sealed_countries 0.9.0 copy "sealed_countries: ^0.9.0" to clipboard
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Provides data for world countries in the form of sealed classes.

CodeFactor Codecov sealed_countries License: MIT Pub package

This ISO-driven, fully tested and pure Dart package provides information about world countries in form of compile-time constant sealed classes. Contains the all 249+1 countries with ISO 3166 codes, their English, native names, emoji flags, capitals, population, postal codes, phone codes, languages (and scripts), currencies, country/currency/language name translations, etc. For Flutter ready widgets, please use world_countries package.

Features #

WorldCountry class provides the following information about countries:

Field Required Description Example for CountryIrl
name Yes The English name of the country. "Ireland", official: "Republic of Ireland")
namesNative Yes The native names of the country. [CountryName(language: LangEng(), official: "Republic of Ireland", common: "Ireland"), CountryName(language: LangGle(), official: "Poblacht na hÉireann", common: "Éire")]
tld Yes The top level domain names for the country. [".ie"]
code Yes The three-letter ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 code of the country. "IRL"
codeNumeric Yes The three-digit ISO 3166-1 Numeric code of the country. "372"
codeShort Yes The two-letter ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code of the country. "IE"
cioc No The International Olympic Committee code of the country. "IRL"
independent Yes Whether the country is an independent state. true
unMember Yes Whether the country is a member of the United Nations. true
currencies Yes The currencies used in the country. [FiatEur()]
idd Yes The international direct dialing codes for the country. Idd(root: 3, suffixes: [53])
altSpellings Yes The alternate spellings of the country name. ["IE", "Éire", "Republic of Ireland", "Poblacht na hÉireann"]
continent Yes The continent where the country is located. Europe()
subregion No The subregion where the country is located. NorthernEurope()
languages Yes The official languages spoken in the country. [LangEng(), LangGle()]
latLng Yes The geographic coordinates of the country. LatLng(53, -8)
landlocked Yes Whether the country is landlocked. false
bordersCodes No The codes of the countries that share borders with this country. ["GBR"]
areaMetric Yes The area of the country in square kilometers. 70273
demonyms Yes The demonym names for the people of the country. [Demonyms(language: LangEng(), female: "Irish", male: "Irish"), Demonyms(language: LangFra(), female: "Irlandaise", male: "Irlandais")]
emoji Yes The emoji flag for the country. 🇮🇪
maps Yes The maps of the country. Maps(googleMaps: "hxd1BKxgpchStzQC6", openStreetMaps: "relation/62273")
population Yes The population of the country. 4994724
gini No The Gini coefficient of the country. Gini(year: 2017, coefficient: 31.4)
fifa No The FIFA code of the country. "IRL"
car Yes The car information of the country. Car(sign: "IRL", isRightSide: false)
timezones Yes The time zones of the country. ["UTC+00:00"]
capitalInfo No The capital city information of the country. CapitalInfo(capital: Capital("Dublin"), latLng: LatLng(53.32, -6.23))
hasCoatOfArms Yes Whether the country has an official coat of arms. true
postalCode Yes The postal code information of the country. PostalCode with format and regExp
startOfWeek Yes The first day of the week in the country. Weekday.monday
regionalBlocs No The regional blocs of the country. [BlocEU()]
translations Yes The translations of the country name. List of 150 TranslatedNames in different languages

Compile time constant list of all countries accessible via WorldCountry.list and more over, the WorldCountry class provides the following methods:

  • maybeFromAnyCode - returns a country instance if the value matches any ISO 3166 code, otherwise returns null.
  • fromCodeNumeric - returns a country instance if the value matches the provided ISO 3166-1 numeric code.
  • fromAnyCode - returns a country instance if the value matches any ISO 4217 code.
  • maybeFromValue - returns a country instance if the value matches the provided value, otherwise returns null.
  • fromCode - returns a country instance if the value matches the provided ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 code.
  • fromCodeShort - returns a country instance if the value matches the provided ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code.

and (thanks to sealed nature of the class) functional-style like methods: whenOrNull, maybeWhen, when, map, maybeMap. You can also find a lot of common method you may know from Dart ecosystem - toString overrides, copyWith, toJson, etc.

Translations: Use maybeTranslation() or translation() methods to get translations for specific locale.

Getting started #

To use this package, add sealed_countries as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  sealed_countries: any

Then import the package in your Dart code:

import 'package:sealed_countries/sealed_countries.dart';

Usage #

Use WorldCountry class to get information about countries. Either construct a new instance directly or with use of the class factory constructors/static methods, or select one from the WorldCountry.list constant.

  print(WorldCountry.list.length); // Prints: "250".

  final mexico = WorldCountry.fromCode("MEX");
  print(; // Prints: "Mexico".

  final europeanCountries = WorldCountry.list.where(
    (country) => country.continent is Europe,
  print(europeanCountries); // Prints a list of European countries.

  for (final country in WorldCountry.list) {
    """${} translated to Slovak language: ${country.translation(const LangSlk()).name}""",

For more usage examples, please see the /example folder.


  • Sealed classes: This package provides data in the form of sealed classes, allowing you to create your own instances and work with them as with existing ones (for example this is not possible with enums or regular classes, you can also override existing data, etc.).
  • No 3rd-party dependencies: This package has no third-party dependencies, ensuring that you won't have any issues or conflicts with other dependencies (no even meta here, because of that).
  • Rich data: This package offers far more data than any other package + tons of translations.
  • Type-safe: The contracts and types in this package are very strong, ensuring that your code is strongly typed and well-defined.
  • High code coverage: The code in this package has a high level of coverage, providing confidence in its reliability and stability.
  • MIT License: This package and sources are released under the MIT license, which is a permissive license that allows users to use, modify, and distribute the code with minimal restrictions. The MIT license is considered better than most other open-source licenses because it provides flexibility and allows users to incorporate the code into their projects without worrying about legal implications.

Additional information #

If you like this package, please give it a star or like. For more information on using this package, check out the API documentation. PRs or ideas are always welcome. If you have any issues or suggestions for the package, please file them in the GitHub repository.

References, credits and sources #

pub points



Provides data for world countries in the form of sealed classes.

Repository (GitHub)
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#countries #country #land #iso-3166 #iso


API reference






Packages that depend on sealed_countries