cookie_jar 4.0.8 copy "cookie_jar: ^4.0.8" to clipboard
cookie_jar: ^4.0.8 copied to clipboard

A cookie manager for http requests in Dart, help you to deal with the cookie policies and persistence.

CookieJar #

Pub GitHub license

A cookie manager for http requests in Dart, help you to deal with the cookie policies and persistence.

Get started #

Checkout the Migration Guide for breaking changes between versions.

Add dependency #

You can use the command to add dio as a dependency with the latest stable version:

$ dart pub add cookie_jar
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Or you can manually add cookie_jar into the dependencies section in your pubspec.yaml:

  cookie_jar: ^replace-with-latest-version
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The latest version is: Pub The latest version including pre-releases is: Pub

Usage #

A simple usage example:

import 'package:cookie_jar/cookie_jar.dart';

void main() async {
  final cookieJar = CookieJar();
  List<Cookie> cookies = [Cookie('name', 'wendux'), Cookie('location', 'china')];
  // Saving cookies.
  await cookieJar.saveFromResponse(Uri.parse(''), cookies);
  // Obtain cookies.
  List<Cookie> results = await cookieJar.loadForRequest(Uri.parse(''));
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Classes #

SerializableCookie #

This class is a wrapper for Cookie class. Because the Cookie class doesn't support Json serialization, for the sake of persistence, we use this class instead of it.

CookieJar #

CookieJar is a cookie container and manager for HTTP requests.


DefaultCookieJar is a default cookie manager which implements the standard cookie policy declared in RFC. It saves the cookies in the memory, all cookies will be cleared after the app exited.

To use it:

final cookieJar = CookieJar();
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PersistCookieJar #

PersistCookieJar is a cookie manager which implements the standard cookie policy declared in RFC. PersistCookieJar persists the cookies in files, so if the application exit, the cookies always exist unless call delete explicitly.

To use it:

// Cookie files will be saved in files in "./cookies/4/"
final cookieJar = PersistCookieJar(
  ignoreExpires: true, // Save/load even cookies that have expired.
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Note: When using the [FileStorage] in Flutter apps, use path_provider to obtain available directories.

Directory tempDir = await


final tempPath = tempDir.path;
final cookieJar = PersistCookieJar(
  ignoreExpires: true,
  storage: FileStorage(tempPath),
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You can customize your own storage by extending Storage, see FileStorage for more details.

APIs #


Save the cookies for specified uri.


Load the cookies for specified uri.


Delete cookies for specified uri. This API will delete all cookies for the, it will ignore the uri.path.

If withDomainSharedCookie is true , all domain-shared cookies will be deleted.


Delete all cookies.

Working with HttpClient #

Using CookieJar or PersistCookieJar manages HttpClient 's request/response cookies is quite easy:

final cookieJar = CookieJar();
request = await httpClient.openUrl(options.method, uri);
request.cookies.addAll(await cj.loadForRequest(uri));
response = await request.close();
await cookieJar.saveFromResponse(uri, response.cookies);
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Working with dio #

dio is a powerful HTTP client for Dart/Flutter, which supports global configuration, interceptors, FormData, request cancellation, file uploading/downloading, timeout, and custom adapters etc. dio also supports to manage cookies with cookie_jar using dio_cookie_manager. For example:

import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:dio_cookie_manager/dio_cookie_manager.dart';
import 'package:cookie_jar/cookie_jar.dart';

void main() async {
  final dio = Dio();
  final cookieJar = CookieJar();
  await dio.get('');
  // Print cookies
  print(await cookieJar.loadForRequest(Uri.parse('')));
  // Another request with the cookie.
  await dio.get("");
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More details about dio.

The project and it's underlying projects are originally authored by @wendux with the organization @flutterchina since 2018.

The project consents the MIT license.




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2024.09.08 - 2025.03.23

A cookie manager for http requests in Dart, help you to deal with the cookie policies and persistence.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


meta, universal_io


Packages that depend on cookie_jar