakeoff → const MavLandedState
MAV currently taking off
mavLandedStateUndefined → const MavLandedState
MAV landed state is unknown
mavlinkDataStreamImgBmp → const MavlinkDataStreamType
mavlinkDataStreamImgJpeg → const MavlinkDataStreamType
mavlinkDataStreamImgPgm → const MavlinkDataStreamType
mavlinkDataStreamImgPng → const MavlinkDataStreamType
mavlinkDataStreamImgRaw32u → const MavlinkDataStreamType
mavlinkDataStreamImgRaw8u → const MavlinkDataStreamType
mavMissionAccepted → const MavMissionResult
mission accepted OK
mavMissionDenied → const MavMissionResult
Not accepting any mission commands from this communication partner.
mavMissionError → const MavMissionResult
Generic error / not accepting mission commands at all right now.
mavMissionInvalid → const MavMissionResult
One of the parameters has an invalid value.
mavMissionInvalidParam1 → const MavMissionResult
param1 has an invalid value.
mavMissionInvalidParam2 → const MavMissionResult
param2 has an invalid value.
mavMissionInvalidParam3 → const MavMissionResult
param3 has an invalid value.
mavMissionInvalidParam4 → const MavMissionResult
param4 has an invalid value.
mavMissionInvalidParam5X → const MavMissionResult
x / param5 has an invalid value.
mavMissionInvalidParam6Y → const MavMissionResult
y / param6 has an invalid value.
mavMissionInvalidParam7 → const MavMissionResult
z / param7 has an invalid value.
mavMissionInvalidSequence → const MavMissionResult
Mission item received out of sequence
mavMissionNoSpace → const MavMissionResult
Mission items exceed storage space.
mavMissionOperationCancelled → const MavMissionResult
Current mission operation cancelled (e.g. mission upload, mission download).
mavMissionTypeAll → const MavMissionType
Only used in MISSION_CLEAR_ALL to clear all mission types.
mavMissionTypeFence → const MavMissionType
Specifies GeoFence area(s). Items are MAV_CMD_NAV_FENCE_ GeoFence items.
mavMissionTypeMission → const MavMissionType
Items are mission commands for main mission.
mavMissionTypeRally → const MavMissionType
Specifies the rally points for the vehicle. Rally points are alternative RTL points. Items are MAV_CMD_NAV_RALLY_POINT rally point items.
mavMissionUnsupported → const MavMissionResult
Command is not supported.
mavMissionUnsupportedFrame → const MavMissionResult
Coordinate frame is not supported.
mavModeAutoArmed → const MavMode
System is allowed to be active, under autonomous control and navigation (the trajectory is decided onboard and not pre-programmed by waypoints)
mavModeAutoDisarmed → const MavMode
System is allowed to be active, under autonomous control and navigation (the trajectory is decided onboard and not pre-programmed by waypoints)
mavModeFlagAutoEnabled → const MavModeFlag
0b00000100 autonomous mode enabled, system finds its own goal positions. Guided flag can be set or not, depends on the actual implementation.
mavModeFlagCustomModeEnabled → const MavModeFlag
0b00000001 Reserved for future use.
mavModeFlagDecodePositionAuto → const MavModeFlagDecodePosition
Sixth bit: 00000100
mavModeFlagDecodePositionCustomMode → const MavModeFlagDecodePosition
Eighth bit: 00000001
mavModeFlagDecodePositionGuided → const MavModeFlagDecodePosition
Fifth bit: 00001000
mavModeFlagDecodePositionHil → const MavModeFlagDecodePosition
Third bit: 00100000
mavModeFlagDecodePositionManual → const MavModeFlagDecodePosition
Second bit: 01000000
mavModeFlagDecodePositionSafety → const MavModeFlagDecodePosition
First bit: 10000000
mavModeFlagDecodePositionStabilize → const MavModeFlagDecodePosition
Fourth bit: 00010000
mavModeFlagDecodePositionTest → const MavModeFlagDecodePosition
Seventh bit: 00000010
mavModeFlagGuidedEnabled → const MavModeFlag
0b00001000 guided mode enabled, system flies waypoints / mission items.
mavModeFlagHilEnabled → const MavModeFlag
0b00100000 hardware in the loop simulation. All motors / actuators are blocked, but internal software is full operational.
mavModeFlagManualInputEnabled → const MavModeFlag
0b01000000 remote control input is enabled.
mavModeFlagSafetyArmed → const MavModeFlag
0b10000000 MAV safety set to armed. Motors are enabled / running / can start. Ready to fly. Additional note: this flag is to be ignore when sent in the command MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE and MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM shall be used instead. The flag can still be used to report the armed state.
mavModeFlagStabilizeEnabled → const MavModeFlag
0b00010000 system stabilizes electronically its attitude (and optionally position). It needs however further control inputs to move around.
mavModeFlagTestEnabled → const MavModeFlag
0b00000010 system has a test mode enabled. This flag is intended for temporary system tests and should not be used for stable implementations.
mavModeGuidedArmed → const MavMode
System is allowed to be active, under autonomous control, manual setpoint
mavModeGuidedDisarmed → const MavMode
System is allowed to be active, under autonomous control, manual setpoint
mavModeManualArmed → const MavMode
System is allowed to be active, under manual (RC) control, no stabilization
mavModeManualDisarmed → const MavMode
System is allowed to be active, under manual (RC) control, no stabilization
mavModePreflight → const MavMode
System is not ready to fly, booting, calibrating, etc. No flag is set.
mavModeStabilizeArmed → const MavMode
System is allowed to be active, under assisted RC control.
mavModeStabilizeDisarmed → const MavMode
System is allowed to be active, under assisted RC control.
mavModeTestArmed → const MavMode
UNDEFINED mode. This solely depends on the autopilot - use with caution, intended for developers only.
mavModeTestDisarmed → const MavMode
UNDEFINED mode. This solely depends on the autopilot - use with caution, intended for developers only.
mavMountModeGpsPoint → const MavMountMode
Load neutral position and start to point to Lat,Lon,Alt
mavMountModeHomeLocation → const MavMountMode
Gimbal tracks home position
mavMountModeMavlinkTargeting → const MavMountMode
Load neutral position and start MAVLink Roll,Pitch,Yaw control with stabilization
mavMountModeNeutral → const MavMountMode
Load and keep neutral position (Roll,Pitch,Yaw) from permanent memory.
mavMountModeRcTargeting → const MavMountMode
Load neutral position and start RC Roll,Pitch,Yaw control with stabilization
mavMountModeRetract → const MavMountMode
Load and keep safe position (Roll,Pitch,Yaw) from permanent memory and stop stabilization
mavMountModeSysidTarget → const MavMountMode
Gimbal tracks system with specified system ID
mavOdidArmStatusGoodToArm → const MavOdidArmStatus
Passing arming checks.
mavOdidArmStatusPreArmFailGeneric → const MavOdidArmStatus
Generic arming failure, see error string for details.
mavOdidAuthTypeMessageSetSignature → const MavOdidAuthType
Signature for the entire message set.
mavOdidAuthTypeNetworkRemoteId → const MavOdidAuthType
Authentication is provided by Network Remote ID.
mavOdidAuthTypeNone → const MavOdidAuthType
No authentication type is specified.
mavOdidAuthTypeOperatorIdSignature → const MavOdidAuthType
Signature for the Operator ID.
mavOdidAuthTypeSpecificAuthentication → const MavOdidAuthType
The exact authentication type is indicated by the first byte of authentication_data and these type values are managed by ICAO.
mavOdidAuthTypeUasIdSignature → const MavOdidAuthType
Signature for the UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System) ID.
mavOdidCategoryEuCertified → const MavOdidCategoryEu
The category for the UA, according to the EU specification, is the Certified category.
mavOdidCategoryEuOpen → const MavOdidCategoryEu
The category for the UA, according to the EU specification, is the Open category.
mavOdidCategoryEuSpecific → const MavOdidCategoryEu
The category for the UA, according to the EU specification, is the Specific category.
mavOdidCategoryEuUndeclared → const MavOdidCategoryEu
The category for the UA, according to the EU specification, is undeclared.
mavOdidClassEuClass0 → const MavOdidClassEu
The class for the UA, according to the EU specification, is Class 0.
mavOdidClassEuClass1 → const MavOdidClassEu
The class for the UA, according to the EU specification, is Class 1.
mavOdidClassEuClass2 → const MavOdidClassEu
The class for the UA, according to the EU specification, is Class 2.
mavOdidClassEuClass3 → const MavOdidClassEu
The class for the UA, according to the EU specification, is Class 3.
mavOdidClassEuClass4 → const MavOdidClassEu
The class for the UA, according to the EU specification, is Class 4.
mavOdidClassEuClass5 → const MavOdidClassEu
The class for the UA, according to the EU specification, is Class 5.
mavOdidClassEuClass6 → const MavOdidClassEu
The class for the UA, according to the EU specification, is Class 6.
mavOdidClassEuUndeclared → const MavOdidClassEu
The class for the UA, according to the EU specification, is undeclared.
mavOdidClassificationTypeEu → const MavOdidClassificationType
The classification type for the UA follows EU (European Union) specifications.
mavOdidClassificationTypeUndeclared → const MavOdidClassificationType
The classification type for the UA is undeclared.
mavOdidDescTypeEmergency → const MavOdidDescType
Optional additional clarification when status == MAV_ODID_STATUS_EMERGENCY.
mavOdidDescTypeExtendedStatus → const MavOdidDescType
Optional additional clarification when status != MAV_ODID_STATUS_EMERGENCY.
mavOdidDescTypeText → const MavOdidDescType
Optional free-form text description of the purpose of the flight.
mavOdidHeightRefOverGround → const MavOdidHeightRef
The height field is relative to ground.
mavOdidHeightRefOverTakeoff → const MavOdidHeightRef
The height field is relative to the take-off location.
mavOdidHorAcc005nm → const MavOdidHorAcc
The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 0.05 Nautical Miles. 92.6 m.
mavOdidHorAcc01nm → const MavOdidHorAcc
The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 0.1 Nautical Miles. 185.2 m.
mavOdidHorAcc03nm → const MavOdidHorAcc
The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 0.3 Nautical Miles. 555.6 m.
mavOdidHorAcc05nm → const MavOdidHorAcc
The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 0.5 Nautical Miles. 926 m.
mavOdidHorAcc10Meter → const MavOdidHorAcc
The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 10 meter.
mavOdidHorAcc10nm → const MavOdidHorAcc
The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 10 Nautical Miles. 18.52 km.
mavOdidHorAcc1Meter → const MavOdidHorAcc
The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 1 meter.
mavOdidHorAcc1nm → const MavOdidHorAcc
The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 1 Nautical Miles. 1.852 km.
mavOdidHorAcc2nm → const MavOdidHorAcc
The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 2 Nautical Miles. 3.704 km.
mavOdidHorAcc30Meter → const MavOdidHorAcc
The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 30 meter.
mavOdidHorAcc3Meter → const MavOdidHorAcc
The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 3 meter.
mavOdidHorAcc4nm → const MavOdidHorAcc
The horizontal accuracy is smaller than 4 Nautical Miles. 7.408 km.
mavOdidHorAccUnknown → const MavOdidHorAcc
The horizontal accuracy is unknown.
mavOdidIdTypeCaaRegistrationId → const MavOdidIdType
CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) registered ID. Format: ICAO Country Code.CAA Assigned ID.
mavOdidIdTypeNone → const MavOdidIdType
No type defined.
mavOdidIdTypeSerialNumber → const MavOdidIdType
Manufacturer Serial Number (ANSI/CTA-2063 format).
mavOdidIdTypeSpecificSessionId → const MavOdidIdType
A 20 byte ID for a specific flight/session. The exact ID type is indicated by the first byte of uas_id and these type values are managed by ICAO.
mavOdidIdTypeUtmAssignedUuid → const MavOdidIdType
UTM (Unmanned Traffic Management) assigned UUID (RFC4122).
mavOdidOperatorIdTypeCaa → const MavOdidOperatorIdType
CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) registered operator ID.
mavOdidOperatorLocationTypeFixed → const MavOdidOperatorLocationType
The location/altitude of the operator are fixed values.
mavOdidOperatorLocationTypeLiveGnss → const MavOdidOperatorLocationType
The location/altitude of the operator is dynamic. E.g. based on live GNSS data.
mavOdidOperatorLocationTypeTakeoff → const MavOdidOperatorLocationType
The location/altitude of the operator is the same as the take-off location.
mavOdidSpeedAcc03MetersPerSecond → const MavOdidSpeedAcc
The speed accuracy is smaller than 0.3 meters per second.
mavOdidSpeedAcc10MetersPerSecond → const MavOdidSpeedAcc
The speed accuracy is smaller than 10 meters per second.
mavOdidSpeedAcc1MetersPerSecond → const MavOdidSpeedAcc
The speed accuracy is smaller than 1 meters per second.
mavOdidSpeedAcc3MetersPerSecond → const MavOdidSpeedAcc
The speed accuracy is smaller than 3 meters per second.
mavOdidSpeedAccUnknown → const MavOdidSpeedAcc
The speed accuracy is unknown.
mavOdidStatusAirborne → const MavOdidStatus
The UA is in the air.
mavOdidStatusEmergency → const MavOdidStatus
The UA is having an emergency.
mavOdidStatusGround → const MavOdidStatus
The UA is on the ground.
mavOdidStatusRemoteIdSystemFailure → const MavOdidStatus
The remote ID system is failing or unreliable in some way.
mavOdidStatusUndeclared → const MavOdidStatus
The status of the (UA) Unmanned Aircraft is undefined.
mavOdidTimeAcc01Second → const MavOdidTimeAcc
The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.1 second.
mavOdidTimeAcc02Second → const MavOdidTimeAcc
The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.2 second.
mavOdidTimeAcc03Second → const MavOdidTimeAcc
The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.3 second.
mavOdidTimeAcc04Second → const MavOdidTimeAcc
The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.4 second.
mavOdidTimeAcc05Second → const MavOdidTimeAcc
The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.5 second.
mavOdidTimeAcc06Second → const MavOdidTimeAcc
The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.6 second.
mavOdidTimeAcc07Second → const MavOdidTimeAcc
The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.7 second.
mavOdidTimeAcc08Second → const MavOdidTimeAcc
The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.8 second.
mavOdidTimeAcc09Second → const MavOdidTimeAcc
The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 0.9 second.
mavOdidTimeAcc10Second → const MavOdidTimeAcc
The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 1.0 second.
mavOdidTimeAcc11Second → const MavOdidTimeAcc
The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 1.1 second.
mavOdidTimeAcc12Second → const MavOdidTimeAcc
The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 1.2 second.
mavOdidTimeAcc13Second → const MavOdidTimeAcc
The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 1.3 second.
mavOdidTimeAcc14Second → const MavOdidTimeAcc
The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 1.4 second.
mavOdidTimeAcc15Second → const MavOdidTimeAcc
The timestamp accuracy is smaller than or equal to 1.5 second.
mavOdidTimeAccUnknown → const MavOdidTimeAcc
The timestamp accuracy is unknown.
mavOdidUaTypeAeroplane → const MavOdidUaType
Aeroplane/Airplane. Fixed wing.
mavOdidUaTypeAirship → const MavOdidUaType
Airship. E.g. a blimp.
mavOdidUaTypeCaptiveBalloon → const MavOdidUaType
Captive Balloon.
mavOdidUaTypeFreeBalloon → const MavOdidUaType
Free Balloon.
mavOdidUaTypeFreeFallParachute → const MavOdidUaType
Free Fall/Parachute (unpowered).
mavOdidUaTypeGlider → const MavOdidUaType
mavOdidUaTypeGroundObstacle → const MavOdidUaType
Ground Obstacle.
mavOdidUaTypeGyroplane → const MavOdidUaType
mavOdidUaTypeHelicopterOrMultirotor → const MavOdidUaType
Helicopter or multirotor.
mavOdidUaTypeHybridLift → const MavOdidUaType
VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing). Fixed wing aircraft that can take off vertically.
mavOdidUaTypeKite → const MavOdidUaType
mavOdidUaTypeNone → const MavOdidUaType
No UA (Unmanned Aircraft) type defined.
mavOdidUaTypeOrnithopter → const MavOdidUaType
mavOdidUaTypeOther → const MavOdidUaType
Other type of aircraft not listed earlier.
mavOdidUaTypeRocket → const MavOdidUaType
mavOdidUaTypeTetheredPoweredAircraft → const MavOdidUaType
Tethered powered aircraft.
mavOdidVerAcc10Meter → const MavOdidVerAcc
The vertical accuracy is smaller than 10 meter.
mavOdidVerAcc150Meter → const MavOdidVerAcc
The vertical accuracy is smaller than 150 meter.
mavOdidVerAcc1Meter → const MavOdidVerAcc
The vertical accuracy is smaller than 1 meter.
mavOdidVerAcc25Meter → const MavOdidVerAcc
The vertical accuracy is smaller than 25 meter.
mavOdidVerAcc3Meter → const MavOdidVerAcc
The vertical accuracy is smaller than 3 meter.
mavOdidVerAcc45Meter → const MavOdidVerAcc
The vertical accuracy is smaller than 45 meter.
mavOdidVerAccUnknown → const MavOdidVerAcc
The vertical accuracy is unknown.
mavParamExtTypeCustom → const MavParamExtType
Custom Type
mavParamExtTypeInt16 → const MavParamExtType
16-bit signed integer
mavParamExtTypeInt32 → const MavParamExtType
32-bit signed integer
mavParamExtTypeInt64 → const MavParamExtType
64-bit signed integer
mavParamExtTypeInt8 → const MavParamExtType
8-bit signed integer
mavParamExtTypeReal32 → const MavParamExtType
32-bit floating-point
mavParamExtTypeReal64 → const MavParamExtType
64-bit floating-point
mavParamExtTypeUint16 → const MavParamExtType
16-bit unsigned integer
mavParamExtTypeUint32 → const MavParamExtType
32-bit unsigned integer
mavParamExtTypeUint64 → const MavParamExtType
64-bit unsigned integer
mavParamExtTypeUint8 → const MavParamExtType
8-bit unsigned integer
mavParamTypeInt16 → const MavParamType
16-bit signed integer
mavParamTypeInt32 → const MavParamType
32-bit signed integer
mavParamTypeInt64 → const MavParamType
64-bit signed integer
mavParamTypeInt8 → const MavParamType
8-bit signed integer
mavParamTypeReal32 → const MavParamType
32-bit floating-point
mavParamTypeReal64 → const MavParamType
64-bit floating-point
mavParamTypeUint16 → const MavParamType
16-bit unsigned integer
mavParamTypeUint32 → const MavParamType
32-bit unsigned integer
mavParamTypeUint64 → const MavParamType
64-bit unsigned integer
mavParamTypeUint8 → const MavParamType
8-bit unsigned integer
mavPfsCmdClearAll → const MavPreflightStorageAction
Clear all parameters in storage
mavPfsCmdClearSpecific → const MavPreflightStorageAction
Clear specific parameters in storage
mavPfsCmdDoNothing → const MavPreflightStorageAction
do nothing
mavPfsCmdReadAll → const MavPreflightStorageAction
Read all parameters from storage
mavPfsCmdReadSpecific → const MavPreflightStorageAction
Read specific parameters from storage
mavPfsCmdWriteAll → const MavPreflightStorageAction
Write all parameters to storage
mavPfsCmdWriteSpecific → const MavPreflightStorageAction
Write specific parameters to storage
mavPowerStatusBrickValid → const MavPowerStatus
main brick power supply valid
mavPowerStatusChanged → const MavPowerStatus
Power status has changed since boot
mavPowerStatusPeriphHipowerOvercurrent → const MavPowerStatus
hi-power peripheral supply is in over-current state
mavPowerStatusPeriphOvercurrent → const MavPowerStatus
peripheral supply is in over-current state
mavPowerStatusServoValid → const MavPowerStatus
main servo power supply valid for FMU
mavPowerStatusUsbConnected → const MavPowerStatus
USB power is connected
mavProtocolCapabilityCommandInt → const MavProtocolCapability
Autopilot supports COMMAND_INT scaled integer message type.
mavProtocolCapabilityCompassCalibration → const MavProtocolCapability
Autopilot supports onboard compass calibration.
mavProtocolCapabilityFlightTermination → const MavProtocolCapability
Autopilot supports the MAV_CMD_DO_FLIGHTTERMINATION command (flight termination).
mavProtocolCapabilityFtp → const MavProtocolCapability
Autopilot supports the File Transfer Protocol v1: https://mavlink.io/en/services/ftp.html.
mavProtocolCapabilityMavlink2 → const MavProtocolCapability
Autopilot supports MAVLink version 2.
mavProtocolCapabilityMissionFence → const MavProtocolCapability
Autopilot supports mission fence protocol.
mavProtocolCapabilityMissionFloat → const MavProtocolCapability
Autopilot supports the MISSION_ITEM float message type. Note that MISSION_ITEM is deprecated, and autopilots should use MISSION_INT instead.
mavProtocolCapabilityMissionInt → const MavProtocolCapability
Autopilot supports MISSION_ITEM_INT scaled integer message type. Note that this flag must always be set if missions are supported, because missions must always use MISSION_ITEM_INT (rather than MISSION_ITEM, which is deprecated).
mavProtocolCapabilityMissionRally → const MavProtocolCapability
Autopilot supports mission rally point protocol.
mavProtocolCapabilityParamEncodeBytewise → const MavProtocolCapability
Parameter protocol uses byte-wise encoding of parameter values into param_value (float) fields: https://mavlink.io/en/services/parameter.html#parameter-encoding. Note that either this flag or MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_PARAM_ENCODE_C_CAST should be set if the parameter protocol is supported.
mavProtocolCapabilityParamEncodeCCast → const MavProtocolCapability
Parameter protocol uses C-cast of parameter values to set the param_value (float) fields: https://mavlink.io/en/services/parameter.html#parameter-encoding. Note that either this flag or MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY_PARAM_ENCODE_BYTEWISE should be set if the parameter protocol is supported.
mavProtocolCapabilityParamFloat → const MavProtocolCapability
Autopilot supports the new param float message type.
mavProtocolCapabilityReserved2 → const MavProtocolCapability
Reserved for future use.
mavProtocolCapabilityReserved3 → const MavProtocolCapability
Reserved for future use.
mavProtocolCapabilitySetAttitudeTarget → const MavProtocolCapability
Autopilot supports commanding attitude offboard.
mavProtocolCapabilitySetPositionTargetGlobalInt → const MavProtocolCapability
Autopilot supports commanding position and velocity targets in global scaled integers.
mavProtocolCapabilitySetPositionTargetLocalNed → const MavProtocolCapability
Autopilot supports commanding position and velocity targets in local NED frame.
mavProtocolCapabilityTerrain → const MavProtocolCapability
Autopilot supports terrain protocol / data handling.
mavResultAccepted → const MavResult
Command is valid (is supported and has valid parameters), and was executed.
mavResultCancelled → const MavResult
Command has been cancelled (as a result of receiving a COMMAND_CANCEL message).
mavResultCommandIntOnly → const MavResult
Command is only accepted when sent as a COMMAND_INT.
mavResultCommandLongOnly → const MavResult
Command is only accepted when sent as a COMMAND_LONG.
mavResultCommandUnsupportedMavFrame → const MavResult
Command is invalid because a frame is required and the specified frame is not supported.
mavResultDenied → const MavResult
Command is invalid (is supported but has invalid parameters). Retrying same command and parameters will not work.
mavResultFailed → const MavResult
Command is valid, but execution has failed. This is used to indicate any non-temporary or unexpected problem, i.e. any problem that must be fixed before the command can succeed/be retried. For example, attempting to write a file when out of memory, attempting to arm when sensors are not calibrated, etc.
mavResultInProgress → const MavResult
Command is valid and is being executed. This will be followed by further progress updates, i.e. the component may send further COMMAND_ACK messages with result MAV_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS (at a rate decided by the implementation), and must terminate by sending a COMMAND_ACK message with final result of the operation. The COMMAND_ACK.progress field can be used to indicate the progress of the operation.
mavResultTemporarilyRejected → const MavResult
Command is valid, but cannot be executed at this time. This is used to indicate a problem that should be fixed just by waiting (e.g. a state machine is busy, can't arm because have not got GPS lock, etc.). Retrying later should work.
mavResultUnsupported → const MavResult
Command is not supported (unknown).
mavRoiLocation → const MavRoi
Point toward fixed location.
mavRoiNone → const MavRoi
No region of interest.
mavRoiTarget → const MavRoi
Point toward of given id.
mavRoiWpindex → const MavRoi
Point toward given waypoint.
mavRoiWpnext → const MavRoi
Point toward next waypoint, with optional pitch/roll/yaw offset.
mavSensorRotationCustom → const MavSensorOrientation
Custom orientation
mavSensorRotationNone → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 0, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 0
mavSensorRotationPitch180 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 0, Pitch: 180, Yaw: 0
mavSensorRotationPitch180Yaw270 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 0, Pitch: 180, Yaw: 270
mavSensorRotationPitch180Yaw90 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 0, Pitch: 180, Yaw: 90
mavSensorRotationPitch270 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 0, Pitch: 270, Yaw: 0
mavSensorRotationPitch315 → const MavSensorOrientation
Pitch: 315
mavSensorRotationPitch90 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 0, Pitch: 90, Yaw: 0
mavSensorRotationRoll180 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 180, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 0
mavSensorRotationRoll180Pitch270 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 180, Pitch: 270, Yaw: 0
mavSensorRotationRoll180Pitch90 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 180, Pitch: 90, Yaw: 0
mavSensorRotationRoll180Yaw135 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 180, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 135
mavSensorRotationRoll180Yaw225 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 180, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 225
mavSensorRotationRoll180Yaw270 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 180, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 270
mavSensorRotationRoll180Yaw315 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 180, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 315
mavSensorRotationRoll180Yaw45 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 180, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 45
mavSensorRotationRoll180Yaw90 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 180, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 90
mavSensorRotationRoll270 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 270, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 0
mavSensorRotationRoll270Pitch180 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 270, Pitch: 180, Yaw: 0
mavSensorRotationRoll270Pitch270 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 270, Pitch: 270, Yaw: 0
mavSensorRotationRoll270Pitch90 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 270, Pitch: 90, Yaw: 0
mavSensorRotationRoll270Yaw135 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 270, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 135
mavSensorRotationRoll270Yaw45 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 270, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 45
mavSensorRotationRoll270Yaw90 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 270, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 90
mavSensorRotationRoll90 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 90, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 0
mavSensorRotationRoll90Pitch180 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 90, Pitch: 180, Yaw: 0
mavSensorRotationRoll90Pitch180Yaw90 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 90, Pitch: 180, Yaw: 90
mavSensorRotationRoll90Pitch270 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 90, Pitch: 270, Yaw: 0
mavSensorRotationRoll90Pitch315 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 90, Pitch: 315
mavSensorRotationRoll90Pitch68Yaw293 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 90, Pitch: 68, Yaw: 293
mavSensorRotationRoll90Pitch90 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 90, Pitch: 90, Yaw: 0
mavSensorRotationRoll90Yaw135 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 90, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 135
mavSensorRotationRoll90Yaw270 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 90, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 270
mavSensorRotationRoll90Yaw45 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 90, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 45
mavSensorRotationRoll90Yaw90 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 90, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 90
mavSensorRotationYaw135 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 0, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 135
mavSensorRotationYaw180 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 0, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 180
mavSensorRotationYaw225 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 0, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 225
mavSensorRotationYaw270 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 0, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 270
mavSensorRotationYaw315 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 0, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 315
mavSensorRotationYaw45 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 0, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 45
mavSensorRotationYaw90 → const MavSensorOrientation
Roll: 0, Pitch: 0, Yaw: 90
mavSeverityAlert → const MavSeverity
Action should be taken immediately. Indicates error in non-critical systems.
mavSeverityCritical → const MavSeverity
Action must be taken immediately. Indicates failure in a primary system.
mavSeverityDebug → const MavSeverity
Useful non-operational messages that can assist in debugging. These should not occur during normal operation.
mavSeverityEmergency → const MavSeverity
System is unusable. This is a "panic" condition.
mavSeverityError → const MavSeverity
Indicates an error in secondary/redundant systems.
mavSeverityInfo → const MavSeverity
Normal operational messages. Useful for logging. No action is required for these messages.
mavSeverityNotice → const MavSeverity
An unusual event has occurred, though not an error condition. This should be investigated for the root cause.
mavSeverityWarning → const MavSeverity
Indicates about a possible future error if this is not resolved within a given timeframe. Example would be a low battery warning.
mavStateActive → const MavState
System is active and might be already airborne. Motors are engaged.
mavStateBoot → const MavState
System is booting up.
mavStateCalibrating → const MavState
System is calibrating and not flight-ready.
mavStateCritical → const MavState
System is in a non-normal flight mode (failsafe). It can however still navigate.
mavStateEmergency → const MavState
System is in a non-normal flight mode (failsafe). It lost control over parts or over the whole airframe. It is in mayday and going down.
mavStateFlightTermination → const MavState
System is terminating itself (failsafe or commanded).
mavStatePoweroff → const MavState
System just initialized its power-down sequence, will shut down now.
mavStateStandby → const MavState
System is grounded and on standby. It can be launched any time.
mavStateUninit → const MavState
Uninitialized system, state is unknown.
mavSysStatusAhrs → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x200000 AHRS subsystem health
mavSysStatusExtensionUsed → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x80000000 Extended bit-field are used for further sensor status bits (needs to be set in onboard_control_sensors_present only)
mavSysStatusGeofence → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x100000 geofence
mavSysStatusLogging → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x1000000 Logging
mavSysStatusObstacleAvoidance → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x20000000 Avoidance/collision prevention
mavSysStatusPrearmCheck → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x10000000 pre-arm check status. Always healthy when armed
mavSysStatusRecoverySystem → const MavSysStatusSensorExtended
0x01 Recovery system (parachute, balloon, retracts etc)
mavSysStatusReverseMotor → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x800000 Motors are reversed
mavSysStatusSensor3dAccel → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x02 3D accelerometer
mavSysStatusSensor3dAccel2 → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x40000 2nd 3D accelerometer
mavSysStatusSensor3dGyro → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x01 3D gyro
mavSysStatusSensor3dGyro2 → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x20000 2nd 3D gyro
mavSysStatusSensor3dMag → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x04 3D magnetometer
mavSysStatusSensor3dMag2 → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x80000 2nd 3D magnetometer
mavSysStatusSensorAbsolutePressure → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x08 absolute pressure
mavSysStatusSensorAngularRateControl → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x400 3D angular rate control
mavSysStatusSensorAttitudeStabilization → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x800 attitude stabilization
mavSysStatusSensorBattery → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x2000000 Battery
mavSysStatusSensorDifferentialPressure → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x10 differential pressure
mavSysStatusSensorExternalGroundTruth → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x200 external ground truth (Vicon or Leica)
mavSysStatusSensorGps → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x20 GPS
mavSysStatusSensorLaserPosition → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x100 laser based position
mavSysStatusSensorMotorOutputs → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x8000 motor outputs / control
mavSysStatusSensorOpticalFlow → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x40 optical flow
mavSysStatusSensorPropulsion → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x40000000 propulsion (actuator, esc, motor or propellor)
mavSysStatusSensorProximity → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x4000000 Proximity
mavSysStatusSensorRcReceiver → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x10000 RC receiver
mavSysStatusSensorSatcom → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x8000000 Satellite Communication
mavSysStatusSensorVisionPosition → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x80 computer vision position
mavSysStatusSensorXyPositionControl → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x4000 x/y position control
mavSysStatusSensorYawPosition → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x1000 yaw position
mavSysStatusSensorZAltitudeControl → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x2000 z/altitude control
mavSysStatusTerrain → const MavSysStatusSensor
0x400000 Terrain subsystem health
mavTunnelPayloadTypeStorm32Reserved0 → const MavTunnelPayloadType
Registered for STorM32 gimbal controller.
mavTunnelPayloadTypeStorm32Reserved1 → const MavTunnelPayloadType
Registered for STorM32 gimbal controller.
mavTunnelPayloadTypeStorm32Reserved2 → const MavTunnelPayloadType
Registered for STorM32 gimbal controller.
mavTunnelPayloadTypeStorm32Reserved3 → const MavTunnelPayloadType
Registered for STorM32 gimbal controller.
mavTunnelPayloadTypeStorm32Reserved4 → const MavTunnelPayloadType
Registered for STorM32 gimbal controller.
mavTunnelPayloadTypeStorm32Reserved5 → const MavTunnelPayloadType
Registered for STorM32 gimbal controller.
mavTunnelPayloadTypeStorm32Reserved6 → const MavTunnelPayloadType
Registered for STorM32 gimbal controller.
mavTunnelPayloadTypeStorm32Reserved7 → const MavTunnelPayloadType
Registered for STorM32 gimbal controller.
mavTunnelPayloadTypeStorm32Reserved8 → const MavTunnelPayloadType
Registered for STorM32 gimbal controller.
mavTunnelPayloadTypeStorm32Reserved9 → const MavTunnelPayloadType
Registered for STorM32 gimbal controller.
mavTunnelPayloadTypeUnknown → const MavTunnelPayloadType
Encoding of payload unknown.
mavTypeAdsb → const MavType
ADSB system
mavTypeAirship → const MavType
Airship, controlled
mavTypeAntennaTracker → const MavType
Ground installation
mavTypeBattery → const MavType
mavTypeCamera → const MavType
mavTypeChargingStation → const MavType
Charging station
mavTypeCoaxial → const MavType
Coaxial helicopter
mavTypeDecarotor → const MavType
mavTypeDodecarotor → const MavType
mavTypeFixedWing → const MavType
Fixed wing aircraft.
mavTypeFlappingWing → const MavType
Flapping wing
mavTypeFlarm → const MavType
FLARM collision avoidance system
mavTypeFreeBalloon → const MavType
Free balloon, uncontrolled
mavTypeGcs → const MavType
Operator control unit / ground control station
mavTypeGeneric → const MavType
Generic micro air vehicle
mavTypeGenericMultirotor → const MavType
Generic multirotor that does not fit into a specific type or whose type is unknown
mavTypeGimbal → const MavType
mavTypeGps → const MavType
mavTypeGroundRover → const MavType
Ground rover
mavTypeHelicopter → const MavType
Normal helicopter with tail rotor.
mavTypeHexarotor → const MavType
mavTypeImu → const MavType
mavTypeKite → const MavType
mavTypeLog → const MavType
mavTypeOctorotor → const MavType
mavTypeOdid → const MavType
Open Drone ID. See https://mavlink.io/en/services/opendroneid.html.
mavTypeOnboardController → const MavType
Onboard companion controller
mavTypeOsd → const MavType
mavTypeParachute → const MavType
mavTypeParafoil → const MavType
Steerable, nonrigid airfoil
mavTypeQuadrotor → const MavType
mavTypeRocket → const MavType
mavTypeServo → const MavType
mavTypeSubmarine → const MavType
mavTypeSurfaceBoat → const MavType
Surface vessel, boat, ship
mavTypeTricopter → const MavType
mavTypeVtolFixedrotor → const MavType
VTOL with separate fixed rotors for hover and cruise flight. Fuselage and wings stay (nominally) horizontal in all flight phases.
mavTypeVtolReserved5 → const MavType
VTOL reserved 5
mavTypeVtolTailsitter → const MavType
Tailsitter VTOL. Fuselage and wings orientation changes depending on flight phase: vertical for hover, horizontal for cruise. Use more specific VTOL MAV_TYPE_VTOL_TAILSITTER_DUOROTOR or MAV_TYPE_VTOL_TAILSITTER_QUADROTOR if appropriate.
mavTypeVtolTailsitterDuorotor → const MavType
Two-rotor Tailsitter VTOL that additionally uses control surfaces in vertical operation. Note, value previously named MAV_TYPE_VTOL_DUOROTOR.
mavTypeVtolTailsitterQuadrotor → const MavType
Quad-rotor Tailsitter VTOL using a V-shaped quad config in vertical operation. Note: value previously named MAV_TYPE_VTOL_QUADROTOR.
mavTypeVtolTiltrotor → const MavType
Tiltrotor VTOL. Fuselage and wings stay (nominally) horizontal in all flight phases. It able to tilt (some) rotors to provide thrust in cruise flight.
mavTypeVtolTiltwing → const MavType
Tiltwing VTOL. Fuselage stays horizontal in all flight phases. The whole wing, along with any attached engine, can tilt between vertical and horizontal mode.
mavTypeWinch → const MavType
mavVtolStateFw → const MavVtolState
VTOL is in fixed-wing state
mavVtolStateMc → const MavVtolState
VTOL is in multicopter state
mavVtolStateTransitionToFw → const MavVtolState
VTOL is in transition from multicopter to fixed-wing
mavVtolStateTransitionToMc → const MavVtolState
VTOL is in transition from fixed-wing to multicopter
mavVtolStateUndefined → const MavVtolState
MAV is not configured as VTOL
mavWinchStatusAbandonLine → const MavWinchStatusFlag
Winch is abandoning the line and possibly payload. Winch unspools the entire calculated line length. This is a failover state from REDELIVER if the number of attempts exceeds a threshold.
mavWinchStatusArresting → const MavWinchStatusFlag
Winch is arresting payload descent.
mavWinchStatusClutchEngaged → const MavWinchStatusFlag
Winch clutch is engaged allowing motor to move freely.
mavWinchStatusDropping → const MavWinchStatusFlag
Winch is gravity dropping payload.
mavWinchStatusFullyRetracted → const MavWinchStatusFlag
Winch line is fully retracted
mavWinchStatusGroundSense → const MavWinchStatusFlag
Winch is using torque measurements to sense the ground.
mavWinchStatusHealthy → const MavWinchStatusFlag
Winch is healthy
mavWinchStatusLoadLine → const MavWinchStatusFlag
Winch is spooling on line.
mavWinchStatusLoadPayload → const MavWinchStatusFlag
Winch is loading a payload.
mavWinchStatusLocked → const MavWinchStatusFlag
Winch is locked by locking mechanism.
mavWinchStatusLocking → const MavWinchStatusFlag
Winch is engaging the locking mechanism.
mavWinchStatusMoving → const MavWinchStatusFlag
Winch motor is moving
mavWinchStatusRedeliver → const MavWinchStatusFlag
Winch is redelivering the payload. This is a failover state if the line tension goes above a threshold during RETRACTING.
mavWinchStatusRetracting → const MavWinchStatusFlag
Winch is returning to the fully retracted position.
missionReadPersistent → const PreflightStorageMissionAction
Read current mission data from persistent storage
missionResetDefault → const PreflightStorageMissionAction
Erase all mission data stored on the vehicle (both persistent and volatile storage)
missionStateActive → const MissionState
Mission is active, and will execute mission items when in auto mode.
missionStateComplete → const MissionState
Mission has executed all mission items.
missionStateNoMission → const MissionState
No mission on the vehicle.
missionStateNotStarted → const MissionState
Mission has not started. This is the case after a mission has uploaded but not yet started executing.
missionStatePaused → const MissionState
Mission is paused when in auto mode.
missionStateUnknown → const MissionState
The mission status reporting is not supported.
missionWritePersistent → const PreflightStorageMissionAction
Write current mission data to persistent storage
motorTestCompassCal → const MotorTestThrottleType
Per-motor compass calibration test.
motorTestOrderBoard → const MotorTestOrder
Motor numbers are specified as the output as labeled on the board.
motorTestOrderDefault → const MotorTestOrder
Default autopilot motor test method.
motorTestOrderSequence → const MotorTestOrder
Motor numbers are specified as their index in a predefined vehicle-specific sequence.
motorTestThrottlePercent → const MotorTestThrottleType
Throttle as a percentage (0 ~ 100)
motorTestThrottlePilot → const MotorTestThrottleType
Throttle pass-through from pilot's transmitter.
motorTestThrottlePwm → const MotorTestThrottleType
Throttle as an absolute PWM value (normally in range of 1000~2000).
Default autopilot landing behaviour.
Descend in fixed wing mode, transitioning to multicopter mode for vertical landing when close to the ground. The fixed wing descent pattern is at the discretion of the vehicle (e.g. transition altitude, loiter direction, radius, and speed, etc.).
Land in multicopter mode on reaching the landing coordinates (the whole landing is by "hover descent").
orbitYawBehaviourHoldFrontTangentToCircle → const OrbitYawBehaviour
Vehicle front follows flight path (tangential to circle).
orbitYawBehaviourHoldFrontToCircleCenter → const OrbitYawBehaviour
Vehicle front points to the center (default).
orbitYawBehaviourHoldInitialHeading → const OrbitYawBehaviour
Vehicle front holds heading when message received.
orbitYawBehaviourRcControlled → const OrbitYawBehaviour
Yaw controlled by RC input.
orbitYawBehaviourUncontrolled → const OrbitYawBehaviour
Yaw uncontrolled.
parachuteDisable → const ParachuteAction
Disable auto-release of parachute (i.e. release triggered by crash detectors).
parachuteEnable → const ParachuteAction
Enable auto-release of parachute.
parachuteRelease → const ParachuteAction
Release parachute and kill motors.
paramAckAccepted → const ParamAck
Parameter value ACCEPTED and SET
paramAckFailed → const ParamAck
Parameter failed to set
paramAckInProgress → const ParamAck
Parameter value received but not yet set/accepted. A subsequent PARAM_ACK_TRANSACTION or PARAM_EXT_ACK with the final result will follow once operation is completed. This is returned immediately for parameters that take longer to set, indicating that the the parameter was received and does not need to be resent.
paramAckValueUnsupported → const ParamAck
paramReadPersistent → const PreflightStorageParameterAction
Read all parameters from persistent storage. Replaces values in volatile storage.
paramResetAllDefault → const PreflightStorageParameterAction
Reset all parameters, including operation counters, to default values
paramResetConfigDefault → const PreflightStorageParameterAction
Reset all user configurable parameters to their default value (including airframe selection, sensor calibration data, safety settings, and so on). Does not reset values that contain operation counters and vehicle computed statistics.
paramResetSensorDefault → const PreflightStorageParameterAction
Reset only sensor calibration parameters to factory defaults (or firmware default if not available)
paramWritePersistent → const PreflightStorageParameterAction
Write all parameter values to persistent storage (flash/EEPROM)
positionTargetTypemaskAxIgnore → const PositionTargetTypemask
Ignore acceleration x
positionTargetTypemaskAyIgnore → const PositionTargetTypemask
Ignore acceleration y
positionTargetTypemaskAzIgnore → const PositionTargetTypemask
Ignore acceleration z
positionTargetTypemaskForceSet → const PositionTargetTypemask
Use force instead of acceleration
positionTargetTypemaskVxIgnore → const PositionTargetTypemask
Ignore velocity x
positionTargetTypemaskVyIgnore → const PositionTargetTypemask
Ignore velocity y
positionTargetTypemaskVzIgnore → const PositionTargetTypemask
Ignore velocity z
positionTargetTypemaskXIgnore → const PositionTargetTypemask
Ignore position x
positionTargetTypemaskYawIgnore → const PositionTargetTypemask
Ignore yaw
positionTargetTypemaskYawRateIgnore → const PositionTargetTypemask
Ignore yaw rate
positionTargetTypemaskYIgnore → const PositionTargetTypemask
Ignore position y
positionTargetTypemaskZIgnore → const PositionTargetTypemask
Ignore position z
precisionLandModeDisabled → const PrecisionLandMode
Normal (non-precision) landing.
precisionLandModeOpportunistic → const PrecisionLandMode
Use precision landing if beacon detected when land command accepted, otherwise land normally.
precisionLandModeRequired → const PrecisionLandMode
Use precision landing, searching for beacon if not found when land command accepted (land normally if beacon cannot be found).
rcTypeSpektrumDsm2 → const RcType
Spektrum DSM2
rcTypeSpektrumDsmx → const RcType
Spektrum DSMX
rtkBaselineCoordinateSystemEcef → const RtkBaselineCoordinateSystem
Earth-centered, Earth-fixed
rtkBaselineCoordinateSystemNed → const RtkBaselineCoordinateSystem
RTK basestation centered, north, east, down
safetySwitchStateDangerous → const SafetySwitchState
Safety switch is NOT engaged and motors, propellers and other actuators should be considered active.
safetySwitchStateSafe → const SafetySwitchState
Safety switch is engaged and vehicle should be safe to approach.
serialControlDevGps1 → const SerialControlDev
First GPS port
serialControlDevGps2 → const SerialControlDev
Second GPS port
serialControlDevShell → const SerialControlDev
system shell
serialControlDevTelem1 → const SerialControlDev
First telemetry port
serialControlDevTelem2 → const SerialControlDev
Second telemetry port
serialControlFlagBlocking → const SerialControlFlag
Block on writes to the serial port
serialControlFlagExclusive → const SerialControlFlag
Set if access to the serial port should be removed from whatever driver is currently using it, giving exclusive access to the SERIAL_CONTROL protocol. The port can be handed back by sending a request without this flag set
serialControlFlagMulti → const SerialControlFlag
Send multiple replies until port is drained
serialControlFlagReply → const SerialControlFlag
Set if this is a reply
serialControlFlagRespond → const SerialControlFlag
Set if the sender wants the receiver to send a response as another SERIAL_CONTROL message
serialControlSerial0 → const SerialControlDev
serialControlSerial1 → const SerialControlDev
serialControlSerial2 → const SerialControlDev
serialControlSerial3 → const SerialControlDev
serialControlSerial4 → const SerialControlDev
serialControlSerial5 → const SerialControlDev
serialControlSerial6 → const SerialControlDev
serialControlSerial7 → const SerialControlDev
serialControlSerial8 → const SerialControlDev
serialControlSerial9 → const SerialControlDev
speedTypeAirspeed → const SpeedType
speedTypeClimbSpeed → const SpeedType
Climb speed
speedTypeDescentSpeed → const SpeedType
Descent speed
speedTypeGroundspeed → const SpeedType
storageStatusEmpty → const StorageStatus
Storage is missing (no microSD card loaded for example.)
storageStatusNotSupported → const StorageStatus
Camera does not supply storage status information. Capacity information in STORAGE_INFORMATION fields will be ignored.
storageStatusReady → const StorageStatus
Storage present and ready.
storageStatusUnformatted → const StorageStatus
Storage present but unformatted.
storageTypeCf → const StorageType
Storage type is CFast.
storageTypeCfe → const StorageType
Storage type is CFexpress.
storageTypeHd → const StorageType
Storage type is HD mass storage type.
storageTypeMicrosd → const StorageType
Storage type is microSD card.
storageTypeOther → const StorageType
Storage type is other, not listed type.
storageTypeSd → const StorageType
Storage type is SD card.
storageTypeUnknown → const StorageType
Storage type is not known.
storageTypeUsbStick → const StorageType
Storage type is USB device.
storageTypeXqd → const StorageType
Storage type is XQD.
storageUsageFlagLogs → const StorageUsageFlag
Storage for saving logs.
storageUsageFlagPhoto → const StorageUsageFlag
Storage for saving photos.
storageUsageFlagSet → const StorageUsageFlag
Always set to 1 (indicates STORAGE_INFORMATION.storage_usage is supported).
storageUsageFlagVideo → const StorageUsageFlag
Storage for saving videos.
tuneFormatMmlModern → const TuneFormat
Format is Modern Music Markup Language (MML): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_Macro_Language#Modern_MML.
tuneFormatQbasic11 → const TuneFormat
Format is QBasic 1.1 Play: https://www.qbasic.net/en/reference/qb11/Statement/PLAY-006.htm.
uavcanNodeHealthCritical → const UavcanNodeHealth
The node has suffered a fatal malfunction.
uavcanNodeHealthError → const UavcanNodeHealth
The node has encountered a major failure.
uavcanNodeHealthOk → const UavcanNodeHealth
The node is functioning properly.
uavcanNodeHealthWarning → const UavcanNodeHealth
A critical parameter went out of range or the node has encountered a minor failure.
uavcanNodeModeInitialization → const UavcanNodeMode
The node is initializing; this mode is entered immediately after startup.
uavcanNodeModeMaintenance → const UavcanNodeMode
The node is under maintenance.
uavcanNodeModeOffline → const UavcanNodeMode
The node is no longer available online.
uavcanNodeModeOperational → const UavcanNodeMode
The node is performing its primary functions.
uavcanNodeModeSoftwareUpdate → const UavcanNodeMode
The node is in the process of updating its software.
underWay → const AisNavStatus
Under way using engine.
utmDataAvailFlagsAltitudeAvailable → const UtmDataAvailFlags
The fields alt and v_acc contain valid data.
utmDataAvailFlagsHorizontalVeloAvailable → const UtmDataAvailFlags
The fields vx and vy contain valid data.
utmDataAvailFlagsNextWaypointAvailable → const UtmDataAvailFlags
The fields next_lat, next_lon and next_alt contain valid data.
utmDataAvailFlagsPositionAvailable → const UtmDataAvailFlags
The fields lat, lon and h_acc contain valid data.
utmDataAvailFlagsRelativeAltitudeAvailable → const UtmDataAvailFlags
The field relative_alt contains valid data.
utmDataAvailFlagsTimeValid → const UtmDataAvailFlags
The field time contains valid data.
utmDataAvailFlagsUasIdAvailable → const UtmDataAvailFlags
The field uas_id contains valid data.
utmDataAvailFlagsVerticalVeloAvailable → const UtmDataAvailFlags
The field vz contains valid data.
utmFlightStateAirborne → const UtmFlightState
UAS airborne.
utmFlightStateEmergency → const UtmFlightState
UAS is in an emergency flight state.
utmFlightStateGround → const UtmFlightState
UAS on ground.
utmFlightStateNoctrl → const UtmFlightState
UAS has no active controls.
utmFlightStateUnknown → const UtmFlightState
The flight state can't be determined.
videoStreamStatusFlagsRunning → const VideoStreamStatusFlags
Stream is active (running)
videoStreamStatusFlagsThermal → const VideoStreamStatusFlags
Stream is thermal imaging
videoStreamTypeMpegTsH264 → const VideoStreamType
Stream is h.264 on MPEG TS (URI gives the port number)
videoStreamTypeRtpudp → const VideoStreamType
Stream is RTP UDP (URI gives the port number)
videoStreamTypeRtsp → const VideoStreamType
Stream is RTSP
videoStreamTypeTcpMpeg → const VideoStreamType
Stream is MPEG on TCP
vtolTransitionHeadingAny → const VtolTransitionHeading
Use the current heading when reaching takeoff altitude (potentially facing the wind when weather-vaning is active).
vtolTransitionHeadingNextWaypoint → const VtolTransitionHeading
Use the heading pointing towards the next waypoint.
vtolTransitionHeadingSpecified → const VtolTransitionHeading
Use the specified heading in parameter 4.
vtolTransitionHeadingTakeoff → const VtolTransitionHeading
Use the heading on takeoff (while sitting on the ground).
vtolTransitionHeadingVehicleDefault → const VtolTransitionHeading
Respect the heading configuration of the vehicle.
wifiConfigApModeAp → const WifiConfigApMode
WiFi configured as an access point.
wifiConfigApModeDisabled → const WifiConfigApMode
WiFi disabled.
wifiConfigApModeStation → const WifiConfigApMode
WiFi configured as a station connected to an existing local WiFi network.
wifiConfigApModeUndefined → const WifiConfigApMode
WiFi mode is undefined.
wifiConfigApResponseAccepted → const WifiConfigApResponse
Changes accepted.
wifiConfigApResponseModeError → const WifiConfigApResponse
Invalid Mode.
wifiConfigApResponsePasswordError → const WifiConfigApResponse
Invalid Password.
wifiConfigApResponseRejected → const WifiConfigApResponse
Changes rejected.
wifiConfigApResponseSsidError → const WifiConfigApResponse
Invalid SSID.
wifiConfigApResponseUndefined → const WifiConfigApResponse
Undefined response. Likely an indicative of a system that doesn't support this request.
winchAbandonLine → const WinchActions
Spool out the entire length of the line. Only action and instance command parameters are used, others are ignored.
winchDeliver → const WinchActions
Sequence of drop, slow down, touch down, reel up, lock. Only action and instance command parameters are used, others are ignored.
winchHold → const WinchActions
Engage motor and hold current position. Only action and instance command parameters are used, others are ignored.
winchLoadLine → const WinchActions
Load the reel with line. The winch will calculate the total loaded length and stop when the tension exceeds a threshold. Only action and instance command parameters are used, others are ignored.
winchLoadPayload → const WinchActions
Spools out just enough to present the hook to the user to load the payload. Only action and instance command parameters are used, others are ignored
winchLock → const WinchActions
Perform the locking sequence to relieve motor while in the fully retracted position. Only action and instance command parameters are used, others are ignored.
winchRateControl → const WinchActions
Wind or unwind line at specified rate.
winchRelativeLengthControl → const WinchActions
Wind or unwind specified length of line, optionally using specified rate.
winchRelaxed → const WinchActions
Allow motor to freewheel.
winchRetract → const WinchActions
Return the reel to the fully retracted position. Only action and instance command parameters are used, others are ignored.
zoomTypeContinuous → const CameraZoomType
Continuous zoom up/down until stopped (-1 for wide, 1 for tele, 0 to stop zooming)
zoomTypeFocalLength → const CameraZoomType
Zoom value/variable focal length in millimetres. Note that there is no message to get the valid zoom range of the camera, so this can type can only be used for cameras where the zoom range is known (implying that this cannot reliably be used in a GCS for an arbitrary camera)
zoomTypeHorizontalFov → const CameraZoomType
Zoom value as horizontal field of view in degrees.
zoomTypeRange → const CameraZoomType
Zoom value as proportion of full camera range (a percentage value between 0.0 and 100.0)
zoomTypeStep → const CameraZoomType
Zoom one step increment (-1 for wide, 1 for tele)


ActuatorConfiguration = int
Actuator configuration, used to change a setting on an actuator. Component information metadata can be used to know which outputs support which commands.
ActuatorOutputFunction = int
Actuator output function. Values greater or equal to 1000 are autopilot-specific.
AdsbAltitudeType = int
Enumeration of the ADSB altimeter types
AdsbEmitterType = int
ADSB classification for the type of vehicle emitting the transponder signal
AdsbFlags = int
These flags indicate status such as data validity of each data source. Set = data valid
AisFlags = int
These flags are used in the AIS_VESSEL.fields bitmask to indicate validity of data in the other message fields. When set, the data is valid.
AisNavStatus = int
Navigational status of AIS vessel, enum duplicated from AIS standard, https://gpsd.gitlab.io/gpsd/AIVDM.html
AisType = int
Type of AIS vessel, enum duplicated from AIS standard, https://gpsd.gitlab.io/gpsd/AIVDM.html
AttitudeTargetTypemask = int
Bitmap to indicate which dimensions should be ignored by the vehicle: a value of 0b00000000 indicates that none of the setpoint dimensions should be ignored.
AutotuneAxis = int
Enable axes that will be tuned via autotuning. Used in MAV_CMD_DO_AUTOTUNE_ENABLE.
CameraCapFlags = int
Camera capability flags (Bitmap)
CameraMode = int
Camera Modes.
CameraTrackingMode = int
Camera tracking modes
CameraTrackingStatusFlags = int
Camera tracking status flags
CameraTrackingTargetData = int
Camera tracking target data (shows where tracked target is within image)
CameraZoomType = int
CanFilterOp = int
CellularConfigResponse = int
Possible responses from a CELLULAR_CONFIG message.
CellularNetworkFailedReason = int
These flags are used to diagnose the failure state of CELLULAR_STATUS
CellularNetworkRadioType = int
Cellular network radio type
CellularStatusFlag = int
These flags encode the cellular network status
CompMetadataType = int
Supported component metadata types. These are used in the "general" metadata file returned by COMPONENT_METADATA to provide information about supported metadata types. The types are not used directly in MAVLink messages.
EscConnectionType = int
Indicates the ESC connection type.
EscFailureFlags = int
Flags to report ESC failures.
EstimatorStatusFlags = int
Flags in ESTIMATOR_STATUS message
FailureType = int
List of possible failure type to inject.
FailureUnit = int
List of possible units where failures can be injected.
FenceAction = int
Actions following geofence breach.
FenceBreach = int
FenceMitigate = int
Actions being taken to mitigate/prevent fence breach
FirmwareVersionType = int
These values define the type of firmware release. These values indicate the first version or release of this type. For example the first alpha release would be 64, the second would be 65.
GimbalDeviceCapFlags = int
Gimbal device (low level) capability flags (bitmap).
GimbalDeviceErrorFlags = int
Gimbal device (low level) error flags (bitmap, 0 means no error)
GimbalDeviceFlags = int
Flags for gimbal device (lower level) operation.
GimbalManagerCapFlags = int
Gimbal manager high level capability flags (bitmap). The first 16 bits are identical to the GIMBAL_DEVICE_CAP_FLAGS. However, the gimbal manager does not need to copy the flags from the gimbal but can also enhance the capabilities and thus add flags.
GimbalManagerFlags = int
Flags for high level gimbal manager operation The first 16 bits are identical to the GIMBAL_DEVICE_FLAGS.
GpsFixType = int
Type of GPS fix
GpsInputIgnoreFlags = int
GripperActions = int
Gripper actions.
HighresImuUpdatedFlags = int
Flags in the HIGHRES_IMU message indicate which fields have updated since the last message
HilSensorUpdatedFlags = int
Flags in the HIL_SENSOR message indicate which fields have updated since the last message
HlFailureFlag = int
Flags to report failure cases over the high latency telemetry.
LandingTargetType = int
Type of landing target
MagCalStatus = int
MavArmAuthDeniedReason = int
MavAutopilot = int
Micro air vehicle / autopilot classes. This identifies the individual model.
MavBatteryChargeState = int
Enumeration for battery charge states.
MavBatteryFault = int
Smart battery supply status/fault flags (bitmask) for health indication. The battery must also report either MAV_BATTERY_CHARGE_STATE_FAILED or MAV_BATTERY_CHARGE_STATE_UNHEALTHY if any of these are set.
MavBatteryFunction = int
Enumeration of battery functions
MavBatteryMode = int
Battery mode. Note, the normal operation mode (i.e. when flying) should be reported as MAV_BATTERY_MODE_UNKNOWN to allow message trimming in normal flight.
MavBatteryType = int
Enumeration of battery types
MavCmd = int
Commands to be executed by the MAV. They can be executed on user request, or as part of a mission script. If the action is used in a mission, the parameter mapping to the waypoint/mission message is as follows: Param 1, Param 2, Param 3, Param 4, X: Param 5, Y:Param 6, Z:Param 7. This command list is similar what ARINC 424 is for commercial aircraft: A data format how to interpret waypoint/mission data. NaN and INT32_MAX may be used in float/integer params (respectively) to indicate optional/default values (e.g. to use the component's current yaw or latitude rather than a specific value). See https://mavlink.io/en/guide/xml_schema.html#MAV_CMD for information about the structure of the MAV_CMD entries
MavCollisionAction = int
Possible actions an aircraft can take to avoid a collision.
MavCollisionSrc = int
Source of information about this collision.
MavCollisionThreatLevel = int
Aircraft-rated danger from this threat.
MavComponent = int
Component ids (values) for the different types and instances of onboard hardware/software that might make up a MAVLink system (autopilot, cameras, servos, GPS systems, avoidance systems etc.). Components must use the appropriate ID in their source address when sending messages. Components can also use IDs to determine if they are the intended recipient of an incoming message. The MAV_COMP_ID_ALL value is used to indicate messages that must be processed by all components. When creating new entries, components that can have multiple instances (e.g. cameras, servos etc.) should be allocated sequential values. An appropriate number of values should be left free after these components to allow the number of instances to be expanded.
MavDataStream = int
A data stream is not a fixed set of messages, but rather a recommendation to the autopilot software. Individual autopilots may or may not obey the recommended messages.
MavDistanceSensor = int
Enumeration of distance sensor types
MavDoRepositionFlags = int
Bitmap of options for the MAV_CMD_DO_REPOSITION
MavEstimatorType = int
Enumeration of estimator types
MavEventCurrentSequenceFlags = int
MavEventErrorReason = int
Reason for an event error response.
MavFrame = int
Coordinate frames used by MAVLink. Not all frames are supported by all commands, messages, or vehicles.
MavFtpErr = int
MAV FTP error codes (https://mavlink.io/en/services/ftp.html)
MavFtpOpcode = int
MAV FTP opcodes: https://mavlink.io/en/services/ftp.html
MavGeneratorStatusFlag = int
Flags to report status/failure cases for a power generator (used in GENERATOR_STATUS). Note that FAULTS are conditions that cause the generator to fail. Warnings are conditions that require attention before the next use (they indicate the system is not operating properly).
MavGoto = int
Actions that may be specified in MAV_CMD_OVERRIDE_GOTO to override mission execution.
MavLandedState = int
Enumeration of landed detector states
MavlinkDataStreamType = int
MavMissionResult = int
Result of mission operation (in a MISSION_ACK message).
MavMissionType = int
Type of mission items being requested/sent in mission protocol.
MavMode = int
These defines are predefined OR-combined mode flags. There is no need to use values from this enum, but it simplifies the use of the mode flags. Note that manual input is enabled in all modes as a safety override.
MavModeFlag = int
These flags encode the MAV mode.
MavModeFlagDecodePosition = int
These values encode the bit positions of the decode position. These values can be used to read the value of a flag bit by combining the base_mode variable with AND with the flag position value. The result will be either 0 or 1, depending on if the flag is set or not.
MavMountMode = int
Enumeration of possible mount operation modes. This message is used by obsolete/deprecated gimbal messages.
MavOdidArmStatus = int
MavOdidAuthType = int
MavOdidCategoryEu = int
MavOdidClassEu = int
MavOdidClassificationType = int
MavOdidDescType = int
MavOdidHeightRef = int
MavOdidHorAcc = int
MavOdidIdType = int
MavOdidOperatorIdType = int
MavOdidOperatorLocationType = int
MavOdidSpeedAcc = int
MavOdidStatus = int
MavOdidTimeAcc = int
MavOdidUaType = int
MavOdidVerAcc = int
MavParamExtType = int
Specifies the datatype of a MAVLink extended parameter.
MavParamType = int
Specifies the datatype of a MAVLink parameter.
MavPowerStatus = int
Power supply status flags (bitmask)
MavPreflightStorageAction = int
Action required when performing CMD_PREFLIGHT_STORAGE
MavProtocolCapability = int
Bitmask of (optional) autopilot capabilities (64 bit). If a bit is set, the autopilot supports this capability.
MavResult = int
Result from a MAVLink command (MAV_CMD)
MavRoi = int
The ROI (region of interest) for the vehicle. This can be be used by the vehicle for camera/vehicle attitude alignment (see MAV_CMD_NAV_ROI).
MavSensorOrientation = int
Enumeration of sensor orientation, according to its rotations
MavSeverity = int
Indicates the severity level, generally used for status messages to indicate their relative urgency. Based on RFC-5424 using expanded definitions at: http://www.kiwisyslog.com/kb/info:-syslog-message-levels/.
MavState = int
MavSysStatusSensor = int
These encode the sensors whose status is sent as part of the SYS_STATUS message.
MavSysStatusSensorExtended = int
These encode the sensors whose status is sent as part of the SYS_STATUS message in the extended fields.
MavTunnelPayloadType = int
MavType = int
MAVLINK component type reported in HEARTBEAT message. Flight controllers must report the type of the vehicle on which they are mounted (e.g. MAV_TYPE_OCTOROTOR). All other components must report a value appropriate for their type (e.g. a camera must use MAV_TYPE_CAMERA).
MavVtolState = int
Enumeration of VTOL states
MavWinchStatusFlag = int
Winch status flags used in WINCH_STATUS
MissionState = int
States of the mission state machine. Note that these states are independent of whether the mission is in a mode that can execute mission items or not (is suspended). They may not all be relevant on all vehicles.
MotorTestOrder = int
Sequence that motors are tested when using MAV_CMD_DO_MOTOR_TEST.
MotorTestThrottleType = int
Defines how throttle value is represented in MAV_CMD_DO_MOTOR_TEST.
OrbitYawBehaviour = int
Yaw behaviour during orbit flight.
ParachuteAction = int
Parachute actions. Trigger release and enable/disable auto-release.
ParamAck = int
Result from PARAM_EXT_SET message (or a PARAM_SET within a transaction).
PositionTargetTypemask = int
Bitmap to indicate which dimensions should be ignored by the vehicle: a value of 0b0000000000000000 or 0b0000001000000000 indicates that none of the setpoint dimensions should be ignored. If bit 9 is set the floats afx afy afz should be interpreted as force instead of acceleration.
PrecisionLandMode = int
Precision land modes (used in MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND).
PreflightStorageMissionAction = int
Actions for reading and writing plan information (mission, rally points, geofence) between persistent and volatile storage when using MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_STORAGE. (Commonly missions are loaded from persistent storage (flash/EEPROM) into volatile storage (RAM) on startup and written back when they are changed.)
PreflightStorageParameterAction = int
Actions for reading/writing parameters between persistent and volatile storage when using MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_STORAGE. (Commonly parameters are loaded from persistent storage (flash/EEPROM) into volatile storage (RAM) on startup and written back when they are changed.)
RcType = int
RC type
RtkBaselineCoordinateSystem = int
RTK GPS baseline coordinate system, used for RTK corrections
SafetySwitchState = int
Possible safety switch states.
SerialControlDev = int
SERIAL_CONTROL device types
SerialControlFlag = int
SERIAL_CONTROL flags (bitmask)
SetFocusType = int
SpeedType = int
Speed setpoint types used in MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED
StorageStatus = int
Flags to indicate the status of camera storage.
StorageType = int
Flags to indicate the type of storage.
StorageUsageFlag = int
Flags to indicate usage for a particular storage (see STORAGE_INFORMATION.storage_usage and MAV_CMD_SET_STORAGE_USAGE).
TuneFormat = int
Tune formats (used for vehicle buzzer/tone generation).
UavcanNodeHealth = int
Generalized UAVCAN node health
UavcanNodeMode = int
Generalized UAVCAN node mode
UtmDataAvailFlags = int
Flags for the global position report.
UtmFlightState = int
Airborne status of UAS.
VideoStreamStatusFlags = int
Stream status flags (Bitmap)
VideoStreamType = int
Video stream types
VtolTransitionHeading = int
Direction of VTOL transition
WifiConfigApMode = int
WiFi Mode.
WifiConfigApResponse = int
Possible responses from a WIFI_CONFIG_AP message.
WinchActions = int
Winch actions.