socket_io_client 3.1.1
socket_io_client: ^3.1.1 copied to clipboard
Dartlang port of for web, flutter, dartvm to use
3.1.0+2 #
3.1.0+1 #
3.1.0 #
3.0.0 #
Bug fix:
- Upgrade to use socket_io_common 3.0.0
3.0.0-beta.2 #
Bug fix:
- #373 hot restart error - Unhandled Exception: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'bool'
3.0.0-beta.0 #
New Feature:
- Update codebase for compatibility with Socket.IO v4.7.4 and migrate to Dart version 3
- #55 how to custom parser
- #322 added emitWithAckAsync
- #334 Socket.on... returns disposer function
- #343 Empty query map in OptionsBuilder throws RangeError
- #353 Add timeout on emit and emitWithAck
Bug fix:
- #360 Library is not compatible with latest version on 4.7.4
2.0.3+1 #
Fix dart analyzing issues
2.0.1 #
2.0.0 #
New Feature:
- #237 Allow sending an ack with multiple data items (making it consistent with emit)
1.0.2 #
New Feature:
- #237 Allow sending an ack with multiple data items (making it consistent with emit)
1.0.1 #
Bug fix:
- #188 Fixbug for Backoff when many attempts: "UnsupportedError: Unsupported operation: Infinity or NaN toInt"
2.0.0-beta.4-nullsafety.0 #
2.0.0-beta.1 #
2.0.0-beta.1 #
0.9.10+2 #
- Fix dart analyzer warning for formatting issues.
0.9.10+1 #
- Fix dart analyzer warning.