welltested 2.0.0-preview.1 copy "welltested: ^2.0.0-preview.1" to clipboard
welltested: ^2.0.0-preview.1 copied to clipboard

WelltestedAI is a Testing AI Pilot helping developers add and maintain tests as they code and deliver stable welltested apps to users.

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Welltested AI is a testing autopilot that automatically creates and maintain unit test coverage for your codebase and helps you deliver welltested apps to users.

Setup #

⚙️ Configure API Key #

Welltested is completely free for individual developers. Please setup an account, and get your API Key.

Create a .env file at the root of your project, and add your key received in the email.


Ensure you have the welltested CLI activated:

dart pub global activate welltested

Quick Start #

Annotate for Testing #

Add the @Welltested() annotation to the classes whose methods you want to test.

class Auth {
    Future<void> logInUser() {...}
    Future<void> logOutUser() {...}

In the above case, welltested will generate unit tests for logInUser and logOutUser methods of Auth class.

Generate Unit Tests #

To generate unit tests for annotated classes, please run the command:

welltested generate build

The command takes a few minutes to complete and the generated tests can be found in the /test folder.

Save Unit Tests #

If you make adjustments to the generated tests, please save them by running the command:

welltested save unit

Note: Saving tests regularly is recommended to help welltested learn from your changes and improve the quality of future test generations.

Exclude Methods #

By default, all methods in an annotated class are tested. To exclude any methods, add their names to the excludedMethods list in the Welltested annotation.

@Welltested(excludedMethods: ['logOutUser'])
class Auth {
    Future<void> logInUser() {...}
    Future<void> logOutUser() {...}

For example, here welltested will not generate unit tests for logOutUser method.

Custom Testcases #

To specify custom testcases for any method, use @Testcases() annotation.

class Auth {
    @Testcases(['Throws exception when email is empty'])
    Future<User> logInUser() {...}

Developer Docs #

For details documentation, please read our Developer Docs.


The minimum supported Flutter SDK version is 2.5.0 with Dart SDK 2.14.0. Any prior projects need to be upgraded before using welltested.

For complete example please check example project.

pub points


verified publisherwelltested.ai

WelltestedAI is a Testing AI Pilot helping developers add and maintain tests as they code and deliver stable welltested apps to users.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


analysis_server_lib, analyzer, ansi_escapes, args, crypto, http, path, source_gen, yaml


Packages that depend on welltested