English | 中文
ChatroomUIKit is designed to address most users' chat room requirements specific to pan-entertainment scenarios. It delivers good user experience in the use of APIs (for user-side developers) by streamlining SDK integration, facilitating customization, and offering comprehensive documentation.
Development environment requirements
- SDK: >=3.0.0 <4.0.0
- Flutter: >=3.12.0
For the iOS app:
- Xcode 13 or higher
- iOS 11 or higher
For the Android app:
- minSDKVersion 21
ChatroomUIKit installation
flutter pub get add chatroom_uikit
Run the demo
Project structure
├── chatroom_localizations.dart // Internationalization tool
├── chatroom_settings.dart // Component configuration
├── chatroom_uikit.dart // ChatroomUIKit component
├── chatroom_uikit_client.dart // ChatroomUIKit initialization class
├── service // Basic service components
│ ├── controllers // UI component protocol
│ │ ├── chat_report_controller.dart
│ │ ├── chat_text_editing_controller.dart
│ │ ├── chatroom_controller.dart
│ │ ├── chatroom_message_list_controller.dart
│ │ ├── gift_page_controller.dart
│ │ └── participant_page_controller.dart
│ ├── default
│ │ ├── controllers // UI component protocol implementation
│ │ │ ├── default_gift_page_controller.dart
│ │ │ ├── default_members_controller.dart
│ │ │ ├── default_message_list_controller.dart
│ │ │ ├── default_mutes_controller.dart
│ │ │ └── default_report_controller.dart
│ │ └── data // UI component data protocol
│ │ ├── gift_entity.dart
│ │ └── user_entity.dart
│ ├── implement // Protocol implementation component
│ │ ├── chatroom_context.dart
│ │ ├── chatroom_service_implement.dart
│ │ ├── gift_service_implement.dart
│ │ └── user_service_implement.dart
│ └── protocol // Business protocol component
│ ├── chatroom_service.dart
│ ├── gift_service.dart
│ └── user_service.dart
├── ui // Basic UI components
│ ├── component
│ │ ├── chatroom_gift_list_view.dart
│ │ ├── chatroom_gift_message_list_view.dart
│ │ ├── chatroom_global_broad_cast_view.dart
│ │ ├── chatroom_message_list_view.dart
│ │ ├── chatroom_participants_list_view.dart
│ │ └── chatroom_report_list_view.dart
│ └── widget
│ ├── chat_avatar.dart
│ ├── chat_bottom_sheet.dart
│ ├── chat_bottom_sheet_background.dart
│ ├── chat_dialog.dart
│ ├── chat_input_bar.dart
│ ├── chat_input_emoji.dart
│ ├── chat_more_item_action.dart
│ ├── chat_uikit_button.dart
│ └── custom_tab_indicator.dart
└── utils // Toolkit
├── chatroom_enums.dart
├── chatroom_event_item_action.dart
├── define.dart
├── extension.dart
├── icon_image_provider.dart
├── image_loader.dart
├── language_convertor.dart
└── time_tool.dart
Advanced usage
Initialize the ChatroomUIKit
To initialize the ChatroomUIKit, you need to get the App Key on the Agora Console.
await ChatroomUIKitClient.instance.initWithAppkey(appKey);
Log in to ChatroomUIKit
To log in to the ChatroomUIKit, you need to pass in the user ID and password typed when you register a user on the Agora Console.
try {
await ChatroomUIKitClient.instance.loginWithPassword(
userId: userId,
password: password, // Password typed when you register a user.
userInfo: userInfo, // The current user object that conforms to the UserInfoProtocol protocol. The default user object is `UserEntity` in the ChatroomUIKit.
}on ChatError catch(e) {
// error.
Alternatively, you can use a user token for login. To generate a temporary user token for testing purposes, visit https://docs.agora.io/en/agora-chat/get-started/enable?platform=flutter#generate-a-user-token.
try {
await ChatroomUIKitClient.instance.loginWithToken(
userId: userId,
token: userToken, // User token.
userInfo: userInfo, // The current user object that conforms to the UserInfoProtocol protocol. The default user object is `UserEntity` in the ChatroomUIKit.
}on ChatError catch(e) {
// error.
Switch the theme
You can use ChatUIKitTheme
to switch to the light
or dark
theme that comes with the ChatroomUIKit.
color: ChatUIKitColor.light() // Switch to the light theme. For the dark them, specify the parameter with `ChatUIKitColor.dark()`.
child: child,
To adjust theme colors, you need to define the hue
value of the following colors in ChatUIKitColor
this.primaryHue = 203,
this.secondaryHue = 155,
this.errorHue = 350,
this.neutralHue = 203,
this.neutralSpecialHue = 220,
this.barrageLightness = LightnessStyle.oneHundred,
this.isDark = false,
chatroom_uikit component
- Make sure that
acts as a parent node of theChatroomUIKit
component in your project. You are advised to setChatUIKitTheme
as the root node of the project.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
builder: (context, child) {
return ChatUIKitTheme(child: child!);
home: const MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'),
- To use
, you need to first createChatroomController
and then setChatRoomUIKit
as the root node of the current page and other components as children ofChatRoomUIKit
// roomId: Chat room ID.
// ownerId: User ID of the chat room owner.
ChatroomController controller = ChatroomController(roomId: roomId, ownerId: ownerId);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Widget content = Scaffold(
resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
appBar: AppBar(),
body: ChatRoomUIKit(
controller: controller,
child: (context) {
// Build pages within child components, like gift window and message list page.
return ...;
return content;
ChatroomMessageListView component
The ChatroomMessageListView
component presents messages within the chat room. Make sure that this component acts as a child node of ChatRoomUIKit
. You can add ChatroomMessageListView
to the screen and set its position as follows:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Widget content = Scaffold(
resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
appBar: AppBar(),
body: ChatRoomUIKit(
controller: controller,
child: (context) {
return const Stack(
children: [
left: 16,
right: 78,
height: 204,
bottom: 90,
child: ChatroomMessageListView(),
return content;
provides items like click, long press, and repaint and also allows you to set the reportController.
const ChatroomMessageListView({
The ChatroomMessageListView
component does not show gifts by default. To show gifts, you need to set enableMsgListGift
to true
in ChatRoomSettings.
ChatRoomSettings.enableMsgListGift = true;
ChatInputBar component
The ChatInputBar
component is used to send messages. It is placed in chatroom_uikit by default and the position is not configurable. This component can involve more click options and you can configure more click events in ChatroomUIKit
// roomId: chat room ID.
// ownerId: user ID of the chat room.
ChatroomController controller = ChatroomController(roomId: roomId, ownerId: ownerId);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Widget content = Scaffold(
resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
appBar: AppBar(),
body: ChatRoomUIKit(
controller: controller,
inputBar: ChatInputBar(),
child: (context) {
// Build pages within child components, like gift window and message list page.
return ...;
return content;
allows you to add widgets via leading
and actions
. You can add four actions via actions
}) {
actions == null || actions!.length <= 4, 'can\'t more than 4 actions');
ChatRoomGiftListView component
You need to configure gifts before selecting and sending them. For this purpose, you need to configure giftControllers
in ChatroomController
, passing in an instance that conforms to the ChatroomGiftPageController
protocol (DefaultGiftPageController
is available in chatroom_uikit
ChatroomController controller = ChatroomController(
roomId: widget.roomId,
ownerId: widget.ownerId,
giftControllers: () async {
List<DefaultGiftPageController> service = [];
// Parse the gift JSON and fill the parsing result in the gifts list in DefaultGiftPageController.
final value = await rootBundle.loadString('data/Gifts.json');
Map<String, dynamic> map = json.decode(value);
for (var element in map.keys.toList()) {
title: element,
gifts: () {
List<GiftEntityProtocol> list = [];
map[element].forEach((element) {
// Parse the JSON into the object that conforms to the GiftEntityProtocol protocol.
GiftEntityProtocol? gift = ChatroomUIKitClient
if (gift != null) {
return list;
return service;
The gift list is displayed. You can add a button in ChatInputBar to show the gift list.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Widget content = Scaffold(
resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
appBar: AppBar(),
body: ChatRoomUIKit(
controller: controller,
inputBar: ChatInputBar(
actions: [
onTap: () => controller.showGiftSelectPages(),
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(3),
child: Image.asset('images/send_gift.png'),
child: (context) {
return Container();
return content;
You can select a gift and click Send
to send it.
Gifts can be displayed via either of the following components:
ChatroomGiftMessageListView component
The ChatroomGiftMessageListView
component displays gifts that are sent and received. Make sure that this component is set as a child component of ChatRoomUIKit
. You can add this component to the screen and set its position as follows:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// Do not show gifts on the message list.
ChatRoomSettings.enableMsgListGift = false;
Widget content = Scaffold(
resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
appBar: AppBar(),
body: ChatRoomUIKit(
controller: controller,
child: (context) {
return const Stack(
children: [
left: 16,
right: 180,
height: 84,
bottom: 300,
child: ChatroomGiftMessageListView(),
return content;
allows you to set the gift widget and placeholder icon.
const ChatroomGiftMessageListView({
ChatroomGlobalBroadcastView component
The ChatroomGlobalBroadcastView
component shows global broadcast messages. Remember to set this component as a child node of ChatRoomUIKit
. You can add the ChatroomGlobalBroadcastView
component to the screen and set its position as follows:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Widget content = Scaffold(
resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
appBar: AppBar(),
body: ChatRoomUIKit(
controller: controller,
child: (context) {
return Stack(
children: [
top: MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets.top + 10,
height: 20,
left: 20,
right: 20,
child: const ChatroomGlobalBroadcastView(),
return content;
allows you to set the icon, font, and background color.
const ChatroomGlobalBroadcastView({
ChatRoomSettings class
The ChatRoomSettings
class provides ChatroomUIKit settings.
class ChatRoomSettings {
static String? userDefaultAvatar; // Default avatar.
static String? defaultIdentify; // Default identity icon.
static String? defaultGiftIcon; // Default gift icon.
static bool enableMsgListTime = true; // Whether the time is displayed on the message list.
static bool enableMsgListAvatar = true; // Whether the avatars are displayed on the message list.
static bool enableMsgListNickname = true; // Whether nicknames are displayed on the message list.
static bool enableMsgListIdentify = true; // Whether identities are displayed on the message list.
static bool enableMsgListGift = false; // Whether gifts are displayed on the message list.
static bool enableParticipantItemIdentify = false; // Whether identities are displayed on the participant list.
static CornerRadius inputBarRadius = CornerRadius.large; // Corner radius of the input box.
static CornerRadius avatarRadius = CornerRadius.large; // Corner radius of the avatar.
- chatroom_localizations
- chatroom_settings
- chatroom_uikit
- chatroom_uikit_client
- service/controllers/chat_report_controller
- service/controllers/chat_text_editing_controller
- service/controllers/chatroom_controller
- service/controllers/chatroom_message_list_controller
- service/controllers/gift_page_controller
- service/controllers/participant_page_controller
- service/default/controllers/default_gift_page_controller
- service/default/controllers/default_members_controller
- service/default/controllers/default_message_list_controller
- service/default/controllers/default_mutes_controller
- service/default/controllers/default_report_controller
- service/default/data/gift_entity
- service/default/data/user_entity
- service/implement/chatroom_context
- service/implement/chatroom_service_implement
- service/implement/gift_service_implement
- service/implement/user_service_implement
- service/protocol/chatroom_service
- service/protocol/gift_service
- service/protocol/user_service
- ui/component/chatroom_gift_list_view
- ui/component/chatroom_gift_message_list_view
- ui/component/chatroom_global_broad_cast_view
- ui/component/chatroom_message_list_view
- ui/component/chatroom_participants_list_view
- ui/component/chatroom_report_list_view
- ui/widget/chat_avatar
- ui/widget/chat_bottom_sheet
- ui/widget/chat_bottom_sheet_background
- ui/widget/chat_dialog
- ui/widget/chat_input_bar
- ui/widget/chat_input_emoji
- ui/widget/chat_more_item_action
- ui/widget/custom_tab_indicator
- utils/chatroom_enums
- utils/chatroom_event_item_action
- utils/define
- utils/extension
- utils/icon_image_provider
- utils/image_loader
- utils/language_convertor
- utils/time_tool