realm 0.2.1+alpha copy "realm: ^0.2.1+alpha" to clipboard
realm: ^0.2.1+alpha copied to clipboard


The official Realm SDK for Flutter. Realm is a mobile database - an alternative to SQLite and key-value stores.

0.2.1+alpha Release notes (2022-03-20) #

This project is in the Alpha stage. All API's might change without warning and no guarantees are given about stability. Do not use it in production.

Enhancements #

  • Support change notifications on query results. (#208)

    Every RealmResults<T> object now has a changes method returning a Stream<RealmResultsChanges<T>> which can be listened to.

    final subscription = realm.all<Dog>().changes.listen((changes) {
    changes.inserted // indexes of inserted ojbects
    changes.modified // indexes of modified objects
    changes.deleted  // indexes of deleted objects
    changes.newModified // indexes of modified objects after deletions and insertions are accounted for.
    changes.moved // indexes of moved objects
    subscription.cancel(); // cancel the subscription
  • Support change notifications on list collections. (#261)

    Every RealmList<T extends RealmObject> object now has a changes method returning a Stream<RealmListChanges<T>> which can be listened to.

    final team = Team('team', players: [Person("player")]);
    realm.write(() => realm.add(team));
    var firstCall = true;
    final subscription = team.players.changes.listen((changes) {
    changes.inserted // indexes of inserted ojbects
    changes.modified // indexes of modified objects
    changes.deleted  // indexes of deleted objects
    changes.newModified // indexes of modified objects after deletions and insertions are accounted for.
    changes.moved // indexes of moved objects
    subscription.cancel(); // cancel the subscription
  • Support change notifications on realm objects. (#262)

    Every managed RealmObject now has a changes method which allows to listen for object property changes.

    var dog = realm.all<Dog>().first;
    final subscription = dog.changes.listen((changes) {
    changes.isDeleted // if the object has been deleted
    changes.object // the RealmObject being listened to. // the changed properties
    subscription.cancel(); // cancel the subscription
  • Added support for checking if realm lists and realm objects are valid. (#183)

  • Support query on lists of realm objects. (#239)

    Every RealmList

    final team = Team('Dream Team', players: [Person("Michael Jordan")]);
    realm.write(() => realm.add(team)); // Object needs to be managed.
    final result = team.players.query(r'name BEGINSWITH $0', ['M']);
  • Added support for opening realm in read-only mode. (#260)

  • Added support for opening in-memory realms. (#280)

  • Primary key fields no longer required to be final in data model classes (#240)

    Previously primary key fields needed to be final.

    class _Car {
    late final String make; // previously

    Now primary key fields no longer need to be final

    class _Car {
    late String make; // now
  • List fields no longer required to be final in data model classes. (#253)

    Previously list fields needed to be final.

    class _Car {
    late final List<Person> owner; // previously

    Now list fields no longer need to be final

    class _Car {
    late List<Person> owner; // now
  • Support custom FIFO special files. (#284)

  • Support flutter for Linux desktop. (#279)

Fixed #

  • Snapshot the results collection when iterating collections of realm objects. (#258)
  • Bump Cmake requirement to 3.19. Fixes build failure on Flutter Windows when older version of CMake is used. (#266)

Compatibility #

  • Dart ^2.15 on Windows, MacOS and Linux
  • Flutter ^2.10 on Android, iOS, Linux, MacOS and Windows

0.2.0+alpha Release notes (2022-01-31) #

This project is in the Alpha stage. All API's might change without warning and no guarantees are given about stability. Do not use it in production.

Enhancements #

  • Completely rewritten from the ground up with sound null safety and using Dart FFI

Compatibility #

  • Flutter ^2.8
  • Flutter Mobile on Android and iOS
  • Flutter Desktop on Windows and MacOS

0.2.0-alpha.2 Release notes (2022-01-29) #

Notes: This release is a prerelease version. All API's might change without warning and no guarantees are given about stability.

Enhancements #

  • Completely rewritten from the ground up with sound null safety and using Dart FFI

Internal #

  • Fix running realm package commands on Flutter macOS.

Compatibility #

  • Flutter ^2.8
  • Flutter Mobile on Android and iOS
  • Flutter Desktop on Windows and MacOS

Internal #

  • Uses Realm Core v11.9.0

0.2.0-alpha.1 Release notes (2022-01-29) #

Notes: This release is a prerelease version. All API's might change without warning and no guarantees are given about stability.

Enhancements #

  • Completely rewritten from the ground up with sound null safety and using Dart FFI

Fixed #

  • Running realm generate command on Flutter.
  • Realm close stops internal scheduler.

Internal #

  • Fix linter issues
  • Fix running realm package commands on Flutter.
  • Update API doc config

Compatibility #

  • Flutter ^2.8
  • Flutter Mobile on Android and iOS
  • Flutter Desktop on Windows and MacOS

Internal #

  • Uses Realm Core v11.9.0

0.2.0-alpha Release notes (2022-01-27) #

Notes: This release is a prerelease version. All API's might change without warning and no guarantees are given about stability.

Enhancements #

  • Completely rewritten from the ground up with sound null safety and using Dart FFI

Compatibility #

  • Flutter ^2.8
  • Flutter Mobile on Android and iOS
  • Flutter Desktop on Windows and MacOS

Internal #

  • Uses Realm Core v11.9.0

0.1.0+preview Release notes (2021-04-01) #

Enhancements #

  • The initial preview version of the Realm SDK for Flutter.

Compatibility #

  • Flutter 2.0
  • Android Emulators and Android Devices
  • iOS simulator



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The official Realm SDK for Flutter. Realm is a mobile database - an alternative to SQLite and key-value stores.

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unknown (license)


args, build_cli_annotations, build_runner, crypto, ffi, flutter, json_annotation, logging, meta, package_config, path, pub_semver, pubspec_parse, realm_common, realm_generator, tar


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