Results21 packages
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Meilisearch Dart is the Meilisearch API client for Dart and Flutter developers.
Fast, simple, and powerful backend framework for Dart built with ❤️#server#backend#httpserver#framework#web
A dart client library for the GoTrue API.
A Firebase Admin SDK implementation for Dart.
A Dart implementation for ElectricSQL ( client.
Mixin Messenger API for Dart/Flutter, build decentrialized applications on Mixin
Plugin for JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication in Gazelle, providing functionality to sign, verify, and handle JWT tokens during HTTP request processing.
Authentication package for dox framework with jsonwebtoken(jwt) driver.
A package that helps you verify JWT token IDs from firebase logged-in users
Pharaoh middleware that validates a JsonWebToken (JWT) and set the req.auth with the attributes

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