static_shock_cli 0.0.3 copy "static_shock_cli: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
static_shock_cli: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard

CLI for Static Shock - a static site generator, written in Dart.

Static Shock CLI #

The static_shock_cli package is the command-line interface for static_shock.

Activate static_shock_cli from Pub #

dart pub global activate static_shock_cli

Activate static_shock_cli from your machine #

Activate the local package from anywhere on your machine:

dart pub global activate --source=path /MY_ROOT_PATH/static_shock/static_shock_cli/

Activate the local package from the root of this repository:

dart pub global activate --source=path ./static_shock_cli/

Activate the local package from the static_shock_cli directory:

dart pub global activate --source=path .

Working with templates #

Static Shock uses Mason to structure and read templates for project generation. Those templates are stored under:


Dart CLI packages don't have an asset management system. Instead, a Dart CLI package must include any desired asset files under /lib. This creates an issue with Dart project templates because the Dart build system would treat the template's source files as actual project files. This would blow up the compiler in areas where we insert code generation values at runtime. For this reason, we store templates outside the /lib directory.

To make the Brick templates usable by static_shock_cli as runtime, we have to "bundle" each template into a single file. Those bundled versions of each template are stored under:


The bundled template files are shipped with the package. The full template directories are not.

To bundle a Brick directory into a single file, use:

mason bundle path/to/brick/directory

Mason uses Mustache templates to insert values in source file content and file names. Static Shock uses Jinja templates, which also use "{{" and "}}" to insert values. Jinja brackets inside of Mason templates need to use "mustache case" syntax to keep Mason from processing the Jinja variables:

{{#mustacheCase}} myVar {{/mustacheCase}}