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A highly customizable, simple and easy to use flutter Widget to add a searchfield to your Flutter Application. This Widget allows you to search and select from list of suggestions.

searchfield: ^1.0.1 #

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Frame 1 (2)

A highly customizable, simple and easy to use searchfield widget. This Widget allows you to search and select a suggestion from list of suggestions. Think of this widget like a dropdownButton field with the following capabilities

  • search 🔍 from a list of suggestions.
  • validate the input with custom validation logic.
  • position and define height of each Suggestion Item
  • show suggestions of custom type (not just String)
  • lazy load the suggestions from Network with custom Loading widget
  • show dynamic suggestions above or below the input field
  • define max number of items visible in the viewport 📱
  • filter out the suggestions with a custom logic
  • visually customize the input and the suggestions
  • navigate through the suggestions using keyboard
  • Listen to scroll events of suggestions

Getting Started #

Installation #

  • Add the dependency
flutter pub add searchfield
  • Import the package
import 'package:searchfield/searchfield.dart';

Use the Widget


  suggestions: countries
    (e) => SearchFieldListItem<Country>(,
      item: e,
      // Use child to show Custom Widgets in the suggestions
      // defaults to Text widget
      child: Padding(
        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
        child: Row(
          children: [
              backgroundImage: NetworkImage(e.flag),
              width: 10,

Example 2 (Network demo)

Ability to load suggestions from the network with a custom loading widget

    onSearchTextChanged: (query) {
    final filter = suggestions
        .where((element) =>
    return filter
        .map((e) =>
            SearchFieldListItem<String>(e, child: searchChild(e)))
    onTap: () async {
    final result = await getSuggestions();
    setState(() {
        suggestions = result;
    /// widget to show when suggestions are empty
    emptyWidget: Container(
        decoration: suggestionDecoration,
        height: 200,
        child: const Center(
            child: CircularProgressIndicator(
        color: Colors.white,
    hint: 'Load suggestions from network',
    itemHeight: 50,
    scrollbarDecoration: ScrollbarDecoration(),
    suggestionStyle: const TextStyle(fontSize: 24, color: Colors.white),
    searchInputDecoration: InputDecoration(...),
    border: OutlineInputBorder(...)
    fillColor: Colors.white,
    filled: true,
    contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
        horizontal: 20,
    suggestionsDecoration: suggestionDecoration,
    suggestions: suggestions
        .map((e) => SearchFieldListItem<String>(e, child: searchChild(e)))
    focusNode: focus,
    suggestionState: Suggestion.expand,
    onSuggestionTap: (SearchFieldListItem<String> x) {

Example 3 Load suggestions from network with Pagination

Note that this also maintains the Scroll position when new items are added to list see: complete code here

output_video-ezgif com-video-to-gif-converter

Example 4 (Validation)

  key: _formKey,
  child: SearchField(
    suggestions: _statesOfIndia
        .map((e) => SearchFieldListItem(e))
    suggestionState: Suggestion.expand,
    hint: 'SearchField Example 2',
    searchStyle: TextStyle(
      fontSize: 18,
    validator: (x) {
      if (!_statesOfIndia.contains(x) || x!.isEmpty) {
        return 'Please Enter a valid State';
      return null;
    searchInputDecoration: InputDecoration(
      focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
        borderSide: BorderSide(
      border: OutlineInputBorder(
        borderSide: BorderSide(color:,
    maxSuggestionsInViewPort: 6,
    itemHeight: 50,
    onTap: (x) {},
    onSearchTextChanged: (query) {
      final filter = suggestions
          .where((element) =>
      return filter
          .map((e) => SearchFieldListItem<String>(e,
              child: Padding(
                padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 4.0),
                child: Text(e,
                    style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24, color:,
    key: const Key('searchfield'),
    hint: 'Search by country name',
    itemHeight: 50,
        InputDecoration(hintStyle: TextStyle(color:,
    suggestionsDecoration: SuggestionDecoration(
        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4),
        border: Border.all(color:,
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(10))),
    suggestions: suggestions
        .map((e) => SearchFieldListItem<String>(e,
            child: Padding(
              padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 4.0),
              child: Text(e,
                  style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24, color:,
    focusNode: focus,
    suggestionState: Suggestion.expand,
    onSuggestionTap: (SearchFieldListItem<String> x) {

Customize the suggestions the way you want #

Suggestions can be passed as a widget using the child property of SearchFieldListItem

  suggestions: _statesOfIndia
     .map((e) => SearchFieldListItem(e,
        child: Align(
          alignment: Alignment.centerRight,
          child: Padding(
             padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal:16.0),
               child: Text(e,
                 style: TextStyle(color:,

Support for Keyboard Navigation #

With v0.9.5 Searchfield now adds support for Keyboard navigation, you can now navigate through the suggestions using the keyboard.

Support for Dynamic positioning of suggestions #

The position of suggestions is dynamic based on the space available for the suggestions to expand within the viewport.

Properties #

  • animationDuration: Duration for the animation of the suggestions list.
  • autoCorrect: Defines whether to enable autoCorrect defaults to true
  • autofocus: Defines whether to enable autofocus defaults to false
  • autoValidateMode: Used to enable/disable this form field auto validation and update its error text.defaults to AutoValidateMode.disabled
  • controller: TextEditing Controller to interact with the searchfield.
  • comparator property to filter out the suggestions with a custom logic (Comparator is deprecated Use onSearchTextChanged instead).
  • emptyWidget: Custom Widget to show when search returns empty Results or when showEmpty is true. (defaults to SizedBox.shrink)
  • enabled: Defines whether to enable the searchfield defaults to true
  • focusNode : FocusNode to interact with the searchfield.
  • hint : hint for the search Input.
  • readOnly : Defines whether to enable the searchfield defaults to false
  • initialValue : The initial value to be set in searchfield when its rendered, if not specified it will be empty.
  • inputType: Keyboard Type for SearchField
  • inputFormatters: Input Formatter for SearchField
  • itemHeight : height of each suggestion Item, (defaults to 35.0).
  • marginColor : Color for the margin between the suggestions.
  • maxSuggestionsInViewPort : The max number of suggestions that can be shown in a viewport.
  • offset : suggestion List offset from the searchfield, The top left corner of the searchfield is the origin (0,0).
  • onOutSideTap : callback when the user taps outside the searchfield.
  • onSaved : An optional method to call with the final value when the form is saved via
  • onScroll : callback when the suggestion list is scrolled. It returns the current scroll position in pixels and the max scroll position.
  • onSearchTextChanged: callback when the searchfield text changes, it returns the current text in the searchfield.
  • onSuggestionTap : callback when a sugestion is tapped it also returns the tapped value.
  • onSubmit : callback when the searchfield is submitted, it returns the current text in the searchfield.
  • onTap: callback when the searchfield is tapped or brought into focus.
  • scrollbarDecoration: decoration for the scrollbar.
  • showEmpty: Boolean to show/hide the emptyWidget.
  • suggestions(required) : List of SearchFieldListItem to search from. each SearchFieldListItem in the list requires a unique searchKey, which is used to search the list and an optional Widget, Custom Object to display custom widget and to associate a object with the suggestion list.
  • suggestionState: enum to hide/show the suggestion on focusing the searchfield defaults to SuggestionState.expand.
  • searchStyle : textStyle for the search Input.
  • searchInputDecoration : decoration for the search Input (e.g to update HintStyle) similar to built in textfield widget.
  • suggestionsDecoration : decoration for suggestions List with ability to add box shadow background color and much more.
  • suggestionDirection : direction of the suggestions list, defaults to SuggestionDirection.down.
  • suggestionItemDecoration : decoration for suggestionItem with ability to add color and gradient in the background.
  • SuggestionAction : enum to control focus of the searchfield on suggestion tap.
  • suggestionStyle:Specifies TextStyle for suggestions when no child is provided.
  • textInputAction : An action the user has requested the text input control to perform throgh the submit button on keyboard.
  • textCapitalization : Configures how the platform keyboard will select an uppercase or lowercase keyboard on IOS and Android.
  • textAlign: specifies the alignment of the text in the searchfield. Defaults to TextAlign.start.

You can find all the code samples here #

Contributing #

You are welcome to contribute to this package, to contribute please read the contributing guidelines.

pub points



A highly customizable, simple and easy to use flutter Widget to add a searchfield to your Flutter Application. This Widget allows you to search and select from list of suggestions.

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