
  • Packages
Results15 packages owned by justkawal.dev
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A flutter and dart library for reading, creating, editing and updating excel sheets with compatible both on client and server side.#excel#office#storage#sheets#spreadsheet
Utility helps developers to use dart more easily and effeciently.
Fetch, Search Tenor Gifs on dart client and server + on Flutter. Request for popular suggestions or categories amoung users around the world.
Protect encrypts/decrypt your excel files with password.
A library to process noun (plural to singular and singular to plural), verb (gerund, present & past) and adjective (comparative, superlative) transformations.
A command-line utility which helps to translate arb files with the use of google translations.
XMP module helps to extract xmp data from images.
Amount helps to convert numerical amount to words.
Strobe contains implementation of the Strobe protocol framework.
Merlin is a STROBE-based transcript construction for zero-knowledge proofs.