TermSimilarity class abstract

A static/abstract class that exposes methods for computing similarity of terms.



TermSimilarity(String term, String other, {int k = 2})
Returns a immutable TermSimilarity for term and other.


characterSimilarity double
Returns the similarity between the collection of letters of term and other on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0.
no setter
editDistance int
Returns the Damerau–Levenshtein distance, the minimum number of single-character edits (transpositions, insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change term into other.
no setter
editSimilarity double
A normalized measure of editDistance on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
jaccardSimilarity double
Returns the Jaccard Similarity Index between term and other.
no setter
lengthDistance int
Returns the absolute value of the difference in length between term and other.
no setter
lengthSimilarity double
Returns the similarity in length between two terms, defined as: lengthSimilarity = 1 minus the log of the ratio between the term lengths, with a floor at 0.0: 1-(log(this.length/other.length))
no setter
other String
The term that is being compared to term.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
similarity double
The compound similarity value on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0.
no setter
startsWithSimilarity double
Compares the starting charcters of the String with that of other, limiting the comparison to a substring of this or other that is the shorter of this.length or other.length. ///
no setter
term String
The term that is being compared to other.
no setter


compareTo(TermSimilarity other) int
Compares this to other.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Serializes the TermSimilarity to Map<String, dynamic>.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

characterSimilarities(String term, Iterable<String> terms) List<SimilarityIndex>
Returns a ordered list of SimilarityIndex values for the terms, in descending order of SimilarityIndex.similarity.
editDistanceMap(String term, Iterable<String> terms) Map<String, int>
Returns a hashmap of terms to their editDistance with this.
editSimilarities(String term, Iterable<String> terms) List<SimilarityIndex>
Returns a ordered list of SimilarityIndex values of term to the terms in descending order of SimilarityIndex.similarity.
getSuggestions(String term, Iterable<String> terms, {int limit = 10, int k = 2, double greaterThan = 0.10}) List<SimilarityIndex>
Returns a collection of SimilarityIndexs for this String from terms.
jaccardSimilarities(String term, Iterable<String> terms, [int k = 2]) List<SimilarityIndex>
Returns a ordered list of SimilarityIndex values of term to the terms in descending order of SimilarityIndex.similarity using a k-gram length of k. k defaults to 2.
kGrams(String term, [int k = 2]) Set<String>
Returns a set of (lower-case) k-grams in the term.
lengthSimilarities(String term, Iterable<String> terms) List<SimilarityIndex>
Returns a ordered list of SimilarityIndex values for the terms, in descending order of SimilarityIndex.similarity.
matches(String term, Iterable<String> terms, {int limit = 10, int k = 2, double greaterThan = 0.10}) List<String>
Returns the best matches for a term from terms, in descending order of term similarity (best match first).
startsWithSimilarities(String term, Iterable<String> terms) List<SimilarityIndex>
Returns a ordered list of SimilarityIndex values for the terms, in descending order of SimilarityIndex.similarity.
termSimilarities(String term, Iterable<String> terms, {int k = 2}) List<TermSimilarity>
Returns a ordered list of SimilarityIndex values for the terms, in descending order of SimilarityIndex.similarity.
termSimilarityMap(String term, Iterable<String> terms, {int k = 2}) Map<String, TermSimilarity>
Returns an hashmap of terms to TermSimilarity with term.