Results149 packages
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A 2D Bézier curve math library. Based heavily on the work of @TheRealPomax <>. Live examples can be found at <>.
A powerful extension library of Sliver, which include SliverPinnedPersistentHeader, SliverPinnedToBoxAdapter and ExtendedSliverAppbar.
A package that supports Bar Chart in a Flutter Sliver. This Package allow us to add Bar Chart in Sliver and its set a Bar Chart as a Header on Slivers Scroll.
Provide nice moving particle bokeh effect wall paper on your background.
Allows you to use powerful snapping slivers with expanded and collapsed bars.
Flutter Client SDK for LiveKit. Build real-time video and audio into your apps. Supports iOS, Android, and Web.#webrtc#voip#video#livestream#conference
Porting of "The Alphanum Algorithm" in Dart, used to sort string lists alphanumerically.
Fork with null-safety update from xlive_switch, Flutter custom switch based Oleg Frolov's animation design
Pacote para criar pagamentos usando o SDK da API Cielo e-Commerce. Para mais informações acesse a documentação oficial da Cielo e-Commerce para desenvolvedores.

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