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Generic directed graph and weighted directed graph with algorithms enabling sorting and topological ordering of vertices.#graph#directed-graph#topological#vertex
Lazy variables that can be marked for re-initialization and memoized single and double argument functions.
Dart exception and error classes with generic type. Enables throwing, catching, and filtering custom exceptions based on their type argument.
MergingBuilder reads several input files and writes merged output to one file. StandaloneBuilder enables output to a custom folder with custom output file name.#builder#build-runner#source-code-generator
Enables iterating Dart lists and iterables using a custom start index and step size (stride).#iterator#numerical-computation#stride#row-major#column-major
Extension providing methods for the systematic reading of enums, constant lists, maps, sets, and generic compile-time constant expressions.
Style strings for terminal output by adding, replacing, or removing ANSI modifiers.#ansi#terminal#console#color#cursor-position
Sample statistics, histograms, probability distributions, and random sample generators for Dart.
A library for writing inline micro-benchmarks, reporting score statistics, and running sync/async benchmarks.#benchmark#async#inline#histogram#statistics
Simulated annealing framework for finding the global minimum of multi-variate functions.