wordpress_client 5.1.0 copy "wordpress_client: ^5.1.0" to clipboard
wordpress_client: ^5.1.0 copied to clipboard


A library written purely in dart to interact with Wordpress REST API in a fluent manner. Supports Authorization as well.

WordpressClient #

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wordpress_client is a library written purely in Dart to interact with Wordpress REST API in a fluent pattern. This library is a port of WordpressCore library written in C# (also written by me)


Authorization API has been sligtly changed on 5.1.0 from previous 5.0.4 build. Checkout Supported Authorization Methods section below for the changed API usage.

Usage #

  • Import the library to your project
import 'package:wordpress_client/wordpress_client.dart';
  • Initializing the client can be done in two ways.

    • Simple Method (initialize the client with default values)
    WordpressClient client = new WordpressClient('https://www.replaceme.com/wp-json', 'wp/v2');
    • Advanced Method (with Bootstrapper to configure various settings like User Agent, Authorization etc)
    WordpressClient client = new WordpressClient(
      bootstrapper: (bootstrapper) => bootstrapper
          .withCookies(true) // Save cookies internall
            // You can use this to pass a custom authorization header on all requests
            (builder) => builder
            .withType(AuthorizationType.BASIC_JWT) // authorization type
            provided function will be called when a request is made to any endpoint internally.
            [count] is the amount of times that endpoint is called.
          (baseUrl, endpoint, count) {
            print('Request send to: $baseUrl ($count times)');
  • To fetch all posts:
ResponseContainer<List<Post>> response = await client.listPost(
    (builder) => builder
        .withAuthorization(BasicJwtAuth('username', 'password'))
            unhandledExceptionCallback: (ex) {
              // An unhandled internal exception occured
              print('Unhandled Exception: $ex');
            requestErrorCallback: (errorContainer) {
                The request error, it has two error containers:
                DioError - Error occured due to fail to send request etc (possibly no internet connection)
                ErrorResponse - Error/Failure in the REST api. This is basically what you receive as a fail response from Wordpress REST api.
              print('Request Error: ${errorContainer.errorResponse.message}');
            onSendProgress: (current, total) {
              print('Send Progress: $current/$total');
            onReceiveProgress: (current, total) {
              print('Receive Progress: $current/$total');
        .withResponseValidationOverride((rawResponse) {
          // Helps to pre validate the received response if required and cancel the request from futher processing
      if (rawResponse.any((element) => element.content.parsedText == null)) {
        return false;

      return true;
  • To get the result: All responses are wrapped in a ResponseContainer<T> which stores various stastical data as well as the response. The Response object T is stored in the property value In the above example, its a List request, therefore, the response object is a List<T> To get the first element, which is of type Post Post post = response.value.first;

Structure of ResponseContainer<T>:

  T value; // the actual response object
  int responseCode; // the response code
  Map<String, dynamic> responseHeaders; // the headers returned from the server
  Duration duration; // time taken for the request to complete as [Duration]
  String message; // any messages regarding the request (errors/info, etc)

Supported Authorization methods #

This library has 3 authorization methods currently supported:

However, you can create custom authorization systems easily. Check out UsefulJwtAuth implementation of JWT Authentication for more details.

  • Extend your CustomAuth class from IAuthorization interface.
  • Implement the interface and its methods accordingly. An example is given below.
class CustomAuth extends IAuthorization {
  CustomAuth(String? username, String? password, {Callback? callback}) : super(username, password, callback: callback);

  FutureOr<bool> authorize() {}

  FutureOr<String?> generateAuthUrl() {}

  FutureOr<bool> init(Dio? client) {}

  FutureOr<bool> isAuthenticated() {}

  bool get isValidAuth => throw UnimplementedError();

  FutureOr<bool> validate() {}
  • To use this authorization system with general requests, simply pass CustomAuth object as a parameter to withAuthorization() of the request builders like so:
.withAuthorization(CustomAuth('username', 'password', callback: Callback(...)))

To use this authorization with all the requests, you have to set default authorization on the client, or you have to pass CustomAuth on all requests manually. To set as default authorization, you have to use the bootstrap builder:

    'your base url',
    'api path',
    bootstrapper: (builder) => builder
        .withDefaultAuthorizationBuilder(CustomAuth('username', 'password', callback: Callback(...)))

Sturucture of IAuthorization interface:

abstract class IAuthorization {
  String? userName;
  String? password;
  Callback? callback;
  bool get isValidAuth;
  bool get isDefault => isNullOrEmpty(userName) || isNullOrEmpty(password);

  IAuthorization(this.userName, this.password, {this.callback});
  FutureOr<bool> init(Dio? client);
  FutureOr<bool> validate();
  FutureOr<bool> isAuthenticated();
  FutureOr<bool> authorize();
  FutureOr<String?> generateAuthUrl();

Supported REST Methods #

Create Read Update Delete
Posts yes yes yes yes
Pages --- --- --- ---
Comments yes yes yes yes
Categories yes yes yes yes
Tags yes yes yes yes
Users yes yes yes yes
Me yes yes yes yes
Media yes yes yes yes
Post Revisions --- --- --- ---
Taxonomies --- --- --- ---
Post Types --- --- --- ---
Post Statuses --- --- --- ---
Settings --- --- --- ---

More endpoint support will be added as the time goes by.

Custom Response Types (Custom Requests) #

It is easy to use a custom json model as return type and query an interface through the library. just make sure while writting the json model, you have to extent from ISerializable<T> where T being the type of the json model. First you have to initialize the interface with a unique interface id and its type. then you can call the interface directly for the requests.

Sample to query posts endpoint if it wasn't implemented:

  • Initialize the interface with its type and interfaceId
  • Then you can call available methods such as
    • Create
    • Delete
    • Retrive
    • Update
    • List

with parameters:

  • typeResolver - which is an instance of the specified return object
  • request - which is request object build using a builder, all builders must inherit from IQueryBuilder<TBuilderType, YReturnType> interface
  • requesterClient - it is the internal client which handles all the request in and out of this WordpressClient instance. you can fetch the instance of by using the provided function in wordpress_client
    InternalRequester req = await client.getInternalRequesterClient(shouldWaitIfBusy: false);
    Here, shouldWaitIfBusy bool value indicates if it should wait until all requests in the current WordpressClient instance finishes processing.

Below are sample requests for some of the request methods

  • Create request
        typeResolver: Post(),
        request: PostCreateBuilder()
        requesterClient: await client.getInternalRequesterClient(shouldWaitIfBusy: false),
  • Update request
        typeResolver: Post(),
        request: PostUpdateBuilder()
        requesterClient: await client.getInternalRequesterClient(shouldWaitIfBusy: false),
  • Retrive request
        typeResolver: Post(),
        request: PostRetriveBuilder()
        requesterClient: await client.getInternalRequesterClient(shouldWaitIfBusy: false),

Features and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

Contributions #

Contributions are always welcome! If you find any bugs/errors, open an issue describing about it and how to reproduce it. :D meanwhile, PR's for new features/bug fixes are always welcome!

License #


pub points


verified publisherarunprakashg.com

A library written purely in dart to interact with Wordpress REST API in a fluent manner. Supports Authorization as well.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


cookie_jar, dio, dio_cookie_manager, http_parser, path


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