dartographer.com is the homepage of Aaron Barrett. Aaron is a startup veteran and a master of many a programming language (C++, Objective-C, and Lua to name a few). He strives to write code that is easy to understand. Aaron and his brother Isaac live in San Francisco. 🌁
We (the Barrett Brothers) have teamed up to develop our own Dart-based game engine, which we're using to build our first iOS title. Between game development and personal projects we've built up some robust Dart libraries, which we're publishing here. We're excited to see what new and interesting applications others may find for our code. If you use our code, we hope you'll share your experience with us. We welcome suggestions, bug reports, and code contributions. Enjoy! 🤓🎯
A 2D Bézier curve math library. Based heavily on the work of @TheRealPomax <pomax.github.io/bezierjs>.
Live examples can be found at <www.dartographer.com/bezier>.