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Simple communication pattern abstraction on streams, created for communication between logic classes and or widgets.

flutter_comms #

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flutter_comms builds on top of comms, making it easier to implement comms pattern in Flutter projects.

For use in dart only projects, use comms.

Installation #

flutter pub add flutter_comms

Basic usage #

You can mix in Listener and Sender mixins to widgets but for more convenience helper widgets have been prepared.

MessageListener #

A MessageListener works exactly like Listener but calls listen and cancel functions for you, enabling it to receive messages from any Sendersharing the same message type.

  onMessage: (message) {
    // handle received messages
  onIntialMessage: (message) {
    // handle initial message
  child: Widget(),

MultiMessageListener #

Merges multiple MessageListener widgets, improving the readability of nested MessageListeners.

  listeners: [
      onMessage: (message) {},
      onMessage: (message) {},
  child: Widget(),

useMessageListener #

useMessageListener hook calls onMessage every time a message of type Message is received. Works similarly to Listener but handles starting message receiving and cleaning up itself.

This hook will receive messages only when HookWidget using it is built.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    (message) {
      // handle received messages
    onInitialMessage: (message) {
      // handle initial message

Sending messages from State Management to UI #

A typical real life use case of comms pattern is showing a toast or some popup with error or info message. States of any state management could be used for that but they are preserved even after the toast naturally disappears, so you have to clean the state yourself. With comms it's much more convenient.

class AuthNotifier with ChangeNotifier, Sender<AuthError> {
  AuthNotifier(AuthRepository authRepository)
    : _authRepository = authRepository;

  final AuthRepository _authRepository;

  bool _authenticated;
  bool get authenticated => _authenticated;

  Future<void> logIn(String username, String password) async {
    try {
      final loggedIn = await _authRepository.login(username, password);

      if (loggedIn) {
        _authenticated = true;
      } else {
        // All messages are cached to be able to use `onInitialMessage`. This
        // time we need to set `oneOff` to `true`, otherwise on each Widget
        // rebuild this message would be received. This still allows your
        // widget to receive the message even if it gets build after message
        // is sent, provided that this widget will be the first to receive it.
        send(AuthError(message: 'Incorrect credentials'), oneOff: true);
    } catch (e, st) {
      send(AuthError(message: 'An unexpected error occurred'), oneOff: true);

We can use AuthError messages as single-time events which disappear instantly after displaying a snack bar, so no manual clean up is required.

class LoginScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MessageListener<AuthError>(
      onMessage: (authError) {
          const SnackBar(content: Text(authError.message)),
      child: LoginForm(),


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Simple communication pattern abstraction on streams, created for communication between logic classes and or widgets.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)


comms, flutter, flutter_hooks, logging, meta, nested


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