variance_dart 0.0.7 variance_dart: ^0.0.7 copied to clipboard
An Account Abstraction (4337) Development kit, for quickly building mobile web3 apps and smart wallets.
// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
import 'package:variance_dart/utils.dart';
import 'package:variance_dart/variance.dart';
import 'package:web3dart/web3dart.dart';
const String rpcUrl = 'http://localhost:8545';
const String bundlerUrl = 'http://localhost:3000/rpc';
Future<void> main() async {
final Uint256 salt =;
// configure your chain
final Chain chain = Chain(
ethRpcUrl: rpcUrl,
bundlerUrl: bundlerUrl,
entrypoint: Constants.entrypoint,
chainId: 1337,
explorer: "");
// create smart wallet signer based of seed phrase
final HDWalletSigner hd = HDWalletSigner.createWallet();
print("mnemonic: ${hd.exportMnemonic()}");
// create a smart wallet signer based on passkeys
// this operation requires biometrics verification from the user
final PassKeyPair pkp =
await PassKeySigner("", "myapp", "")
.register("<user name>", true);
print("pkp: ${pkp.toJson()}");
// save a signer credential to device
await hd
// load a credential from the device
final ss = SecureStorageMiddleware(secureStorage: FlutterSecureStorage());
final hdInstance =
await HDWalletSigner.loadFromSecureStorage(storageMiddleware: ss);
print("pkp: ${hdInstance?.exportMnemonic()}");
// NOTE: interactions with securestorage can be authenticated when using `SecureStorageMiddleware`
// final ss = SecureStorageMiddleware(secureStorage: FlutterSecureStorage(), authMiddleware: AuthenticationMiddleware());
// then used with `SecureStorageMiddleware` in the following way
//"key", "value", options: SSAuthOperationOptions(requiresAuth: true, authReason: "reason"))
//"key") // default options are used i.e requiresAuth: false
// ss.delete("key", options: SSAuthOperationOptions(requiresAuth: false)) // explicitly reject authentication
// create a smart wallet client
final walletClient = SmartWallet(
chain: chain,
signer: hd,
bundler: BundlerProvider(chain, RPCProvider(chain.bundlerUrl!)),
// create a simple account based on hd
final SmartWallet simpleSmartAccount =
await walletClient.createSimpleAccount(salt);
print("simple account address: ${simpleSmartAccount.address}");
// create a simple account based on pkp
final SmartWallet simplePkpAccount =
await walletClient.createSimplePasskeyAccount(pkp, salt);
print("simple pkp account address: ${simplePkpAccount.address}");
// retrieve the balance of a smart wallet
final EtherAmount balance = await simpleSmartAccount.balance;
print("account balance: ${balance.getInWei}");
// retrive the account nonce
final Uint256 nonce = await simpleSmartAccount.nonce;
print("account nonce: ${nonce.toInt()}");
// check if a smart wallet has been deployed
final bool deployed = await simpleSmartAccount.deployed;
print("account deployed: $deployed");
// get the init code of the smart wallet
final String initCode = simpleSmartAccount.initCode;
print("account init code: $initCode");
// perform a simple transaction (send ether to another account)
// account must be prefunded with native token. paymaster is not yet implemented
await simpleSmartAccount.send(
"0x5FF137D4b0FDCD49DcA30c7CF57E578a026d2789"), // receive address
getConversion("0.7142"), // 0.7142 ether
EtherAmount getConversion(String amount) {
final amtToDb = double.parse(amount);
return EtherAmount.fromBigInt(
EtherUnit.wei, BigInt.from(amtToDb * pow(10, 18)));