snippet_coder_utils 1.0.15 snippet_coder_utils: ^1.0.15 copied to clipboard
SnippetCoderUtils is a Utility package built with Flutter SDK to make Flutter development easier and more enjoyable than ever.
[1.0.15] #
Updated image_picker to ^1.0.4
[1.0.14] #
Fixed Issues
[1.0.13] #
isReadonly - Property added in FormHelper.inputFieldWidget & FormHelper.inputFieldWidgetWithLabel imageType - Property added in MultiImagePicker addImageWidget - Property added in MultiImagePicker
[1.0.12] #
backgroundColor - Property added in FormHelper.inputFieldWidget & FormHelper.inputFieldWidgetWithLabel
[1.0.11] #
- multilineRows, isNumeric - added for FormHelper.inputFieldWidget & FormHelper.inputFieldWidgetWithLabel
- contentPadding, validationColor, textColor, hintColor, borderWidth, focusedBorderWidth, enabledBorderWidth, suffixIcon, prefixIcon, showPrefixIcon, prefixIconColor, prefixIconPaddingLeft, prefixIconPaddingRight, prefixIconPaddingTop, prefixIconPaddingBottom - added for FormHelper.dropDownWidget & FormHelper.dropDownWidgetWithLabel
[1.0.10] #
- PrefixIcon - Optional
- Border Properties Added (borderWidth, focusedBorderWidth, enabledBorderWidth)
- ContentPadding Properties Added
- Above Properties added for FormHelper.inputFieldWidget & FormHelper.inputFieldWidgetWithLabel
[1.0.9] #
- textColor, hintColor & validationColor added in FormHelper.inputFieldWidget & FormHelper.inputFieldWidgetWithLabel
[1.0.8] #
- Fixed Issue in FormHelper.dropDownWidget
[1.0.7] #
- Added FormHelper.dropDownWidget
- Added FormHelper.dropDownWidgetWithLabel
[1.0.6] #
- Null Safety Added.
- Fixed minor issues in FormHelper.inputFieldWidget
[1.0.5] #
- Multi Image Picker Added.
- Documentation added for the SnippetCoder Utils Package
[1.0.4] #
- Form Helper Multiline Text attribute added to textbox.
[1.0.3] #
- Form Helper onChange Event added for Input TextBox
- HexColor utility added
- DataTable List Helper added.
[1.0.2] #
- Fixed Input initialValue in FormHelper
[1.0.1] #
- Modified
[1.0.0] #
- Added FormHelper
- Added ProgressHUD