RTCVideo class abstract

The engine instance.




audioMixingManager RTCAudioMixingManager
Creates the audio mixing manager.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
videoEffectInterface RTCVideoEffect
Gets video effect API class.
no setter


checkVideoEffectLicense(String licenseFile) Future<int?>
Checks video effect license.
clearVideoWatermark([StreamIndex streamIndex = StreamIndex.main]) Future<int?>
Removes video watermark from designated video stream.
createRTCRoom(String roomId) Future<RTCRoom?>
Creates a room instance.
destroy() Future<void>
Destroys the engine instance created by RTCVideo.createRTCVideo and release all related resources.
enableAudioPropertiesReport(AudioPropertiesConfig config) Future<int?>
Enable audio information prompts.
enableCameraAutoExposureFaceMode(bool enable) Future<int?>
Valid since v3.56.1
enableEffectBeauty(bool enable) Future<int?>
Enables/Disables basic beauty effects.
enableExternalSoundCard(bool enable) Future<int?>
Enables the audio process mode for external sound card.
enableLocalVoiceReverb(bool enable) Future<int?>
Enable the reverb effect for the local captured voice.
enablePlaybackDucking(bool enable) Future<int?>
Enables/disables the playback ducking function. This function is usually used in scenarios where short videos or music will be played simultaneously during RTC calls.
enableSimulcastMode(bool enable) Future<int?>
Enables/Disables the mode of publishing multiple video streams with different encoding configuration. Off by default.
enableVideoEffect(bool enable) Future<int?>
Creates/destroys video effects engine.
enableVocalInstrumentBalance(bool enable) Future<int?>
Enables/disables the loudness equalization function.
feedback({required List<ProblemFeedbackOption> types, ProblemFeedbackInfo? info}) Future<int?>
Reports user feedback to RTC.
getAudioEffectPlayer() FutureOr<RTCAudioEffectPlayer?>
Valid since v3.56.1
getAudioRoute() Future<AudioRoute>
Gets the information of currently used playback route.
getCameraZoomMaxRatio() Future<double?>
Gets the maximum zoom magnification of the currently used camera (front/rear).
getKTVManager() FutureOr<RTCKTVManager?>
Creates KTV manager.
getMediaPlayer(int playerId) FutureOr<RTCMediaPlayer?>
Valid since v3.56.1
getNetworkTimeInfo() Future<NetworkTimeInfo?>
Obtains the synchronization network time information.
getPeerOnlineStatus(String peerUid) Future<int?>
Queries the login status of the specified remote user or local user before sending the message.
getSingScoringManager() FutureOr<RTCSingScoringManager?>
Creates a karaoke scoring API manager.
isCameraExposurePositionSupported() Future<bool?>
Checks if manual exposure setting is available for the currently used camera.
isCameraFocusPositionSupported() Future<bool?>
Checks if manual focus is available for the currently used camera.
isCameraTorchSupported() Future<bool?>
Detects whether the currently used camera supports flash.
isCameraZoomSupported() Future<bool?>
Detects whether the currently used camera supports zoom (digital/optical zoom).
login({required String token, required String uid}) Future<int?>
Logs in to send out-of-room messages or send messages to the business server.
logout() Future<int?>
Logs out.
muteAudioPlayback(bool muteState) Future<int?>
Controls whether to play local audio streams.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
registerFaceDetectionObserver({RTCFaceDetectionObserver? observer, int interval = 0}) Future<int?>
Registers the observer for the result of face detection.
removeLocalVideo([StreamIndex streamType = StreamIndex.main]) Future<int?>
Remove the local video canvas.
removeRemoteVideo({required String roomId, required String uid, StreamIndex streamType = StreamIndex.main}) Future<int?>
Remove the remote video canvas.
sendScreenCaptureExtensionMessage(Uint8List message) Future<int?>
Sends custom messages to screen sharing Extension. For iOS only.
sendSEIMessage({StreamIndex streamIndex = StreamIndex.main, required Uint8List message, required int repeatCount, SEICountPerFrame mode = SEICountPerFrame.single}) Future<int?>
Sends SEI data.
sendServerBinaryMessage(Uint8List message) Future<int?>
Client sends a binary message to the business server.
sendServerMessage(String message) Future<int?>
Client sends a text message to the business server.
sendStreamSyncInfo({required Uint8List data, required StreamSyncInfoConfig config}) Future<int?>
Sends audio stream synchronization information.
sendUserBinaryMessageOutsideRoom({required String uid, required Uint8List message, required MessageConfig config}) Future<int?>
Sends a binary message to a specified user outside the room.
sendUserMessageOutsideRoom({required String uid, required String message, required MessageConfig config}) Future<int?>
Sends a text message to a specified user outside the room.
setAnsMode(AnsMode ansMode) Future<int?>
Sets the Active Noise Cancellation(ANC) mode during audio and video communications.
setAudioAlignmentProperty({required RemoteStreamKey streamKey, required AudioAlignmentMode mode}) Future<int?>
On the listener side, sets all subscribed audio streams precisely timely aligned.
setAudioProfile(AudioProfileType audioProfile) Future<int?>
Sets the sound quality.
setAudioRoute(AudioRoute audioRoute) Future<int?>
Designate the current audio playback device.
setAudioScenario(AudioScenario audioScenario) Future<int?>
Sets the audio scenarios.
setBackgroundSticker({String? modelPath, VirtualBackgroundSource? source}) Future<int?>
Sets the original background to a specified image or a solid color.
setBeautyIntensity({required EffectBeautyMode beautyMode, required double intensity}) Future<int?>
Sets the beauty effect intensity.
setBluetoothMode(BluetoothMode mode) Future<int?>
On iOS, you can change the Bluetooth profile when the media volume is set in all scenarios.
setBusinessId(String businessId) Future<int?>
Sets the business ID.
setCameraAdaptiveMinimumFrameRate(int framerate) Future<int?>
Valid since v3.56.1
setCameraExposureCompensation(double val) Future<int?>
Sets the exposure compensation for the currently used camera.
setCameraExposurePosition(Offset position) Future<int?>
Sets the manual exposure position for the currently used camera.
setCameraFocusPosition(Offset position) Future<int?>
Sets the manual focus position for the currently used camera.
setCameraTorch(TorchState torchState) Future<int?>
Turns on/off the flash of the currently used camera.
setCameraZoomRatio(double zoom) Future<int?>
Change the optical zoom magnification.
setCaptureVolume({StreamIndex index = StreamIndex.main, required int volume}) Future<int?>
Adjusts the audio capture volume.
setCellularEnhancement(MediaTypeEnhancementConfig config) Future<int?>
Valid since v3.56.1
setDefaultAudioRoute(AudioRoute audioRoute) Future<int?>
Sets the speaker or earpiece as the default audio playback device.
setDummyCaptureImagePath(String filePath) Future<int?>
Sets an alternative image when the local internal video capture is not enabled.
setEarMonitorMode(EarMonitorMode mode) Future<int?>
Turns on/off the earphone monitor function.
setEarMonitorVolume(int volume) Future<int?>
Sets the volume of in-ear monitoring.
setEncryptInfo({required EncryptType aesType, required String key}) Future<int?>
Set the built-in encryption method.
setLocalProxy(List<LocalProxyConfiguration>? configurations) Future<int?>
Valid since v3.56.1
setLocalVideoMirrorType(MirrorType mirrorType) Future<int?>
Sets the mirror mode for the captured video stream.
setLocalVoiceEqualization(VoiceEqualizationConfig config) Future<int?>
Set the equalization effect for the local captured audio.
The audio includes both internal captured audio and external captured voice, but not the mixing audio file.
setLocalVoicePitch(int pitch) Future<int?>
Changes local voice to a different key, mostly used in Karaoke scenarios.
setLocalVoiceReverbParam(VoiceReverbConfig config) Future<int?>
Set the reverb effect for the local captured audio.
The audio includes both internal captured audio and external captured voice, but not the mixing audio file.
setMaxVideoEncoderConfig(VideoEncoderConfig maxSolution) Future<int?>
Video publisher calls this API to set the parameters of the maximum resolution video stream that is expected to be published, including resolution, frame rate, bitrate, scale mode, and fallback strategy in poor network conditions.
setPlaybackVolume(int volume) Future<int?>
Adjusts the playback volume of the mixed remote audio.
setPublishFallbackOption(PublishFallbackOption option) Future<int?>
Sets the fallback option for published audio & video streams.
setRemoteAudioPlaybackVolume({required String roomId, required String uid, required int volume}) Future<int?>
Adjusts the audio playback volume from the remote user.
setRemoteUserPriority({required String roomId, required String uid, required RemoteUserPriority priority}) Future<int?>
Set the priority of the specified remote user in the fallback.
setRTCVideoEventHandler(RTCVideoEventHandler handler) → void
Sets the event callback class.
setRuntimeParameters(Map<String, dynamic> params) Future<int?>
Sets runtime parameters.
setScreenAudioStreamIndex(StreamIndex index) Future<int?>
Sets whether to mix screen audio stream and the audio stream collected by the microphone in screen sharing.
setScreenVideoEncoderConfig(ScreenVideoEncoderConfig screenSolution) Future<int?>
Video publisher calls this API to set the expected configurations for the screen sharing video stream, including resolution, frame rate, bitrate, scale mode, and fallback strategy in poor network conditions.
setServerParams({required String signature, required String url}) Future<int?>
Sets application server parameters.
setSubscribeFallbackOption(SubscribeFallbackOption option) Future<int?>
Sets the fallback option for subscribed RTC streams..
setVideoCaptureConfig(VideoCaptureConfig config) Future<int?>
Sets the video capture parameters for internal capturing of the RTC SDK.
setVideoDigitalZoomConfig({required ZoomConfigType type, double size}) Future<int?>
Sets the step size for each digital zooming control to the local videos.
setVideoDigitalZoomControl(ZoomDirectionType direction) Future<int?>
Digital zoom or move the local video image once. This action affects both the video preview locally and the stream published.
setVideoEffectAlgoModelPath(String modelPath) Future<int?>
Sets the video effects algorithm model path.
setVideoEffectColorFilter(String? resFile) Future<int?>
Sets color filter.
setVideoEffectColorFilterIntensity(double intensity) Future<int?>
Sets the color filter intensity.
setVideoEffectNodes(List<String>? effectNodes) Future<int?>
Sets video effects resource package.
setVideoEncoderConfig(List<VideoEncoderConfig> channelSolutions) Future<int?>
Video publisher calls this API to set the configurations of each stream published, including resolution, frame rate, bitrate, scale mode, and fallback strategy in poor network conditions.
setVideoOrientation(VideoOrientation orientation) Future<int?>
Sets the orientation of the video frame before custom video processing and encoding. The default value is Adaptive.
setVideoRotationMode(VideoRotationMode rotationMode) Future<int?>
Sets the orientation of the video capture. By default, the App direction is used as the orientation reference.
setVideoWatermark({StreamIndex streamIndex = StreamIndex.main, required String imagePath, required WatermarkConfig watermarkConfig}) Future<int?>
Adds watermark to designated video stream.
setVoiceChangerType(VoiceChangerType voiceChanger) Future<int?>
Sets the type of voice change effect.
setVoiceReverbType(VoiceReverbType voiceReverb) Future<int?>
Sets the type of reverb effect.
startAudioCapture() Future<int?>
Starts internal audio capturing. Off by default.
startAudioRecording(AudioRecordingConfig config) Future<int?>
Starts recording audio communication, and generates the local file.
startCloudProxy(List<CloudProxyInfo> cloudProxiesInfo) Future<int?>
Starts cloud proxy.
startEchoTest({required EchoTestConfig config, required int delayTime}) Future<int?>
Starts a call test.
startFileRecording({StreamIndex streamIndex = StreamIndex.main, required RecordingConfig config, required RecordingType recordingType}) Future<int?>
Records the audio & video data during the call to a local file.
startHardwareEchoDetection(String testAudioFilePath) Future<int?>
Starts echo detection before joining a room.
startLiveTranscoding({required String taskId, required LiveTranscoding transcoding, required RTCLiveTranscodingObserver observer}) Future<int?>
Creates a new task of pushing media streams to CDN and sets the relevant configurations.
startNetworkDetection({required bool isTestUplink, required int expectedUplinkBitrate, required bool isTestDownlink, required int expectedDownlinkBitrate}) Future<int?>
Starts pre-call network detection.
startPushMixedStreamToCDN({required String taskId, required MixedStreamConfig mixedConfig, RTCMixedStreamObserver? observer}) Future<int?>
Valid since v3.56.1
startPushSingleStreamToCDN({required String taskId, required PushSingleStreamParam param, required RTCPushSingleStreamToCDNObserver observer}) Future<int?>
This function is currently not available. Creates a new task of pushing a single media stream to CDN.
startScreenCapture(ScreenMediaType type) Future<int?>
Starts capturing screen sharing streams with the internal capturing module of th RTC SDK.
startVideoCapture() Future<int?>
Enables internal video capturing immediately. Off by default.
startVideoDigitalZoomControl(ZoomDirectionType direction) Future<int?>
Continuous and repeatedly digital zoom control. This action effect both the video preview locally and the stream published.
stopAudioCapture() Future<int?>
Stops internal audio capturing.
stopAudioRecording() Future<int?>
Stops audio recording.
stopCloudProxy() Future<int?>
Stops cloud proxy.
stopEchoTest() Future<int?>
Stops the current call test.
stopFileRecording([StreamIndex streamIndex = StreamIndex.main]) Future<int?>
Stops local recording.
stopHardwareEchoDetection() Future<int?>
Stops the echo detection before joining a room.
stopLiveTranscoding(String taskId) Future<int?>
Stops pushing streams to CDN.
stopNetworkDetection() Future<int?>
Stops pre-call network detection.
stopPushStreamToCDN(String taskId) Future<int?>
Stops the task of pushing a single media stream to CDN.
stopScreenCapture() Future<int?>
Stops capturing screen sharing streams.
stopVideoCapture() Future<int?>
Stops internal video capturing immediately.
stopVideoDigitalZoomControl() Future<int?>
Stops the ongoing digital zoom control instantly.
switchCamera(CameraId cameraId) Future<int?>
Switches mobile front/rear camera.
takeLocalSnapshot(StreamIndex streamIndex, String filePath) → CancelableOperation<LocalSnapshot>
Takes a snapshot of the local video.
takeRemoteSnapshot(RemoteStreamKey streamKey, String filePath) → CancelableOperation<RemoteSnapshot>
Takes a snapshot of the remote video.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateLiveTranscoding({required String taskId, required LiveTranscoding transcoding}) Future<int?>
Updates parameters needed when pushing media streams to CDN.
updateLoginToken(String token) Future<int?>
Updates the Token used by the user to log in.
updatePushMixedStreamToCDN({required String taskId, required MixedStreamConfig mixedConfig}) Future<int?>
Valid since v3.56.1
updateScreenCapture(ScreenMediaType type) Future<int?>
Updates the media type of the screen capture.
updateVideoEffectNode({required String effectNode, required String key, required double value}) Future<int?>
Sets effect intensity.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

createRTCVideo(RTCVideoContext context) Future<RTCVideo?>
Creates an engine instance.
getErrorDescription(int code) Future<String?>
Gets the description of error codes and warning codes in the SDK.
getSDKVersion() Future<String?>
Gets the current SDK version.
setLogConfig(RTCLogConfig logConfig) Future<int?>
Valid since v3.56.1