rx_bloc 1.2.0 copy "rx_bloc: ^1.2.0" to clipboard
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A Flutter package that helps implementing the BLoC (Business Logic Component) Design Pattern using the power of reactive streams.

CI style license

What is rx_bloc #


Along with the rx_bloc the following set of packages will help you during the product development.

  1. flutter_rx_bloc that exposes your reactive BloCs to the UI Layer.
  2. rx_bloc_test that facilitates implementing the unit tests for your BloCs
  3. rx_bloc_generator that boosts development efficiency by making your BloCs zero-boilerplate.

Why rx_bloc ? #

If you are working on a complex project you might be challenged to build a highly interactive UI or a heavy business logic in a combination with the consumption of various data sources such as REST APIs, Web Socket, Secured Storage, Shared Preferences, etc. To achieve this, you might need a sophisticated architecture that facilitates your work during product development.

Usage #

By definition, the BloC layer should contain only the business logic of your app. This means that it should be fully decoupled from the UI layer and should be loosely coupled with the data layer through Dependency Injection. The UI layer can send events to the BloC layer and can listen for state changes.

Events #

As you can see below, all events are just pure methods declared in one abstract class (CounterBlocEvents).

/// A contract, containing all Counter BloC events
abstract class CounterBlocEvents {
  /// Increment the count
  void increment();

  /// Decrement the count
  void decrement();

This way, we can push events to the BloC by simply invoking those methods from the UI layer as follows:

    onPressed: () => bloc.events.increment(),

States #

The same way as with the events, now you can see that we have declarations for multiple states grouped in one abstract class (CounterBlocStates). Depending on your goals, you can either have just one stream with all needed data or you can split it into individual streams. In the latter case, you can apply the Single-responsibility principle or any performance optimizations.

/// A contract, containing all Counter BloC states
abstract class CounterBlocStates {
  /// The count of the Counter
  /// It can be controlled by executing
  /// [CounterBlocEvents.increment] and
  /// [CounterBlocEvents.decrement]
  Stream<int> get count;

  /// Loading state
  Stream<bool> get isLoading;

  /// User friendly error messages
  Stream<String> get errors;

Zero-boilerplate BloC #

Once we have defined the states and events contracts, it’s time to implement the actual Counter BloC. As mentioned previously, we are armed with rx_bloc_generator, which should be added to your pubspec.yaml file as follows:


Then we need to create an empty CounterBloc class in counter_bloc.dart (below the contracts) and just execute flutter packages pub run build_runner build from the root of your project.


class CounterBloc {}

After the generator completes the execution, make sure your IDE is in sync with the local files and you should see that a new file (counter_bloc.rxb.g.dart) has been created, which contains the parent class of our CounterBloc. In short, the rx_bloc_generator package makes your BloC zero-boilerplate, as the generator automatically writes all the boring boilerplate code so you can focus on your business logic instead.


/// A BloC responsible for count calculations
class CounterBloc extends $CounterBloc {
  /// The default constructor injecting a repository through DI
  /// The repository used for data source communication
  final CounterRepository _repository;

  /// Map increment and decrement events to the `count` state
  Stream<int> _mapToCountState() => Rx.merge<Result<int>>([
            // On increment
            _$incrementEvent.flatMap((_) =>
            // On decrement
            _$decrementEvent.flatMap((_) => 
        // This automatically handles the error and loading state.
        // Provide "success" response only.
        //emit 0 as an initial value
  Stream<String> _mapToErrorsState() =>
      errorState.map((Exception error) => error.toString());

  Stream<bool> _mapToIsLoadingState() => loadingState;

As you can see, by extending $CounterBloc, we must implement Stream<int> _mapToCountState() , which is the method responsible for the events-to-state business logic. Furthermore, we have _$incrementEvent and _$decrementEvent, which are the subjects where the events will flow when increment() and decrement() methods are invoked from the UI Layer. In the code above we declare that as soon as the user taps on the increment or decrement button, an API call will be executed. Since both _$incrementEvent and _$decrementEvent are grouped in one stream by the merge operator, the result of their API calls allows us to register our BloC as a state handler. For more information what is State Handler and how it works, look at this article. We then extract only the “success” result and finally put an initial value of 0.

Accessing the BloC from the widget treee #

RxBlocProvider is a Flutter widget that provides a BloC to its children via RxBlocProvider.of

    home: RxBlocProvider<CounterBlocType>(
        create: (context) => CounterBloc(CounterRepository()),
        child: const HomePage(),

RxBlocBuilder is a Flutter widget that requires a RxBloc, a builder, and a state function. RxBlocBuilder handles building the widget in response to new states. RxBlocBuilder is very similar to StreamBuilder but has a more simple API to reduce the amount of boilerplate code needed.

class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) =>
      RxBlocBuilder<CounterBlocType, int>(
        state: (bloc) => bloc.states.count,
        builder: (context, snapshot, bloc) => 
          snapshot.hasData ? 

Samples #

  • Favorites Advanced - an advanced favorites app that showcase multiple software development challenges.
  • Counter - an example of how to create a CounterBloc to implement an advanced Flutter Counter app.
  • Division - Division sample

Articles #

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A Flutter package that helps implementing the BLoC (Business Logic Component) Design Pattern using the power of reactive streams.

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