text_analysis 1.0.0+2 copy "text_analysis: ^1.0.0+2" to clipboard
text_analysis: ^1.0.0+2 copied to clipboard

Tokenize text, compute readibility scores for a document and evaluate similarity of terms.

GM Consult Pty Ltd

Tokenize text, compute document readbility and compare terms in Natural Language Processing. #

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Overview #

The text_analysis package provides methods to tokenize text, compute readibility scores for a document and evaluate similarity of terms. It is intended to be used in Natural Language Processing (NLP) as part of an information retrieval system.

It is split into three libraries:

  • text_analysis is the core library that exports the tokenization, analysis and string similarity functions;
  • extensions exports extension methods also provided as static methods of the TextSimilarity class; and
  • type_definitions exports all the typedefs used in this package.

Refer to the references to learn more about information retrieval systems and the theory behind this library.

Tokenization #

Tokenization comprises the following steps:

  • a term splitter splits text to a list of terms at appropriate places like white-space and mid-sentence punctuation;
  • a character filter manipulates terms prior to tokenization (e.g. changing case and / or removing non-word characters);
  • a term filter manipulates the terms by splitting compound or hyphenated terms or applying stemming and lemmatization. The termFilter can also filter out stopwords; and
  • the tokenizer converts terms to a collection of tokens that contain tokenized versions of the term and a pointer to the position of the tokenized term (n-gram) in the source text. The tokens are generated for keywords, terms and/or n-grams, depending on the TokenizingStrategy selected. The desired n-gram range can be passed in when tokenizing the text or document.

Text analysis

Readability #

The TextDocument enumerates a text document's paragraphs, sentences, terms and tokens and computes readability measures:

  • the average number of words in each sentence;
  • the average number of syllables per word;
  • the Flesch reading ease score, a readibility measure calculated from sentence length and word length on a 100-point scale; and
  • Flesch-Kincaid grade level, a readibility measure relative to U.S. school grade level. The TextDocument also includes a co-occurrence graph generated using the Rapid Keyword Extraction (RAKE) algorithm, from which the keywords (and keyword scores) can be obtained.

String Comparison #

The following measures of term similarity are provided as extensions on String:

  • Damerau–Levenshtein distance is the minimum number of single-character edits (transpositions, insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one term into another;
  • edit similarity is a normalized measure of Damerau–Levenshtein distance on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0, calculated by dividing the the difference between the maximum edit distance (sum of the length of the two terms) and the computed editDistance, by the maximum edit distance;
  • length distance returns the absolute value of the difference in length between two terms;
  • character similarity returns the similarity two terms as it relates to the collection of unique characters in each term on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0;
  • length similarity returns the similarity in length between two terms on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0 on a log scale (1 - the log of the ratio of the term lengths); and
  • Jaccard similarity measures similarity between finite sample sets, and is defined as the size of the intersection divided by the size of the union of the sample sets.

The TermSimilarity class enumerates all the similarity measures of two terms and provides the TermSimilarity.similarity property that combines the four measures into a single value.

The TermSimilarity class also provides a function for splitting terms into k-grams, used in spell correction algorithms.

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Usage #

In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:

  text_analysis: <latest version>

In your code file add the text_analysis library import. This will also import the Porter2Stemmer class from the porter_2_stemmer package.

// import the core classes
import 'package:text_analysis/text_analysis.dart';

To use the package's extensions and/or type definitions, also add any of the following imports:

// import the implementation classes, if needed
import 'package:text_indexing/implementation.dart'; 

// import the typedefs, if needed
import 'package:text_indexing/type_definitions.dart'; 

// import the extensions, if needed
import 'package:text_indexing/extensions.dart'; 

Basic English tokenization can be performed by using a English.analyzer static const instance with no token filter:

  // Use the static English.analyzer instance to tokenize the text using the
  // English analyzer.
  final tokens = await English.analyzer.tokenizer(readabilityExample,
      strategy: TokenizingStrategy.all, nGramRange: NGramRange(1, 2));

To analyze text or a document, hydrate a TextDocument to obtain the text statistics and readibility scores:

  // get some sample text
  final sample =
      'The Australian platypus is seemingly a hybrid of a mammal and reptilian creature.';

  // hydrate the TextDocument
  final textDoc = await TextDocument.analyze(
      sourceText: sample,
      analyzer: English.analyzer,
      nGramRange: NGramRange(1, 3));

  // print the `Flesch reading ease score`
      'Flesch Reading Ease: ${textDoc.fleschReadingEaseScore().toStringAsFixed(1)}');
  // prints "Flesch Reading Ease: 37.5"

To compare terms, call the desired extension on the term, or the static method from the TermSimilarity class:

  // define a misspelt term
  const term = 'bodrer';

  // a collection of auto-correct options
  const candidates = [

  // get a list of the terms orderd by descending similarity
  final matches = term.matches(candidates);
  // same as TermSimilarity.matches(term, candidates))

  // print matches
  print('Ranked matches: $matches');
  // prints:
  //     Ranked matches: [border, boarder, bored, brother, board, bord, broad]

Please see the examples for more details.

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The key interfaces of the text_analysis library are briefly described in this section. Please refer to the documentation for details.

The API contains a fair amount of boiler-plate, but we aim to make the code as readable, extendable and re-usable as possible:

  • We use an interface > implementation mixin > base-class > implementation class pattern:
    • the interface is an abstract class that exposes fields and methods but contains no implementation code. The interface may expose a factory constructor that returns an implementation class instance;
    • the implementation mixin implements the interface class methods, but not the input fields;
    • the base-class is an abstract class with the implementation mixin and exposes a default, unnamed generative const constructor for sub-classes. The intention is that implementation classes extend the base class, overriding the interface input fields with final properties passed in via a const generative constructor.
  • To maximise performance of the indexers the API performs lookups in nested hashmaps of DART core types. To improve code legibility the API makes use of type aliases, callback function definitions and extensions. The typedefs and extensions are not exported by the text_analysis library, but can be found in the type_definitions, implementation and extensions mini-libraries. Import these libraries seperately if needed.

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The TermSimilarity class provides the following measures of similarity between two terms:

  • characterSimilarity returns the similarity two terms as it relates to the collection of unique characters in each term on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0;
  • editDistance returns the Damerau–Levenshtein distance, the minimum number of single-character edits (transpositions, insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one term into another;
  • editSimilarity returns a normalized measure of Damerau–Levenshtein distance on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0, calculated by dividing the the difference between the maximum edit distance (sum of the length of the two terms) and the computed editDistance, by by the maximum edit distance;
  • lengthDistance returns the absolute value of the difference in length between two terms;
  • lengthSimilarity returns the similarity in length between two terms on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0 on a log scale (1 - the log of the ratio of the term lengths);
  • jaccardSimilarity returns the Jaccard Similarity Index of two terms.

To compare one term with a collection of other terms, the following static methods are also provided:

  • editDistanceMap returns a hashmap of terms to their editSimilarity with a term;
  • editSimilarityMap returns a hashmap of terms to their editSimilarity with a term;
  • lengthSimilarityMap returns a hashmap of terms to their lengthSimilarity with a term;
  • jaccardSimilarityMap returns a hashmap of terms to Jaccard Similarity Index with a term;
  • termSimilarityMap returns a hashmap of terms to termSimilarity with a term;
  • termSimilarities, editSimilarities, characterSimilarities, lengthSimilarities and jaccardSimilarities all return a list of [SimilarityIndex] values for candidate terms; and
  • matches returns the best matches from terms for a term, in descending order of term similarity (best match first).

String comparisons are NOT case-sensitive.

The TextSimilarity class relies on extension methods that can be imported from the extensions library.

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The TextAnalyzer interface exposes language-specific properties and methods used in text analysis:

  • characterFilter is a function that manipulates text prior to stemming and tokenization;
  • termFilter is a filter function that returns a collection of terms from a term. It returns an empty collection if the term is to be excluded from analysis or, returns multiple terms if the term is split (at hyphens) and / or, returns modified term(s), such as applying a stemmer algorithm;
  • termSplitter returns a list of terms from text;
  • sentenceSplitter splits text into a list of sentences at sentence and line endings;
  • paragraphSplitter splits text into a list of paragraphs at line endings;
  • stemmer is a language-specific function that returns the stem of a term;
  • lemmatizer is a language-specific function that returns the lemma of a term;
  • tokenizer and jsonTokenizer are callbacks that return a collection of tokens from text or a document;
  • keywordExtractor is a splitter function that returns an ordered collection of keyword phrases from text;
  • termExceptions is a hashmap of words to token terms for special words that should not be re-capitalized, stemmed or lemmatized;
  • stopWords are terms that commonly occur in a language and that do not add material value to the analysis of text; and
  • syllableCounter returns the number of syllables in a word or text.

The LatinLanguageAnalyzer implements the TextAnalyzer interface methods for languages that use the Latin/Roman alphabet/character set.

The English implementation of TextAnalyzer is included in this library and mixes in the LatinLanguageAnalyzerMixin.

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TextDocument #

The TextDocument object model enumerates a text document's paragraphs, sentences, terms, keywords, n-grams, syllable count and tokens and provides functions that return text analysis measures:

The TextDocumentMixin implements the averageSentenceLength, averageSyllableCount, wordCount, fleschReadingEaseScore and fleschKincaidGradeLevel methods.

A TextDocument can be hydrated with the unnamed factory constructor or using the analyze or analyzeJson static methods. Alternatively, extend TextDocumentBase class.

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Definitions #

The following definitions are used throughout the documentation:

  • corpus- the collection of documents for which an index is maintained.
  • cosine similarity - similarity of two vectors measured as the cosine of the angle between them, that is, the dot product of the vectors divided by the product of their euclidian lengths (from Wikipedia).
  • character filter - filters characters from text in preparation of tokenization .
  • Damerau–Levenshtein distance - a metric for measuring the edit distance between two terms by counting the minimum number of operations (insertions, deletions or substitutions of a single character, or transposition of two adjacent characters) required to change one term into the other (from Wikipedia).
  • dictionary (in an index) - a hash of terms (vocabulary) to the frequency of occurence in the corpus documents.
  • document - a record in the corpus, that has a unique identifier (docId) in the corpus's primary key and that contains one or more text fields that are indexed.
  • document frequency (dFt) - the number of documents in the corpus that contain a term.
  • edit distance - a measure of how dissimilar two terms are by counting the minimum number of operations required to transform one string into the other (from Wikipedia).
  • etymology - the study of the history of the form of words and, by extension, the origin and evolution of their semantic meaning across time (from Wikipedia).
  • Flesch reading ease score - a readibility measure calculated from sentence length and word length on a 100-point scale. The higher the score, the easier it is to understand the document (from Wikipedia).
  • Flesch-Kincaid grade level - a readibility measure relative to U.S. school grade level. It is also calculated from sentence length and word length (from Wikipedia).
  • IETF language tag - a standardized code or tag that is used to identify human languages in the Internet. (from Wikepedia).
  • index - an inverted index used to look up document references from the corpus against a vocabulary of terms.
  • index-elimination - selecting a subset of the entries in an index where the term is in the collection of terms in a search phrase.
  • inverse document frequency (iDft) - a normalized measure of how rare a term is in the corpus. It is defined as log (N / dft), where N is the total number of terms in the index. The iDft of a rare term is high, whereas the iDft of a frequent term is likely to be low.
  • Jaccard index measures similarity between finite sample sets, and is defined as the size of the intersection divided by the size of the union of the sample sets (from Wikipedia).
  • Map<String, dynamic> is an acronym for "Java Script Object Notation", a common format for persisting data.
  • k-gram - a sequence of (any) k consecutive characters from a term. A k-gram can start with "$", denoting the start of the term, and end with "$", denoting the end of the term. The 3-grams for "castle" are { $ca, cas, ast, stl, tle, le$ }.
  • lemma or lemmatizer - lemmatisation (or lemmatization) in linguistics is the process of grouping together the inflected forms of a word so they can be analysed as a single item, identified by the word's lemma, or dictionary form (from Wikipedia).
  • n-gram (sometimes also called Q-gram) is a contiguous sequence of n items from a given sample of text or speech. The items can be phonemes, syllables, letters, words or base pairs according to the application. The n-grams typically are collected from a text or speech corpus. When the items are words, n-grams may also be called shingles (from Wikipedia).
  • Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers and human language, in particular how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data (from Wikipedia).
  • Part-of-Speech (PoS) tagging is the task of labelling every word in a sequence of words with a tag indicating what lexical syntactic category it assumes in the given sequence (from Wikipedia).
  • Phonetic transcription - the visual representation of speech sounds (or phones) by means of symbols. The most common type of phonetic transcription uses a phonetic alphabet, such as the International Phonetic Alphabet (from Wikipedia).
  • postings - a separate index that records which documents the vocabulary occurs in. In a positional index, the postings also records the positions of each term in the text to create a positional inverted index.
  • postings list - a record of the positions of a term in a document. A position of a term refers to the index of the term in an array that contains all the terms in the text. In a zoned index, the postings lists records the positions of each term in the text a zone.
  • stem or stemmer - stemming is the process of reducing inflected (or sometimes derived) words to their word stem, base or root form (generally a written word form) (from Wikipedia).
  • stopwords - common words in a language that are excluded from indexing.
  • term - a word or phrase that is indexed from the corpus. The term may differ from the actual word used in the corpus depending on the tokenizer used.
  • term filter - filters unwanted terms from a collection of terms (e.g. stopwords), breaks compound terms into separate terms and / or manipulates terms by invoking a stemmer and / or lemmatizer.
  • term expansion - finding terms with similar spelling (e.g. spelling correction) or synonyms for a term.
  • term frequency (Ft) - the frequency of a term in an index or indexed object.
  • term position - the zero-based index of a term in an ordered array of terms tokenized from the corpus.
  • text - the indexable content of a document.
  • token - representation of a term in a text source returned by a tokenizer. The token may include information about the term such as its position(s) (term position) in the text or frequency of occurrence (term frequency).
  • token filter - returns a subset of tokens from the tokenizer output.
  • tokenizer - a function that returns a collection of tokens from text, after applying a character filter, term filter, stemmer and / or lemmatizer.
  • vocabulary - the collection of terms indexed from the corpus.
  • zone - the field or zone of a document that a term occurs in, used for parametric indexes or where scoring and ranking of search results attribute a higher score to documents that contain a term in a specific zone (e.g. the title rather that the body of a document).

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References #

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Issues #

If you find a bug please fill an issue.

This project is a supporting package for a revenue project that has priority call on resources, so please be patient if we don't respond immediately to issues or pull requests.



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Tokenize text, compute readibility scores for a document and evaluate similarity of terms.

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