mason_logger 0.3.3
mason_logger: ^0.3.3 copied to clipboard
A reusable Dart logger used by the Mason CLI (package:mason_cli).
mason_logger #
A reusable logger used by the Mason CLI.
import 'package:mason_logger/mason_logger.dart';
// Use the various APIs to log to stdout.
Future<void> main() async {
// Define a custom `LogStyle`
String? customInfoStyle(String? m) {
return backgroundDarkGray.wrap(styleBold.wrap(white.wrap(m)));
final logger = Logger(
// Optionally, specify a log level (defaults to
level: Level.verbose,
// Optionally, specify a custom `LogTheme` to override log styles.
theme: LogTheme(),
// Override the log style for a particular method invocation.'custom info', style: customInfoStyle);
// Prompt for user input.
final favoriteAnimal = logger.prompt(
'What is your favorite animal?',
defaultValue: '🐈',
/// Ask user to choose an option.
final favoriteColor = logger.chooseOne(
'What is your favorite color?',
choices: ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
defaultValue: 'blue',
/// Ask user to choose zero or more options.
final desserts = logger.chooseAny(
'Which desserts do you like?',
choices: ['🍦', '🍪', '🍩'],
// Ask for user confirmation.
final likesCats = logger.confirm('Do you like cats?', defaultValue: true);
// Prompt for any number of answers.
final programmingLanguages = logger.promptAny(
'What are your favorite programming languages?',
'You chose the following languages: $programmingLanguages',
// Show a progress message while performing an asynchronous operation.
final progress = logger.progress('Calculating');
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
// Provide an update.
progress.update('Almost done');
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
// Show a completion message when the asynchronous operation has completed.
// Use the user provided input.
logger'Your favorite animal is a $favoriteAnimal!')
..alert(likesCats ? 'You are a cat person!' : 'You are not a cat person.');
// Show hyperlinks using the link API.
final repoLink = link(
message: 'GitHub Repository',
uri: Uri.parse(''),
);'To learn more, visit the $repoLink.');
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