utils for v chat sdk
new loading alert
add base url for the VPlatfromFileSource to let user add custom prefix to the url only
unverified uploader
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adaptive_dialog, build_context, cached_network_image, chewie, collection, cross_file, device_info_plus, encrypt, event_bus_plus, file_picker, file_saver, file_sizes, flutter, flutter_advanced_avatar, flutter_cache_manager, flutter_native_image, http, http_parser, image, image_cropper, image_gallery_saver, intl, latlong2, map_launcher, meta, mime, mime_type, overlay_support, path, path_provider, phosphor_flutter, photo_view, platform_device_id, shared_preferences, textless, timeago, url_launcher, uuid, video_player, video_thumbnail, wechat_camera_picker
Packages that depend on v_chat_utils