LatinLanguageAnalyzer class abstract

A TextAnalyzer implementation for Latin languages analysis.

Exposes a const default generative constructor.

Implemented types


Initializes a const LatinLanguageAnalyzer.


characterFilter AsyncTermModifier
A function that filters out unwanted characters or replaces them with other characters.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
jsonTokenizer JsonTokenizer
Extracts tokens from the fields in a JSON document for use in full-text search queries and indexes.
no setteroverride
nGrammer NGrammer
A language-specific function that generates n-grams from text.
no setteroverride
paragraphSplitter TextSplitter
Returns a list of paragraphs from text.
no setteroverride
phraseSplitter PhraseSplitter
Returns a list of keywords from text.
no setteroverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sentenceSplitter TextSplitter
Returns a list of sentences from text.
no setteroverride
stemmer TermModifier
Language-specific function that returns the stem of a term.
no setterinherited
syllableCounter SyllableCounter
Returns the number of syllables in a string after stripping out all white-space and punctuation.
no setteroverride
termExceptions Map<String, String>
A map of term exceptions
no setterinherited
termExpander TermExpander?
Expands text to a collection of related Strings, e.g. synonyms, abbreviations or spelling suggestions.
no setterinherited
termFilter AsyncTermModifier
A filter function that returns a modified term or null.
no setteroverride
termSplitter TextSplitter
Returns a list of words from text.
no setteroverride
tokenizer Tokenizer
Extracts one or more tokens from text for use in full-text search queries and indexes.
no setteroverride


asNumber(String term) num?
Attempts to parse the term to a number. Returns null if the term does not represent a number, amount or percentage
isStopword(String term) bool
Returns true if the term is a stopword excluded from tokenization.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

isHashtag(String term) bool
Returns true if the String starts with "@" or "#" followed by one or more word-chacters only.
isHyphenated(String term) bool
Returns true if the term contains one or more hyphens.
isNumber(String term) bool
Returns true if the String contains digits and delimiters (periods or commas) where delimiters are not at the start or end of the String.
isNumberOrAmount(String term) bool
Returns true if the String contains digits and delimiters (periods or commas) where delimiters are not at the start or end of the String.
replaceHyphens(String term, [String replace = ' ']) String
Replaces all hyphenations with replace.


kHypenations → const String
Selector for single hyphen characters preceded and followed by a word boundary.
kSentenceDelimiter → const String
The delimiter inserted at sentence endings to allow splitting of the text into sentences.
rBracketsAndCarets → const String
Matches all brackets and carets.
rEnclosingQuotes → const String
Selector for enclosing quote marks.
rEndString → const String
Selects the end of a string.
rHashtag → const String
Selects text that starts with "@" or "#" followed by one or more word-chacters only.
rHashtags → const String
Selects text that starts with "@" or "#" and is preceded or followed by non-word characters or the start/end of the String.
rLineEndingSelector → const String
Matches all line endings.
rNonWordChars → const String
Matches al characters except:
rNumber → const String
Matches a String that includes digits and delimiters (periods and commas) where delimiters are not at the start or end of the string
rNumbers → const String
Matches all numbers, including those delimited with periods and or commas.
rNumbersAndAmounts → const String
Matches all numbers and amounts, including:
rPhraseDelimiterSelector → const String
Matches strings where text is split for keywording:
rQuotes → const String
Selector for all single or double quotation marks and apostrophes.
rSentenceEndingSelector → const String
Matches all sentence endings.
rWordChars → const String
Matches characters used to write words, including: