sendbird_chat_sdk 4.0.1 copy "sendbird_chat_sdk: ^4.0.1" to clipboard
sendbird_chat_sdk: ^4.0.1 copied to clipboard

With Sendbird Chat for Flutter, you can easily build an in-app chat with all the essential messaging features.


# Sendbird SDK LICENSE

This is an agreement between You ("You") and Sendbird, Inc., the developer of Sendbird, located at 107 S Railroad Ave, San Mateo, CA 94401, ("Sendbird") regarding Your use of the Sendbird SDK and any associated documentation or other materials made available by Sendbird (collectively the "SDK"). This agreement applies to any updates or supplements for the SDK, unless other terms accompany those items. If so, those other terms apply.

By installing, accessing or otherwise using the SDK, You accept the terms of this agreement. If You do not agree to the terms of this agreement, do not install, access or use the SDK.

If You comply with this agreement, You have the rights below.

(1) USE OF THE SDK. Subject to Your compliance with this agreement, Sendbird hereby authorizes You to use the SDK solely for the purpose of creating mobile applications designed to operate with the Services (referred to as "Authorized Applications"). You may not rent, lease or lend any of Your rights in the SDK or access to the Services. You may make a reasonable number of copies of the SDK for the purposes set forth herein, provided that You reproduce only complete copies, including without limitation all "read me" files, copyright notices, and other legal notices and terms that Sendbird has included in the SDK.

(2) SCOPE OF LICENSE. The SDK is licensed, not sold. This agreement only gives You some rights to use the SDK. Sendbird specifically does not grant any express or implied rights under its patents with respect to your Authorized Applications. In doing so, You must comply with any technical limitations in the SDK that only allow You to use it in certain ways. You may not: (a) reverse engineer, decompile, distribute or disassemble the SDK, except and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits; or (b) make more copies of the SDK than specified in this agreement, except and only to the extent applicable law expressly permits; or (c) publish the SDK for others to copy; or (d) rent, lease or lend the SDK.

(3) USE OF THE SERVICES. Your use of the Services, and the use of the Services by anyone hosting or using your Authorized Application, is governed by the then-current Terms of Services (“TOS”) which can be found at:


(5) FEEDBACK. By submitting feedback to Sendbird, either via email at or by any other means: You automatically grant to Sendbird a perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, royalty-free license to use Your feedback for any and all purposes without any compensation to You.

(6) TERMINATION. Sendbird reserves the right to discontinue offering the SDK or Services or to modify the SDK or Services at any time in its sole discretion. This Section and Sections 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 will survive termination of this agreement or any discontinuation of the offering of the SDK or Services along with any other provisions that would reasonably be deemed to survive such events.

(7) RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. You are not authorized to alter, modify, copy, edit, format, create derivative works of or otherwise use any materials, content or technology provided under this agreement except as explicitly provided in this agreement or approved in advance in writing by Sendbird.

(8) MODIFICATIONS; NOTICES. If we change this contract, then we will give you notice before the change is in force. If you do not agree to these changes, then you must cancel and stop using the SDK and Services before the changes are in force. If you do not stop using the SDK or Services, then your use of the SDK or Services will continue under the changed contract. Sendbird may give notices to You, at Sendbird's option, by posting on any portion of or by electronic mail to any e-mail address provided by You to Sendbird.

(9) ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This agreement, and any applicable TOS or contract for Services, are the entire agreement with respect to the SDK or Services.

(10) APPLICABLE LAW AND VENUE. California state law governs the interpretation of this agreement and applies to claims for breach of it, regardless of conflict of laws principles. The laws of the state where You live govern all other claims, including claims under state consumer protection laws, unfair competition laws, and in tort. You agree that any action brought under this agreement will be subject to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the state and federal courts located in San Francisco, California.

(11) DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. The SDK is licensed "as-is." You bear the risk of using it. Sendbird gives no express or implied warranties, guarantees or conditions. You may have additional consumer rights under Your local laws which this agreement cannot change. To the extent permitted under Your local laws, Sendbird excludes the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Sendbird does not represent or warrant that the SDK or the Services will always be available, uninterrupted, secure, or error free.

(12) LIMITATION ON AND EXCLUSION OF REMEDIES AND DAMAGES. You can recover from Sendbird and its suppliers only direct damages up to U.S. $5.00. You cannot recover any other damages, including consequential, lost profits, special, indirect or incidental damages. This limitation applies to:

a. anything related to the SDK, services, or content (including code) on third party Internet sites, or third party programs; and

b. claims for breach of contract, breach of warranty, guarantee or condition, strict liability, negligence, or other tort to the extent permitted by applicable law.
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With Sendbird Chat for Flutter, you can easily build an in-app chat with all the essential messaging features.

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unknown (license)


collection, connectivity_plus, encrypt, flutter, http, http_parser, json_annotation, logger, mime, shared_preferences, universal_io, uuid, web_socket_channel


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