sphinx_verify 1.0.2
sphinx_verify: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard
Sphinx Verify is a Flutter package that amis to provider a interface to amazon recognition service. with built-in use cases.
Sphinx Verify #
Sphinx Verify is a Flutter package that amis to provider an interface to amazon recognition service. with built-in use cases.
Features π #
- β Text Detection
- β Face Detection
- β Label Detection
- β content Moderation
- β compare Faces
use cases #
- β ( KYC flow ) Verify a user by comparing a selfie with a document photo ( driving license )
Installation π» #
β In order to start using Sphinx Verify you must have the Fkutter installed on your machine.
Install via flutter pub add
flutter pub add sphinx_verify
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Install via pubspec.yaml
sphinx_verify: ^0.1.0
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Usage π #
import 'package:sphinx_verify/sphinx_verify.dart';
/// initialize the sphinx verify
SphinxVerify sphinxVerify = SphinxVerify(
region: AwsRegionEnum.usEast1 <- adjust to your region,
accessKey: 'your access key',
secretKey: 'your secret key',
onVerificationComplete: (FaceMatchesModel faceMatchesModel) {
'βsimilarity': faceMatchesModel.matchedFaces?.first.similarity,
'faceMatchesModel': faceMatchesModel,
/// exposed methods
// detect labels
LabelDetectionModel? res = await widget.sphinxVerify.awsSDK.detectLabels(
file: _imageFile,
imageUrl: _imageUrl,
// detect text
List<TextDetectionModel>? res = await widget.sphinxVerify.awsSDK.detectText(
file: _imageFile,
imageUrl: _imageUrl,
// detect faces
List<FaceDetectionModel>? res = await widget.sphinxVerify.awsSDK.detectFaces(
file: _imageFile,
imageUrl: _imageUrl,
// compare faces
FaceMatchesModel? res = await widget.sphinxVerify.awsSDK.compareFaces(
sourceImageFile: _imageFile,
sourceImageUrl: _imageUrl,
targetImageFile: _targetImageFile,
targetImageUrl: _targetImageUrl,
similarityThreshold: 90,
// moderate content
ModerateContentModel? res = await widget.sphinxVerify.awsSDK.moderateContent(
file: _imageFile,
imageUrl: _imageUrl,
minConfidence: 5,
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KYC flow #
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:sphinx_verify/sphinx_verify.dart';
class KycPage extends StatelessWidget {
const KycPage({super.key, required this.sphinxVerify});
final SphinxVerify sphinxVerify;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return sphinxVerify.kycWidget;
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