snippet_coder_utils 1.0.15
snippet_coder_utils: ^1.0.15 copied to clipboard
SnippetCoderUtils is a Utility package built with Flutter SDK to make Flutter development easier and more enjoyable than ever.
snippetcoder_utils #
SnippetCoderUtils is a Utility package built with Flutter SDK to make Flutter development easier and more enjoyable than ever.
Features #
- FormHelper Utility to create custom UI
. - DataTable Utility with
Generic Collection
&Custom Action Button
- ProgressHUD (Heads Up Display)
- Hex Color Converter.
- Multiple Image Picker with Add and Remove image.
Install #
Add this to your pubspec.yaml file:
snippetcoder_utils: ^1.0.13
Usage #
FormHelper #
This utility will be used to create custom UI TextBox
, DropDown
, Buttons
FormHelper - inputFieldWidget

"Host URL",
(onValidateVal) {
if (onValidateVal.isEmpty) {
return 'Host URL can\'t be empty.';
return null;
(onSavedVal) => { = onSavedVal,
obscureText: false,
borderFocusColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
prefixIconColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
borderColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
() {
btnColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
borderColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
FormHelper - inputFieldWidgetWithLabel

"Category Name",
(onValidateVal) {
if (onValidateVal.isEmpty) {
return 'Category Name can\'t be empty.';
return null;
(onSavedVal) => { = onSavedVal,
obscureText: false,
borderFocusColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
prefixIconColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
borderColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
borderRadius: 10,
paddingLeft: 0,
paddingRight: 0,
showPrefixIcon: true,
prefixIcon: Icon(Icons.web),
onChange: (val) {},
"Category Description",
(onValidateVal) {
return null;
(onSavedVal) => {
this.categoryModel.description = onSavedVal,
initialValue: this.categoryModel.description,
obscureText: false,
borderFocusColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
prefixIconColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
borderColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
borderRadius: 10,
paddingLeft: 0,
paddingRight: 0,
showPrefixIcon: true,
prefixIcon: Icon(Icons.web),
isMultiline: true,
onChange: (val) {},
Constructors Parameters
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
context |
BuildContext | NO | Pass the current build context. |
keyName |
String | NO | Key for the textbox, should be unique for every textbox. |
labelName |
String | NO | LabelName will be used if using inputFieldWidgetWithLabel method to show label with TextBox. |
hintText |
String | NO | Used to show placeholder in textbox |
onValidate |
Function(String) | NO | Fired on textbox Validation |
onSaved |
Function(String) | NO | Fires on form Saved. |
onChange |
Function(String) | YES | Fires when textbox value changed. |
initialValue |
String | YES | Used for showing initial value in textbox. |
obscureText |
bool | YES | Used for showing or hiding text. Default value = false |
fontSize |
double | YES | Used for TextFormField font size. Default value = 18 |
hintFontSize |
double | YES | Used for TextFormField hint font size. Default value = 15 |
paddingLeft |
double | YES | Used for TextFormField Container padding left. Default value = 20 |
paddingRight |
double | YES | Used for TextFormField Container padding right. Default value = 20 |
paddingTop |
double | YES | Used for TextFormField Container padding top. Default value = 0 |
paddingBottom |
double | YES | Used for TextFormField Container padding bottom. Default value = 0 |
suffixIcon |
Widget | YES | Used for TextFormField SuffixIcon Widget |
borderRadius |
double | YES | Used for TextFormField Border Radius. Default value = 30 |
borderColor |
Color | YES | Used for TextFormField Border Color. Default value = Colors.redAccent |
borderFocusColor |
Color | YES | Used for TextFormField Border Focus Color. Default value = Colors.redAccent |
showPrefixIcon |
bool | YES | Used for Show/Hide Prefix Icon. Default value = Colors.true |
prefixIcon |
Icon | YES | Used to show Prefix Icon |
prefixIconColor |
Color | YES | Used for PrefixIcon Color. Default value = Colors.redAccent |
prefixIconPaddingLeft |
double | YES | Used for PrefixIcon Padding Left. Default value = 30 |
prefixIconPaddingRight |
double | YES | Used for PrefixIcon Padding Right. Default value = 10 |
prefixIconPaddingTop |
double | YES | Used for PrefixIcon Padding Top. Default value = 0 |
prefixIconPaddingBottom |
double | YES | Used for PrefixIcon Padding Bottom. Default value = 0 |
isMultiline |
bool | YES | Used for making TextFormField Multiline. Default value = false |
textColor |
Color | YES | Used for TextFormField Text Color. Default value = |
hintColor |
Color | YES | Used for TextFormField Hint Color. Default value = |
validationColor |
Color | YES | Used for TextFormField Validations Color. Default value = Colors.redAccent |
borderWidth |
double | YES | Used for Border Width. Default value = 2 |
focusedBorderWidth |
double | YES | Used for Focus Border Width. Default value = 2 |
enabledBorderWidth |
double | YES | Used for Enabled Border Width. Default value = 1 |
contentPadding |
double | YES | Used for Content Padding. Default value = 6 |
multilineRows |
double | YES | Used for Multiline Texbox no. of Rows. Default value = 4 |
isNumeric |
double | YES | Used for Numeric Texbox for showing numeric keyboard. Default value = false |
backgroundColor |
Color | YES | Used for Texbox background color. Default value = Colors.transparent |
isReadonly |
bool | false | Used for Texbox readonly. Default value = false |
FormHelper - dropDownWidget

List<dynamic> productTypesList = [];
this.productTypesList.add({"id": "simple", "name": "Simple"});
this.productTypesList.add({"id": "variable", "name": "Variable"});
"Select Product Type",
(onChangedVal) {
this.requestModel.productType = onChangedVal! ?? "";
(onValidateVal) {
if (onValidateVal == null) {
return 'Please Select Product Type';
return null;
borderFocusColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
borderColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
borderRadius: 10,
FormHelper - dropDownWidgetWithLabel

List<dynamic> productTypesList = [];
this.productTypesList.add({"val": "1", "label": "Simple"});
this.productTypesList.add({"val": "2", "label": "Variable"});
"Product Type"
"Select Product Type",
(onChangedVal) {
this.requestModel.productType = onChangedVal! ?? "";
(onValidateVal) {
if (onValidateVal == null) {
return 'Please Select Product Type';
return null;
borderFocusColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
borderColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
borderRadius: 10,
optionValue: "val",
optionLabel: "label"
Constructors Parameters
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
context |
BuildContext | NO | Pass the current build context. |
labelName |
String | NO | LabelName will be used if using dropDownWidgetWithLabel method to show label with Dropdown. |
hintText |
String | NO | Used to show Hint Text in Dropdown |
value |
Dynamic | NO | Used for showing initial value in Dropdown. |
lstData |
List<dynamic> | NO | Dropdown list Data |
onChanged |
Function(String) | YES | Fires when dropdown value changed. |
onValidate |
Function(String) | NO | Fired on dropdown Validation |
hintFontSize |
double | YES | Used for DropdownField hint font size. Default value = 15 |
borderColor |
Color | YES | Used for DropdownField Border Color. Default value = Colors.redAccent |
borderRadius |
double | YES | Used for DropdownField Border Radius. Default value = 30 |
borderFocusColor |
Color | YES | Used for DropdownField Border Focus Color. Default value = Colors.redAccent |
paddingLeft |
double | YES | Used for DropdownField Container padding left. Default value = 20 |
paddingRight |
double | YES | Used for DropdownField Container padding right. Default value = 20 |
paddingTop |
double | YES | Used for DropdownField Container padding top. Default value = 0 |
paddingBottom |
double | YES | Used for DropdownField Container padding bottom. Default value = 0 |
optionValue |
String | YES | Used for DropdownField Option Value Column Mapping from Data Collection. Default value = id |
optionLabel |
String | YES | Used for DropdownField Option Label Column Mapping from Data Collection. Default value = name |
contentPadding |
double | YES | Used for Content Padding. Default value = 6 |
validationColor |
Color | YES | Used for TextFormField Validations Color. Default value = Colors.redAccent |
textColor |
Color | YES | Used for TextFormField Text Color. Default value = |
hintColor |
Color | YES | Used for TextFormField Hint Color. Default value = |
borderWidth |
double | YES | Used for Border Width. Default value = 2 |
focusedBorderWidth |
double | YES | Used for Focus Border Width. Default value = 2 |
enabledBorderWidth |
double | YES | Used for Enabled Border Width. Default value = 1 |
suffixIcon |
Widget | YES | Used for TextFormField SuffixIcon Widget |
prefixIcon |
Icon | YES | Used to show Prefix Icon |
showPrefixIcon |
bool | YES | Used for Show/Hide Prefix Icon. Default value = Colors.true |
prefixIconColor |
Color | YES | Used for PrefixIcon Color. Default value = Colors.redAccent |
prefixIconPaddingLeft |
double | YES | Used for PrefixIcon Padding Left. Default value = 30 |
prefixIconPaddingRight |
double | YES | Used for PrefixIcon Padding Right. Default value = 10 |
prefixIconPaddingTop |
double | YES | Used for PrefixIcon Padding Top. Default value = 0 |
prefixIconPaddingBottom |
double | YES | Used for PrefixIcon Padding Bottom. Default value = 0 |
ListUtils #

This utility will be used to create DataTable list with Generic Collection
, Sorting
, Edit
, Delete
& Custom Action Button
return ListUtils.buildDataTable<CategoryModel>(
["Name", "Description", ""],
["name", "description", ""],
(CategoryModel onEditVal) {
(CategoryModel onRemoveVal) {
onSort: (columnIndex, columnName, ascending) {
headingRowColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
actionWidget: Icon(
onActionTap: (CategoryModel model) {
Constructors Parameters
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
context |
BuildContext | NO | Pass the current build context. |
columns |
List<String> | NO | Pass the column name in string array. |
fields |
List<String> | NO | Pass the field name in string array. |
sortAscending |
bool | NO | If sorting in ascending order pass true else false . |
sortColumnIndex |
number | NO | Column index of sorting based on. |
listOfData |
dynamic | NO | DataSource for the DataTable list. |
onEditTap |
Function(dyanmic) | NO | Fires when an edit is tapped and model will be return. |
onDeleteTap |
Function(dyanmic) | NO | Fires when an delete is tapped and model will be return. |
onSort |
Function(String, String, String) | YES | Fires when an column is click for sorting and it will return columnIndex , columnName , ascending . |
headingRowHeight |
number | YES | Used for header row height. Default value = 45 |
headingRowColor |
Color | YES | Used for header row color. Default value = Colors.redAccent |
columnTextFontSize |
double | YES | Used for column Text font size. Default value = 15 |
columnTextBold |
bool | YES | Used for column Text bold. Default value = true |
columnSpacing |
bool | YES | Used for column spacing. Default value = 30 |
actionWidget |
Widget | YES | Used for adding custom action button just like edit and delete icon. |
onActionTap |
Function(dyanmic) | YES | Fires when an custom action button is tapped and model will be return. |
actionEditWidget |
bool | YES | Used for making any custom Edit Widget |
actionDeleteWidget |
bool | YES | Used for making any custom Delete Widget |
ProgressHUD (Heads Up Display) #

It's helpful to give the user an indication that content is being loaded while the app sends a network request to get new data.
When we start any network call we will set isApiCallProcess = true
, when the network call completed we will set back isApiCallProcess = false
bool isApiCallProcess = false;
return Scaffold(
appBar: _buildAppBar(),
body: ProgressHUD(
child: pageUI(),
inAsyncCall: isApiCallProcess,
opacity: 0.3,
Constructors Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
child |
Widget | Assign the widget need to show. |
inAsyncCall |
bool | Variable used to show or hide loader. |
opacity |
double | Used for transparency of background. |
HexColor #
This will be used to convert any HEX color to Flutter Color.
color: HexColor("#FC4136"),
Constructors Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
hexColor |
String | HexCode for conversion. |
MultiImagePicker #

This widget will be used to show multi select images using Camera
or Gallery
To get updated images collection, you can use the onImageChanged
List<Object> images = [];
totalImages: 6,
initialValue: => e.src).toList(), //for showing images from collection
onImageChanged: (images) {
this.images = images;
imageType: ImageType.list,
addImageWidget: Card(
child: SizedBox(
width: 100,
child: Center(
child: SizedBox(
width: 50,
height: 50,
child: Image.asset("assets/images/add-photo.png",),
Constructors Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
totalImages |
number | Set the total number of images to be show. |
imageSource |
ImagePickSource | Change the Image Source. Can be either or . |
initialValue |
List<String> | Used for showing default images. |
onImageChanged |
Function(List<Object>) | Fires when an image is added or deleted. |
Donate #
If you like my work, you can support me buying a cup of ☕
Copyright & License #
Code and documentation Copyright 2021 SnippetCoder. Code released under the Apache License. Docs released under Creative Commons.