
  • Packages
Results30 packages owned by leancode.co
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Extends blocs with an additional stream which can serve as a way of indicating single-time events (so-called "presentation events").
Draw dashed lines with any shape and style you want. Just like that.
Powerful Flutter-native UI testing framework overcoming limitations of existing Flutter testing tools. Ready for action! #test#integration-test#ui-test#patrol
Addresses internationalization library. Format various physical addresses in various languages and build localized address forms.
Streamlined, high-level API on top of flutter_test.#test#widget-test#patrol
Flutter gradient wrappers that interpolate colors in the HCT color system.
Simple communication pattern abstraction on streams, created for communication between logic classes and or widgets.
Robust, high-quality lint rules used at LeanCode.#analysis#lints
A library for convenient communication with CQRS-compatible backends, using queries and commands.
A collection of cubits and widgets that facilitate the creation of repetitive pages, eliminating boilerplate.