timetable 0.2.9 copy "timetable: ^0.2.9" to clipboard
timetable: ^0.2.9 copied to clipboard

📅 Customizable, animated calendar widget including day & week views

📅 Customizable, animated calendar widget including day & week views.

Event positioning demo Dark mode & custom range
Screenshot of timetable Screenshot of timetable in dark mode with only three visible days

Getting started #

1. Initialize time_machine #

This package uses time_machine for handling date and time, which you first have to initialize.

Add this to your pubspec.yaml:

    - packages/time_machine/data/cultures/cultures.bin
    - packages/time_machine/data/tzdb/tzdb.bin
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Modify your main.dart's main():

import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:time_machine/time_machine.dart';

void main() async {
  // Call these two functions before `runApp()`.
  await TimeMachine.initialize({'rootBundle': rootBundle});

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Source: https://pub.dev/packages/time_machine#flutter-specific-notes

2. Define your Events #

Events are provided as instances of Event. To get you started, there's the subclass BasicEvent, which you can instantiate directly. If you want to be more specific, you can also implement your own class extending Event.

Note: Most classes of timetable accept a type-parameter E extends Event. Please set it to your chosen Event-subclass (e.g. BasicEvent) to avoid runtime exceptions.

In addition, you also need a Widget to display your events. When using BasicEvent, this can simply be BasicEventWidget.

3. Create an EventProvider #

As the name suggests, you use EventProvider to provide Events to timetable. There are currently two EventProviders to choose from:

final myEventProvider = EventProvider.list([
    id: 0,
    title: 'My Event',
    color: Colors.blue,
    start: LocalDate.today().at(LocalTime(13, 0, 0)),
    end: LocalDate.today().at(LocalTime(15, 0, 0)),
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For trying out the behavior of changing events, you can create a StreamController<List<E>> and add() different lists of events, e.g. in Future.delayed():

final eventController = StreamController<List<BasicEvent>>()..add([]);
final provider = EventProvider.simpleStream(eventController.stream);
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 5), () => eventController.add(/* some events */));

// Don't forget to close the stream controller when you're done, e.g. in `dispose`:
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See the example for more EventProvider samples!

4. Create a TimetableController #

Similar to a ScrollController or a TabController, a TimetableController is responsible for interacting with a Timetable and managing its state. You can instantiate it with your EventProvider:

final myController = TimetableController(
  eventProvider: myEventProvider,
  // Optional parameters with their default values:
  initialTimeRange: InitialTimeRange.range(
    startTime: LocalTime(8, 0, 0),
    endTime: LocalTime(20, 0, 0),
  initialDate: LocalDate.today(),
  visibleRange: VisibleRange.week(),
  firstDayOfWeek: DayOfWeek.monday,
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Don't forget to dispose your controller, e.g. in State.dispose!

5. Create your Timetable #

Using your TimetableController, you can now create a Timetable widget:

  controller: myController,
  eventBuilder: (event) => BasicEventWidget(event),
  allDayEventBuilder: (context, event, info) =>
      BasicAllDayEventWidget(event, info: info),
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And you're done 🎉

Theming #

For a full list of visual properties that can be tweaked, see TimetableThemeData.

To apply a theme, specify it in the Timetable constructor:

  controller: /* ... */,
  theme: TimetableThemeData(
    primaryColor: Colors.teal,
    partDayEventMinimumDuration: Period(minutes: 30),
    // ...and many more!
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Localization #

time_machine is used internally for date & time formatting. By default, it uses en_US as its locale (managed by the Culture class) and doesn't know about Flutter's locale. To change the locale, set Culture.current after the call to TimeMachine.initialize:

// Supported cultures: https://github.com/Dana-Ferguson/time_machine/tree/master/lib/data/cultures
Culture.current = await Cultures.getCulture('de');
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To automatically react to locale changes of the app, see Dana-Ferguson/time_machine#28.

Note: A better solution for Localization is already planned.

Features & Coming soon #

  • ✅ Smartly arrange overlapping events
  • ✅ Zooming
  • ✅ Selectable VisibleRanges
  • ✅ Display all-day events at the top
  • ✅ Theming
  • ❌ Animate between different VisibleRanges: see #17
  • ❌ Month-view, Agenda-view: see #17
  • ✅ Listener when tapping the background (e.g. for creating an event)
  • ❌ Support for event resizing


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2024.09.08 - 2025.03.23

📅 Customizable, animated calendar widget including day & week views

Repository (GitHub)


Apache-2.0 (license)


black_hole_flutter, collection, dartx, flutter, meta, pedantic, rxdart, time_machine


Packages that depend on timetable