feedback abstract method

Future<int?> feedback({
  1. required List<ProblemFeedbackOption> types,
  2. ProblemFeedbackInfo? info,

Reports user feedback to RTC.

types: A collection of pre-defined question types with multiple choices. info: Specific descriptions of issues other than pre-defined questions.

Returned value:

  • 0: Success
  • -1: Failure, the user has not joined a room yet.
  • -2: Failure, data analysis error.
  • -3: Failure, missing fields.

Notes: If the user is in the room when reporting feedback, then the problem is located in the room(s) the user is currently in.
If the user is not in the room, then the problem is located in the room the engine previously exited.


Future<int?> feedback({
  required List<ProblemFeedbackOption> types,
  ProblemFeedbackInfo? info,