web_socket 0.1.6
web_socket: ^0.1.6 copied to clipboard
Any easy-to-use library for communicating with WebSockets that has multiple implementations.
Any easy-to-use library for communicating with WebSockets that has multiple implementations.
Why another WebSocket package? #
The goal of package:web_socket
is to provide a simple, well-defined
WebSockets interface that has
consistent behavior across implementations.
is currently the most popular WebSocket package. It has
two implementations, one based on package:web
and the other based on
. But those implementations do not have consistent
currently has three implementations (with more on the way) that
all pass the same set of
conformance tests:
Using #
import 'package:web_socket/web_socket.dart';
void main() async {
final socket =
await WebSocket.connect(Uri.parse('wss://ws.postman-echo.com/raw'));
socket.events.listen((e) async {
switch (e) {
case TextDataReceived(text: final text):
print('Received Text: $text');
await socket.close();
case BinaryDataReceived(data: final data):
print('Received Binary: $data');
case CloseReceived(code: final code, reason: final reason):
print('Connection to server closed: $code [$reason]');
socket.sendText('Hello Dart WebSockets! 🎉');
Status: experimental #
NOTE: This package is currently experimental and published under the labs.dart.dev pub publisher in order to solicit feedback.
For packages in the labs.dart.dev publisher we generally plan to either graduate the package into a supported publisher (dart.dev, tools.dart.dev) after a period of feedback and iteration, or discontinue the package. These packages have a much higher expected rate of API and breaking changes.
Your feedback is valuable and will help us evolve this package. For general feedback, suggestions, and comments, please file an issue in the bug tracker.