tim_ui_kit_push_plugin 0.1.8-special
tim_ui_kit_push_plugin: ^0.1.8-special copied to clipboard
The Push Plug-in for Tencent Cloud IM on Flutter, support Apple APNS/ Google Firebase Cloud Messaging/ HUAWEI/ XiaoMi/ OPPO/ Vivo platform.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:tim_ui_kit_push_plugin/tim_ui_kit_push_plugin.dart';
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
void initState() {
// initialize the push service with the 'onClick' callback
// After user login, send token and businessID to Tencent Cloud IM Server
uploadBuzIDAndToken() async {
int? businessID = await TimUiKitPushPlugin.getBuzId(PushConfig.appInfo);
String token = await ChannelPush.getDeviceToken();
if (token != "") {
// Send token and businessID to Tencent Cloud IM Server. Example below:
// coreInstance.setOfflinePushConfig(
// token: token,
// businessID: businessID
// );
void handleClickNotification(Map<String, dynamic> msg) async {
String ext = msg['ext'] ?? "";
Map<String, dynamic> extMsp = jsonDecode(ext);
String convId = extMsp["conversationID"] ?? "";
// Here, you can jump to target conversation via `convId`. Example below:
// V2TimConversation? targetConversation =
// await _conversationService.getConversation(conversationID: convId);
// print("TUIKitPush | onclickonflutter: $msg");
// if(targetConversation != null){
// Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100),(){
// Navigator.push(
// context,
// MaterialPageRoute(
// builder: (context) => Chat(
// selectedConversation: targetConversation,
// ),
// ));
// });
// }
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Plugin example app'),
body: const Center(),
class ChannelPush{
static final TimUiKitPushPlugin cPush = TimUiKitPushPlugin(
// Whether or not support Google Firebase Cloud Messaging
// with Google Service depends on your main users.
isUseGoogleFCM: false,
static init(PushClickAction pushClickAction) async {
// initialize the push plugin
pushClickAction: pushClickAction,
appInfo: PushConfig.appInfo,
// create new notification channel
channelId: "new_message",
channelName: "chat_message",
"The notification for chat message from Tencent Cloud IM"
// require the permission for notification
static Future<String> getDeviceToken() async {
return cPush.getDevicePushToken();
class PushConfig{
//These `Business ID` can be found in the offline push section for each manufacturers,
// on the main page of console from Tencent Cloud IM.
// Business ID for HUAWEI
static const HWPushBuzID = 0;
// Business ID for XiaoMi
static const XMPushBuzID = 0;
// APP Info of XiaoMi
static const String XMPushAPPID = "";
static const String XMPushAPPKEY = "";
// Business ID for Meizu
static const MZPushBuzID = 0;
// APP Info of Meizu
static const String MZPushAPPID = "";
static const String MZPushAPPKEY = "";
// Business ID for Vivo
static const VIVOPushBuzID = 0;
// Business ID for Google FCM
static const GOOGLEFCMPushBuzID = 0;
// Business ID for OPPO
static const OPPOPushBuzID = 0;
// APP Info of OPPO
static const String OPPOPushAPPKEY = "";
static const String OPPOPushAPPSECRET = "";
static const String OPPOPushAPPID = "";
static const String OPPOChannelID = "new_message";
// Business ID for Apple APNS
static const ApplePushBuzID = 0;
static final PushAppInfo appInfo = PushAppInfo(
hw_buz_id: PushConfig.HWPushBuzID,
mi_app_id: PushConfig.XMPushAPPID,
mi_app_key: PushConfig.XMPushAPPKEY,
mi_buz_id: PushConfig.XMPushBuzID,
mz_app_id: PushConfig.MZPushAPPID,
mz_app_key: PushConfig.MZPushAPPKEY,
mz_buz_id: PushConfig.MZPushBuzID,
vivo_buz_id: PushConfig.VIVOPushBuzID,
oppo_app_key: PushConfig.OPPOPushAPPKEY,
oppo_app_secret: PushConfig.OPPOPushAPPSECRET,
oppo_buz_id: PushConfig.OPPOPushBuzID,
oppo_app_id: PushConfig.OPPOPushAPPID,
google_buz_id: PushConfig.GOOGLEFCMPushBuzID,
apple_buz_id: PushConfig.ApplePushBuzID