Results280 packages
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A super simple dependency injection implementation for flutter that behaves like any normal IOC container and does not rely on mirrors
Checks for missing, under-promoted, over-promoted, and unused dependencies.
A simple yet efficient dependency injection container for Dart and Flutter (can be coupled with the kiwi_generator package).#deep-linking#dependency-injector#containers
Code generator for Flutter's 3.0 ThemeExtension classes. The generator can create themes and extensions on BuildContext or ThemeData based on the lists of the theme properties
Visualize internal Dart library dependencies in Graphviz dot. Detect dependency cycles.
A lightweight, flexible, and high-performance dependency injection and service location library for Dart and Flutter
Dependency-free, type-safe Dart unit conversion library. Decouple specific unit types you need to work with from the rest of your code.
Dart package that provides simple access to the CoinGecko API (Version 3)
Mapbox MBTiles v1.3 files, support for vector and raster tiles.#mbtiles#map
A simple and easy to use parser to extract information from a standard vCard string. Major vCard properties from versions 2.1, 3.0, 4.0 are supported.

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