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Generic directed graph and weighted directed graph with algorithms enabling sorting and topological ordering of vertices.#graph#directed-graph#topological#vertex
Lazy variables that can be marked for re-initialization and memoized single and double argument functions.
MergingBuilder reads several input files and writes merged output to one file. StandaloneBuilder enables output to a custom folder with custom output file name.#builder#build-runner#source-code-generator
Dart exception and error classes with generic type. Enables throwing, catching, and filtering custom exceptions based on their type argument.
Enables iterating Dart lists and iterables using a custom start index and step size (stride).#iterator#numerical-computation#stride#row-major#column-major
Extension providing methods for the systematic reading of enums, constant lists, maps, sets, and generic compile-time constant expressions.
Sample statistics, histograms, probability distributions, and random sample generators for Dart.
Style strings for terminal output by adding, replacing, or removing ANSI modifiers.#ansi#terminal#console#color#cursor-position
Simulated annealing framework for finding the global minimum of multi-variate functions.
Extension methods for transforming objects and iterables into quoted strings and writing them to a string buffer.