Results207 packages
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Extends blocs with an additional stream which can serve as a way of indicating single-time events (so-called "presentation events").
Integration for the Bloc state management library to Flame games.
Flutter package that simplifies injection and usage of Bloc/Cubit.
Minimalist and Easy State Management for Bloc Inspired from Dart Generics.
A flutter package to simplify pagination with firestore data.
Button, which animates between idle, progress and success/error state, indicating that some process is running in the background.
Create Beautiful Forms in Flutter. The easiest way to Prefill, Async Validation, Update Form Fields, and Show Progress, Failures or Navigate by Reacting to the Form State.
Flutter package to simplify pagination of list of items from the internet.
Cubit and Bloc abstractions and Flutter Widget that make it easy to add UI Effects to the BLoC state management.
A flutter package for FlutterFlow to simplify pagination with firestore data.

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