simple_http_api 1.1.1 copy "simple_http_api: ^1.1.1" to clipboard
simple_http_api: ^1.1.1 copied to clipboard

A package extends the official http package with the features of cancellation, timeout and EventSource. No complicated concepts and redundant functions, just API requests.

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This package extends the official http package, and minify core functions of dio package. It is out of box package, so that you could create get/post/put/patch/delete/head requests and upload files easily and avoid importing redundant functions.

Features #

  1. Request retry. It allows you to retry a request by setting a Duration. If the previous request does not return an acceptable response during Duration, it would be aborted and start the next request.
  2. Request cancellation. Cancellation can work together with request retrying.
  3. File upload in Isolate. Currently, it only support onUploadProgress callback during uploading. example
  4. Support piping the response data as stream. example
  5. out of box, see examples

Usage #

if no valid Encoding found in ApiResponse.headers, you could pass responseEncoding to specify the fallback Encoding when creating get/post/delete requests.

get request #

import 'package:simple_http_api/simple_http_api.dart';

void _get() async {
    final url = Uri.parse("");

    try {
        final res = await Api.get(
        headers: {"accept": "application/json"},
        cancelToken: TimingToken(Duration(seconds: 2)),
        options: ConnectionOption(
                connectionTimeout: Duration(seconds: 1),
                sendTimeout: Duration(seconds: 1),
                receiveTimeout: Duration(seconds: 3),
    } catch (e) {
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Future<void> _retryGet([int? delayMs]) async {
  final delay = delayMs != null && delayMs > 0 ? "?delay=$delayMs" : "";

  final url = Uri.parse("$delay");

  try {
    final res = await Api.get(
      // headers: {"accept": "application/json"},
      // cancelToken: TimingToken(Duration(seconds: 3)),
      options: ConnectionOption(
        connectionTimeout: Duration(seconds: 1),
        sendTimeout: Duration(seconds: 1),
        // receiveTimeout: Duration(seconds: 2),
      retryConfig: RetryConfig(
        retryTimeout: Duration(seconds: 5),
        retries: 3,
        // retryWhenException: (e) => e.type != ErrorType.other,
        // retryWhenStatus: (code) => code >= 300,
  } catch (e) {

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post request #

import "dart:convert";
import 'package:simple_http_api/simple_http_api.dart';

void _post_() async {
  final url = Uri.parse("");

  final data = {
    "hello": "api",
    "delay": "4000",
    "list": [100],

  try {
    final res = await
      headers: {
        "accept": "application/json",
        "content-type": "application/json",
      cancelToken: TimingToken(Duration(seconds: 2)),
      body: json.encode(data),
      options: ConnectionOption(
        connectionTimeout: Duration(seconds: 1),
        sendTimeout: Duration(seconds: 1),
        receiveTimeout: Duration(seconds: 3),
  } catch (e) {
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Future<void> _retryPost() async {
  final url = Uri.parse("");

  final data = {
    "hello": "api",
    "delay": 2000,
    "list": [100],

  try {
    final res = await
      headers: {
        "accept": "application/json",
        "content-type": "application/json",
      body: json.encode(data),
      // cancelToken: TimingToken(Duration(seconds: 5)),
      options: ConnectionOption(
        connectionTimeout: Duration(seconds: 1),
        sendTimeout: Duration(seconds: 1),
        // receiveTimeout: Duration(seconds: 2),
      retryConfig: RetryConfig(
        retryTimeout: Duration(seconds: 3),
        retries: 3,
        // retryWhenException: (e) => e.type != ErrorType.other,
        retryWhenStatus: (code) => code >= 300,
  } catch (e) {
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upload #

FormData.fileFromPath is not supported on web retrying for uploading is disabled by default since this case is unusual useIsolate: true would put the upload work into a separate Isolate. For web, useIsolate actually do nothing.

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:simple_http_api/simple_http_api.dart';

void main() async {
  await _uploadSingle("./assets/demo.mp4");

Future<void> _uploadSingle(String path) async {
  final url = Uri.parse("");
  final file = await FormData.fileFromPath(path, field: "single");
  final formData = FormData();


  formData.addFields({"upload": "test"});

  try {
    final res = await Api.upload(url, formData,
        cancelToken: TimingToken(Duration(seconds: 3)),
        headers: {
          "content-type": "application/json",
        onUploadProgress: (sent, total) =>
            print("total: $total, sent: $sent, percent: ${sent / total}"));
  } catch (e) {
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Future<void> _uploadMulti() async {
  final url = Uri.parse("");
  final file1 =
      await FormData.fileFromPath("./assets/demo.mp4", field: "multi");

  final file2 =
      await FormData.fileFromPath("./assets/demo.png", field: "multi");

  final formData = FormData();


  formData.addFields({"upload": "test"});

  try {
    final res = await Api.upload(
      cancelToken: TimingToken(Duration(seconds: 3)),
      headers: {
        "content-type": "application/json",
  } catch (e) {
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receive request data as stream #

it is very similar to EventSource but it is not an implementation of standard EventSource HTML Spec By using EventSource in this package, you could receive the response data as stream directly, instead of awaiting like as Future

It currently has some limitations:

  1. It only supports get/post method
  2. For EventSource in this package, some ConnectionOption may not work, which requiring more tests
  3. For web, the stream would emit WebChunk whose chunk property is String, otherwise the stream would emit IoChunk whose chunk property is List<int>. Therefore, users should cast the BaseChunk into their desired subtypes of BaseChunk on different platforms, e.g., (io/web)
  4. on the web, the XMLHttpRequest.responseType is hard coded as text for behaving closely as EventSource. Besides, due to XMLHttpRequest.responseText is incremental, so I have to extract a chunk data like below:
      final chunk = xhr.responseText!.substring(_loaded);

      _loaded = xhr.responseText!.length;

      final chunkResponse = WebChunk(
        request: request,
        statusCode: xhr.status!,
        headers: xhr.responseHeaders,
        isRedirect: xhr.status == 301 || xhr.status == 302,
        statusMessage: xhr.statusText,

      if (!controller.isClosed) {
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Consequently, it might overwhelm the memory when the incoming data is very large

The below is an example to call ChatGPT API and receive its streamed response data;

Remember to invoke EventSource.close to release all resources hold by http connections

import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:simple_http_api/simple_http_api.dart';

void main() async {
  final headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "Bearer <token>",

  final url = Uri.parse("");

  final data = {
    "model": "text-davinci-003",
    "prompt": "give 5 words",
    "max_tokens": 256,
    "stream": true,

  final eventSource = EventSource(url,;

  final cancelToken = TimingToken(Duration(seconds: 2));
  final stream =
      eventSource.send(body: json.encode(data), cancelToken: cancelToken);

    (event) {
      if (eventSource.isWeb) {
        print(event.chunk as String);
      } else {
        final encoding = event.getEncoding();

        print(encoding.decode(event.chunk as List<int>));
    onError: (err) => print(err),
    onDone: eventSource.close,

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Create a request #

Users must use try-catch to catch ApiError in case that no expected ApiResponse is returned (e.g., the request is aborted/timed out/, or the response is not as users expected)

  1. Need to specify the content-type field in the headers. If not, it will fallback to different media types:

    • body is String -> text/plain
    • body is Map<String, String> or can be casted into Map<String, String> -> application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    • body is List<int> or can be casted into List<int> -> no fallback media type applied

      if none of the above cases is applied to body, throw ArgumentError when setting body

  2. (Optional) specify a kind of CancelToken to determine if canceling this request.

    • TimingToken: this token would start timing just before creating a HttpRequest/XMLHttpRequest. When its token is expired, it will invoke cancel() to complete. As a result, the HttpRequest/XMLHttpRequest would be aborted, and throw ErrorType.cancel
    • RetryToken: this token would behave as TimingToken if no RetryConfig is provided. If RetryCOnfig is provided, it will combine with its mainToken together to determine if canceling the current request and start retrying.
  3. (Optional) specify a ConnectionOption to control the duration for different stages of a request.

    • (Web): all three kinds of timeout would try completing the Completer and then abort this XMLHttpRequest once one of them is validated successfully

      1. connectionTimeout would validate successfully if XHR.readState < 1 after its duration
      2. sendTimeout would validate successfully if XHR.readyState < 3 and a receive start time is set after its duration
      3. receiveTimeout would validate successfully if onLoadStart is invoked after its duration
    • (Mobile): HttpClient would be closed forcely once one of three timeouts validate successfully

    1. connectionTimeout is set when creating HttpClient
    2. sendTimeout is activated when starting addStream into HttpClientRequest
    3. receiveTimeout is activated in two stages: 1) trying to get response by invoking HttpClientRequest.close() 2) each data chunk is received

How ConnectionOption works with CancelToken #

Typically, CancelToken could let users to determine 1) how long a request is expected to complete in total 2) need to ignore/abort a request once there are some cases happen unexpectedly/deliberately

ConnectionOption let users determine how long a stage of requests is expected to complete. If a request spends more time than the given timeout at some stages, it would be aborted/canceled directly

ConnectionOption and CancelToken would validate themselves respectively and try to abort/cancel a request whichever is validated successfully

How retrying is implemented #

RetryConfig.retries limits the maximum retries, while RetryConfig.retryInterval limits the interval between two requests.

Users have two ways to stop retrying:

  1. Providing a CancelToken to dominate the RetryToken that is created by _RetryClient and inaccessible directly. Once the CancelToken is expired, retry would be stopped and the current request would be aborted if applicable.

  2. RetryConfig.retryWhenException and RetryConfig.retryWhenStatus work together and determine if continuing retrying before reaching the maximum retries.

The above ways can work together.

Note: RetryConfig.retryInterval means the next request would be created and abort the previous one if no response is returned from the previous one between retryInterval, instead of waiting retryInterval after the previous request return a response.

Investigation #

  • which way is better to release resources when receiving timed out?
  1. client.close(force: true);

                .then((socket) => socket.destroy())
              (err) {
                print("error on detaching socket: $err");
              test: (error) => true,
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  • Is there any potential issue to brutely invoke XMLHttpRequest.abort() for any kind of timeouts validate successfully?


  1. test put/patch/delete/head
  2. unit tests
  3. support download
  4. throw error more explicitly
  5. document
  6. enable logging



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2024.08.26 - 2025.03.10

A package extends the official http package with the features of cancellation, timeout and EventSource. No complicated concepts and redundant functions, just API requests.

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http_parser, mime


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