startPushMixedStreamToCDN abstract method
- required String taskId,
- required MixedStreamConfig mixedConfig,
- RTCMixedStreamObserver? observer,
Valid since v3.56.1
Creates a new task of pushing mixed media streams to CDN and sets the relevant configurations.
When pushing more than one live streams in the same task, SDK will first mix those streams into one single stream and then push it to CDN.
: Task ID. The length should not exceed 126 bytes.
You may want to push more than one mixed stream to CDN from the same room. When you do that, use different ID for corresponding tasks; if you will start only one task, use an empty string.
: Configurations to be set when pushing streams to CDN.
: Register this observer to receive callbacks from the SDK.
Return value:
- 0: Success.
- !0: Failure. See ReturnStatus for the reason.
- After calling this API, you will be informed of the result and errors during the pushing process through RTCMixedStreamObserver.onMixingEvent.
- Call RTCVideo.stopPushStreamToCDN to stop pushing mixed streams to CDN.
Future<int?> startPushMixedStreamToCDN({
required String taskId,
required MixedStreamConfig mixedConfig,
RTCMixedStreamObserver? observer,