
  • Packages
Results14 packages owned by quire.io
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Scroll to a specific child of any scrollable widget in Flutter
A fork of Greg's PostgreSQL driver (xxgreg/postgresql) using conserved substitution respecting strings and @@ operators. Also optimizing the pool implementation aggressivly.
Xml digital signature library for Dart. For signing and verifying XML documents.
Lightweight Dart web server supporting request routing, filtering, template engine, MVC design pattern, and file-based static resources.
A simple ORM for Relational and NoSQL database, such as Couchbase and PostgreSQL.
A fork of dart-lang's markdown at https://github.com/dart-lang/markdown#markdown
DQuery is a porting of jQuery in Dart.
Generate Dart parsers using Jison (Bison in JavaScript)
A simple database utility for the entity library and PostgreSQL.
Highcharts is a wrapper of highcharts in Dart.