Results20 packages
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Jinja2 template engine for Dart. Variables, expressions, control structures and template inheritance.
A robust Quill Delta to HTML converter. This is a complete port of the popular quill-delta-to-html Typescript/Javascript package to Dart.
This package allows you to use simple HTML and inline CSS styles to style your text in flutter. A fork of css_text package.
Bones_UI - An intuitive and user-friendly Web User Interface framework for Dart.
Image map, create areas with customizable colors on an image and response to clicking/touching. Just like what we have in html.
Rich Text renderer that parses Contentful Rich Text JSON object and returns a renderable Flutter widget tree
Flutter API for google cloud translation - translate to given language.
Provides a way to embed dartpad into your flutter web app
Dart/Flutter package for using Elastic App Search through a simple API returning easy to handle objects

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