Results350 packages
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Chopper is an http client generator using source_gen, inspired by Retrofit#api#client#http#rest
Completion functionality for Dart Command-Line Interfaces built using CommandRunner. Built by Very Good Ventures.#cli#completion#shell#bash#autocomplete
Automatically generating `copyWith` extensions code for classes with `@CopyWith()` annotation.
Utility library for the flutter_chat_ui and flutter_firebase_chat_core libraries which contains shared type declarations.
Stash is a key-value store abstraction with plain and cache driven semantics and support for a pluggable backend architecture.
Generator for the Envied package. See
Code generation tooling for Dart Frog. Built by Very Good Ventures.#server#backend#dart-frog#codegen
A Dart library for for detecting and transliterating Hiragana, Katakana, and Romaji.
ASP.NET Core SignalR Client written for Dart that is platform-independent, and can be used on both the command-line and the browser.
Definitions of Rust-like types, Option and Result, to promote safer programming.

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